Release - June 2021
Resolved Issues
Ticket | Components | Release Notes |
BPF-49382 | Accounts Payable | APOHININ/APOHBTUB - The warning pop up does not appear again after a click on the Yes button. |
BPF-48856 | Accounts Payable | Now, all error messages on extracting PO's are displayed on the PO Extract window. |
BPF-48391 | Accounts Payable | APOHBTUB - After extracting a PO, if the User Invoice Total does not match the System Total while navigating to the next invoice, a warning is displayed. |
BPF-47642 | Accounts Receivable | ARBTARUB line item text does not disappear when the common code SYNO/ARLINENO association code 1 is set to L 08. |
BPF-47798 | Click, Drag & Drill | Multi-Select lookup criteria is implemented for CDD Reports. |
BPF-47245 | Click, Drag & Drill | CDD reports with 64 characters report ID can be opened, saved and run. |
BPF-49434 | Employee Online | Washington Retirement - Updated the page to select the contribution rate from the retwart3 table when an employee is enrolled in plan 3 and the retwarat table for all other plans. Today's date must be between the Currbeg and Currend dates. |
BPF-48897 | Employee Online | Check Stub - The Wages section Total line appears regardless of whether there is a value in the Rate or Hours column. |
BPF-49420 | Human Resources | HREMEN, Employment, Primary tab - The Age field has been added to the screen and is located to the right of the Date of Birth field. The field is not accessible in any mode as it is a calculated field, not associated with any column in the database. The field is also available for display in the grid mode. |
BPF-49390 | Human Resources | HRUTZZ01 - The Pay Assignment conversion utility now accepts up to three decimal place precision in the data file. Any data with more than three decimal places results in an error in the tail sheet. |
BPF-48185 | Human Resources | HRPYQP - The PYHR / PCN_EDIT common code functions with the HRPYQP screen if the Associated Codes #4 contain PAYALT. |
BPF-48087 | Human Resources | HRPYPA - After changing the index key, the Actual period value is now updated immediately on Save. |
BPF-48086 | Human Resources | HRPYBE - The Plan name field changed to a combo box to allow users to search for plan names without specifying the full name. |
BPF-47239 | Human Resources | The user is able to disable the screen fields by SetControlProperties in the NUUPDF rule. |
BPF-46918 | Human Resources | HREMEN, Employment, Primary tab - Updated By and Updated fields have been added to the bottom of the screen, in the Status Information section.
Both fields are accessible in the browse/search mode but are not available in the update or insert mode. The Updated field contains date and time icons to use for searching purposes. Both fields are available for display in the grid. |
BPF-45533 | Human Resources | HREMPF, All three tabs - The order by command for Lookup functions for 3 properties is removed. The properties are Position field on the Evaluation tab, Supervisor field on the Grievance tab, and Reported By field on the Discipline tab. |
BPF-40961 | Human Resources | HRUTAU - Updated date logic and errors related to invalid column name. |
BPF-49078 | Nucleus | NUUPCA - Navigating through the detail records no longer displays the Save warning when no changes are made. |
BPF-48529 | Payroll | Client Specific - Bend La Pine - Modified checkwriter to hide YTD column in the Wage section and display YTD and NETYTD in the Wage Summary section. |
BPF-48427 | Payroll | PYPAFC - Leading spaces are now removed from the selection criteria before submitting a job. This change applies to all system jobs. |
BPF-47113 | Payroll | PYTCDTTM - Custom Payroll Timecard screen is now available in 20.11 as a standard screen. Customers use this screen to update cost-coding field (User 9), comments (Notes), and Alternate ID (validation to PYUPEM). The data is imported from the flat file and stored in the pytc_hrs_dtl table. The User 9 field can be used to track the locations at which employees work. |
BPF-49535 | Person/Entity | PEUPPE - The created date field Created is added to the screen. |
BPF-49355 | Person/Entity | PEUPPR - Text: Purchase Order description is updating correctly. |
BPF-48389 | Purchasing | POUTRO - The POA5 Re-open date question is made as a mandatory field. The POUTRO job must not submit the job if the POA5 question is blank. |
BPF-19334 | Purchasing | POUPRD, POUPRE - Screen links open with the desired PR filter instead of the search page. |
BPF-49416 | Systems | Threaded Notes - Threaded notes are now showing complete details. |
BPF-48889 | Workflow | Workflow - Task list toggle now resets after submit. |