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Release - February 2022

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentRelease Note
BPF-58317Accounts PayableAPOHININ - Invoice totals are matching when multiple details records are added with decimal places.
BPF-51847Accounts PayableAPOHUTCB.- Updated system rounding to resolve the issue when OH distributed amount was not rounding to the nearest penny.
BPF-46807Accounts PayableAPOHUTIN - Improved error message when OH/HW Set already exists.
BPF-59022Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC Direct Cash - The Unit Price and Extended Amount are populated when the Product ID is entered. 
BPF-51623Administrative ConsoleResolved the issue that was occurring when rebuilding a COGNOS user that resulted in an Admin Console crash.  
BPF-58756Click, Drag & DrillWhen the CDD report is generated and the report is resized, the horizontal and vertical scroll bars will be available to view the reports.
BPF-57351Employee Online

Employee Attachments Enhancement - The available attachment definitions have been expanded as follows:

Menu, EO Administration, Settings, Form Upload, Employee Documents:

  • All attachment definitions attached to the Employee Master (HREMEN) are now available from the Document Type drop-down list. Each Document Type equates to a separate card on the employee attachments page.
  • The Description field allows entry/modification. The description displays as the card title on the employee attachments page.
  • New flags Allow Upload and Allow Delete have been added. The options available on the employee Attachments page will be controlled by these settings.

Menu, Personal Information, Attachments:

  • Each attachment definition document type displays as a separate card.
  • File upload and/or delete options, per card, are based on the settings/attachment definition flags.
  • File Name and Date Uploaded columns display within each card.
BPF-58355General LedgerThe ledger is showing on batch proof/posting reports for a Multi-ledger batch that is created manually by using GLJEUB.
BPF-58320General LedgerThe GLRESR08, GLRESR19, and GLRESR15 reports recognize the job ledger as expected. 
BPF-56921General LedgerThe GLJEUB screen is editable in grid view.
BPF-59640Human Resources

HRUTSU - The Custom SQL field accepts various forms of SQL statements. For Example: 

BPF-59594Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01, Pay Assignments - CALC_BEG and CALC_END are not required for the update process.
BPF-57163Human Resources

HRUTZZ01, Education table - A couple of changes and corrections have been made.

  • The INSTITUTE column is not required in the input file.
  • MAJOR_CD - If a value is provided, the MAJOR_CD will be included in the primary key, otherwise ENTITY_ID (defaults to ROOT), ID, DEGREE, and DATEAWARD will be the primary key.
BPF-58360PayrollPYUPEM - All eight Date types (DT, DU, DW, DV, DX, DY, D8, D6) available for assignment by using the common code PYFG / MSCNUM01 - MSCNUM03 are supported.  
BPF-58125PayrollPYTCIFXLRG - Resolved the issue where the full rate was not displayed on the Interface Report when the rate for the CDH was above1000.00. The rate is now displayed correctly in the Interface Report. 
BPF-57228PayrollPYUPHT / PYPACM - The History Transfer to Distribute Check Maintenance process correctly updates the "pyt_hrs_dtl . pyt_status" column to match the "pyh_hst_dtl . pyh_ck_note" column.
BPF-50643PayrollPYRESPH2 - Multi-Period Leave Balance Report has been updated to resolve an issue where only a few lines were printed on each page resulting in a longer report. 
BPF-58964Position BudgetingPBUPCE - Modified how the SQL statement is generated when Model_Id = ? to prevent the job from failing.  
BPF-58657PunchOutUpdated the cXML activity processing to improve data communication with the vendor through WF Model to address intermittent failed requests.
BPF-58656PunchOutCommon Code POXP/OPTIONS - Set the Associated Description 4 to CLEARTM to remove the unprintable characters from product descriptions when creating a PR from PunchOut. This functionality was not working correctly resulting in issues when purchasing items from Amazon.  
BPF-58215PurchasingPO Extract - PO split accounts are extracted to invoice when the APOHUPGN PO Extract method is set to S.  
BPF-59756SubTrackerSTUTCT - Report header updated to "PowerSchool Software Time Card Report".  
BPF-59562WorkflowAfter a user saves changes to a WF model, the user need not restart the WF service as the changes are automatically considered after 15 minutes.
BPF-59150WorkflowWorkflow Tasklist PR Notes have been updated to correct word wrapping.  
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