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Release - April 2021

Resolved Issues



Release Note

BPF-44908Accounts PayableAPOHBTUB - The user is able to save Invoice Text without any error. 
BPF-43939Accounts PayableAPOHUTIN - Added an option to the job to process invalid full accounts from the input CSV file and block or warn based on user selection.
BPF-47496Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC - When AutoGenerateReceiptNo =Y, the Receipt number auto populates as expected.  
BPF-47134Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC - When the SetupPrintReceipts option is set to Y - Yes in the ARBTCRIC_Settings.xml file, the Print Receipt flag is now checked by default.
BPF-42983Administrative ConsoleAdmin Console - The user is able to open the tail sheet without any error in Job Manager. 
BPF-44291Applicant APIIntegration - User object is now being sent to the Talent applications when a new employee is hired to sync Employee Information across applications.  
BPF-45685PunchOutPunchOut - The BFP Url field is removed from the POXPGN screen to eliminate confusion. Punchout "@@" ledger vendors are appearing in the vendor list on POUPPP.
BPF-45208Web FormsWebforms - Vendor Request Webform - The PEUPPE status is now being populated with AC when the vendor is requested through a webform.  
BPF-46245BusinessPlus 7iJob Monitor - Switching back and forth from ALL Jobs to Your Jobs functioning as expected except where the mask for the jobs is coming as empty and invalid. This will be addressed in a separate ticket.

A loading icon is displayed while the user tries to refresh the Job Monitor component.
BPF-45664Click, Drag & DrillCDD - Select All, No Criteria is selected when no runtime criteria is set as the default.  
BPF-45299Click, Drag & DrillCDD - Resolved an issue where all pages of a CDD Report were not rendering when launched from the dashboard.  
BPF-44228Click, Drag & DrillCDD - The default selection criteria for CDD Reports is now showing as expected. 
BPF-43334Employee OnlineSingle Sign On - When SSO is enabled, a user can now successfully log in to the Employee Online application through Microsoft authentication.  
BPF-47022Human ResourcesHRUTZZ - Pay Assignments - When the data file column ov_dayhrs = Y, then hr_pcntble values are not transferred into the hr_emppay records.
BPF-46919Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01 - Pay Assignments - The Pay Begin date is considered when evaluating import data for duplication. Everything in a record could be different except the dates and the result will be separate records. 

The importing of multiple distributions for the same record results in the correct record type assignment.
BPF-46843Human ResourcesIntegration - The Phone Number format sent to Unified Talent has been updated to xxx-xxx-xxxx when syncing Location information.  
BPF-46839Human ResourcesHREMEN - ID Seeds are now working correctly when the seed is selected directly from ellipse lookup instead of using a default to auto-seed.  
BPF-46255Human ResourcesHRPYPA/HRPYQP - User is able to add/update/delete JL accounts to pay assignments and send them to payroll without any error.
BPF-45957Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01 - Pay Assignments - A sequence value of 00 is acceptable.
BPF-45791Human ResourcesRMSSCI - Added additional default options for Phone Code 1, Phone Code 2, and Pay Cycle. These defaults are populated on the RMUPHI screen.  
BPF-45681Human ResourcesHRPYPA - Changing the record type now updates the distribution record type correctly.  
BPF-45390Human ResourcesHREMES - Completed (hr_emptrain.comp_train) flag of N is displaying correctly in the non-grid mode.  
BPF-44840Human ResourcesHRCRCN - The SSN field is now searchable for Credential Holder records. 
BPF-43826Human ResourcesHRUTZZ - Pay Assignments - The process correctly validates a salary step against the salary definition table records even when there are multiple records with different date ranges. 
BPF-47020PayrollPYRERRWA01- The screen is modified and is split into two parts. The top part contains the employee master and the bottom part is the retirement assignment, which can be more than one as defined by the assignment begin and end dates. There is no way to scroll through the detail records.
BPF-46994PayrollPayroll - PYTCIFXLRG - PY970 has been reverted to 7.11 program version to address issues with the Rec-Type assignment on import.  
BPF-40257PayrollPayroll - Client Specific - Blue Valley Unified School District - Multiple EFT deductions are now displayed separately on the employee check stub.  
BPF-35954PayrollHRPYPA - HR Pay Assignment screen provides a "YesNo" prompt to delete PY Pay Assignments when the Pay Begin dates move back on a non-Contract Assignment. 

There is a new Common Code option for HRPY / SENDPAY available to force "Yes" response and bypass the prompt.

Associated Desc 2: DELETE PY ON CONTRACTID CHANGE - When set, the associated PY Pay Assignments are deleted when the Contract ID changes in the HR Pay Assignment screen. For example, when a change is made to an HR Pay Assignment, to change the Contract ID from 01/2020-21 to 02/2020-21, all of the 01/2020 PY Pay Assignments are deleted when the record with the new Contract ID is saved.

Without this setting, users are prompted on the screen on whether they want the deletes from PY to occur or not.

Associated Desc 3: DELETE PY ON PAY BEG CHANGE - When set, the associated PY Pay Assignments are deleted when the Pay Begin date is moved back on a non-contract in the HR Pay Assignment screen. For example, when a change is made to an HR Pay Assignment with no Contract ID, to change the Pay Begin form 7/9/2020 to 7/15/2020, the PY Pay Assignments with the same first character Record Type and 7/9/2020 Pay Begin date are deleted.

Without this setting, users are prompted on the screen on whether they want the deletes from PY to occur or not.
BPF-44931PurchasingPOUPPR - The PO free-form text with multiple/longer description lines for the product code is displayed as expected in the POUPPR screen and printing report (POPO).
BPF-47104SubTrackerSTUPAT - The Hours and Amount textbox entries will be visible up to 8 characters (including the decimal) without scrolling in the format of nn.nnnnn and nnnnn.nn respectively. The Pay allows up to 10 digits, including the decimal (nnn,nnn.nn).
BPF-41362NucleusNucleus - NUUTZZ now includes us_usno_mstr, association, and related data tables for file upload.  
BPF-45796SystemsFixed Assets - FAUTUI - Jobs Monitor no longer displays Invalid Date while jobs are pending workflow processing. The status now displays as Pending.  
BPF-46954WorkflowWorkflow - Indirect tasks in Your Group are fetching group approval tasks that are defined and no need to set additional security from the System Utility > System Utility Data menu.
BPF-46762WorkflowWorkflow - Improved handling for Tasklist "Link to Record" and email screen link functionality.  
BPF-45987WorkflowDocument Capture -  Modified logic to reduce data fetches, added additional logic to prevent crashes due to DynamicPDF license check, and fixed issue where system was not checking for null object. 
BPF-45884WorkflowJobs Monitor - The status of a scheduled job is now displayed as SD and gets updated to Completed when the job run is complete. 
BPF-45053WorkflowWorkflow - Workflow updated to check if the email exchange server connection is still open or not after a failed email.  
BPF-9551WorkflowWorkflow -  If any record is kept on hold from the screen side or WF tasklist, the user must receive an email notification. To receive an email notification, the user must click on Send email to Task Originator? when hold pop-up is displayed. 
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