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Release - March 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentRelease Note
BPF-41204Accounts Payable

APOHININ - PO Extract correctly populates quantity received for PO with partial receiving.


Security - Rebuild security no longer causes database deadlocks due to Cognos views.

BPF-29538Employee Online

Checkwriter - Client-Specific - Lexington Co School District - Updated pay stub to display YTD amounts.

BPF-43014General LedgerGLUTSUMO - Duplicate menu options from the GL5P question have been removed.  
BPF-43499Human ResourcesHRPYBE - Resolved an issue where an error displayed when searching multiple benefit codes.
BPF-43369Human ResourcesHRPYPA - Additional Spec Cds have been added to the Misc tab. 
BPF-40403Human ResourcesHRPYPA/HRPYQP - Copy/Paste no longer displays an error on save.  
BPF-43499Human Resources

HRPYBE - Resolved an issue where an error displayed when searching multiple benefit codes.

BPF-43361Human Resources

HRPYPR - Field labels have been corrected for other taxes and date fields.  

BPF-43219Human Resources

HRUTZZ01 - The program has been rewritten from COBOL into .NET code. The tail sheets have more meaningful messages, everything that can be validated is now validated.

The menu prompts have changed:

  • Name of the Flat File

  • Trial Mode? (Y/N)

  • Which Functional Area would you like to update? - A drop-down

  • Table Name - A drop-down with the contents dependent upon the above question.

BPF-42809Human Resources

HRUTZZ01 - Fixed the issue of having to toggle to get the dynamic question of Table to populate.

BPF-9432Human Resources

HRPYPA/QP - Distribution controller now recognizes common code HRPY/MISCDIST.

BPF-43561PayrollPYTCDTCI - The IFPY Timecard Clean Up process now deletes records from both the ifpy_tc_imp and ifpy_wf_mstr tables.

PYUPCA - Calendar search is now working correctly when calendars include underscore values.  


PYTCDTCI - The IFPY Timecard Clean Up process now deletes records from both the ifpy_tc_imp and ifpy_wf_mstr tables.


PYACP5 - The employee age updates during the PYACP5 process when the “Update with Lastest Name and Address from Payroll?” check box is marked.


ACA - PTM Forms - Updated PYACP5 to look for the following common code setting to trigger the PTM formatting:

  • Common Code ACAR/1095CPRT

  • Medium Description: USE PTM


PYTCIFPT - The process now generates Timecard Interface Report. 

BPF-43375Person/EntityPEUTCIJB - Obsolete screen has been removed from the menu.
BPF-42946Position BudgetingPBUPEM - Employee name is now available in Search mode.  

POUPPR - The “Requested By” field now displays punch-out requisitions.

BPF-43274SystemsNUUPAUSY - Organization Name and System fields are now available on the NUUPAUSY screen. 

NUUPAUSY - The screen now loads without an error. Medium description re-added to the screen to allow environment name updates. Removed obsolete Crash Results tab.  

BPF-43212SystemsBPSYS - Dashboard - URL links no longer convert to lowercase to allow for mixed case links. 
BPF-42048SystemsWA S275 - TDST masks are now accessible in the system menus.  
BPF-36469Timecard OnlineBPTO - Large blue lines no longer appear across the screen.

WF - Users can now view and approve group tasks in the Tasklist. 

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