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Release - December 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Notes
BPF-57919PayrollPYACP5 - The employee age gets updated during the PYACP5 process when the "Update with Latest Name and Address from Payroll?" checkbox is marked.

ACA - PTM Forms - Updated PYACP5 to look for the following common code setting to trigger the PTM formatting:

  • Common Code ACAR/1095CPRT
  • Medium Description: USE PTM
BPF-57910PayrollPYACREAL - Non-employees display blank in the Employee ID field.
BPF-57921PayrollPYACUTIP - The tail sheet is displaying the correct employee ID when a single record is processed. If there is global selection criteria, then it shows the criteria. 
BPF-57941PayrollPYW2PW - Contributions are once again displaying correctly on the W2 forms.
BPF-57937PayrollPYW2PW - An issue with SIT-TAXES being doubled when there were multiple states involved has been resolved.
BPF-57931PayrollPYW2PW - If an employee has MEDI wages, but not FICA wages and common code PYFG/PY601C  Associated Numeric Values #5 has a "1" in it, then during the W2 process, the record type on the "E" record sets to "R". Anything else sets the record type to "Q".
BPF-57929PayrollPYW2PW - Deductions with Misc Code 1 qualifiers no longer pull wages from Hour Codes that have the same qualifying data. Hour Codes now need to have MISC codes that start with HRS.
BPF-57927PayrollRegulatory - Client-Specific - Cincinnati - W2 Regional file changes have been made.  
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