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Release 7.11-2022APR - April 2022

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Notes
BPF-61296ApplicantRMUPHI: Fixes issues related to using the Create Employee button. Validated PCN warning messages, and retrieving and saving Education data properly. Users can create employees with existing PCN information without an error and can create employees with new PCN information with a PCN warning message.

POUPPP: The user is able to shop in POUPPR when the key/object is set to Require Association 'Y' with valid object types.

If the vendor checkout process doesn’t redirect to POUPPR and displays a blank white screen, add the URL to the Trusted Site list and retry the process.

BPF-49076Web FormsPTO Web Form: Recompiled code for PTO Web forms. It is now working as expected and no longer receiving an error and failing.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.