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Release 7.11-2021OCT - November 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Note
BPF-55563Accounts PayableAPOHPPPA-Fixed the issue of the Batch trailer service class code is not in sync with the Batch header service class code when OHEF/CONTXX common code does not have "DEBIT" in any of the associated codes.
BPF-51671Accounts PayableAPOHUTCB - Fixed the issue of Invoice detail lines not getting created when Vendor Name has an apostrophe.
BPF-53722Click, Drag, & DrillClick, Drag, and Drill - Resolved issue on drill-down that resulted in SQL Error "Connection is busy with results for another command".  
BPF-56473Employee OnlineEO Check Stub - If there are no items to show for the Rate, Hours, and/or YTD Amount in the Wages section, that column and heading will not display.  If even one item exists in the hr_eostub table, then the column will display.
BPF-56161Employee OnlineEO Check Stub - The check stub loader has been fixed and the GetCheckStubList API optimized for the Check stub list page.
BPF-55561Employee OnlineEO, Personal Information, Job Information  - Applied distinct criteria when fetching list of jobs as duplicate job records were displaying if the hr_rangtble contained duplicate entries.
BPF-55346Employee OnlineEO Check Stub - Fixed issue of Leave Balance columns.
BPF-55343Employee OnlineEO Check Stub - The Wages section Total line appears regardless of whether there is a value in the Rate or Hours column. 
BPF-55325Employee OnlineEO, Benefits Enrollment - When a Primary Plan is deselected, any associated Secondary Plan is automatically removed without having to manually deselect through the wizard.
BPF-55323Employee OnlineEO Benefit Summary - Dependents and Premiums are correctly displaying between the Current and Future Enrollment sections and between approval settings.
BPF-51954Employee OnlineEO - Client Specific - Corpus Christi - EO modifications.
BPF-51634Employee OnlineEO Benefits - Dependent Listing - Dependent rules for display in the enrollment wizard:
  • Dependents (hr_family table) with EOC Action code do not show.
  • Re-Enroll scenario - Dependents with a current Type and Benefit Code record will show already check marked.
  • Dependents otherwise available for selection will appear but will be unchecked.
BPF-49615Employee OnlineEO, Benefit Enrollment - When the Re-Enroll button is clicked any already enrolled dependents will appear with the check box marked.  They do not need to be re-selected.
BPF-56905Fund AccountingFAUPAS - Fixed issue for Fixed Assets where the disposal details didn't update.
BPF-55806Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01, County Credential option - To have CRED_BEG and CRED_END dates considered with regard to determining unique hr_cntycred_mstr records, add the following to the HRRL / ROLLOVER Common Code:

Associated Codes #5 = CRED DATES   (required)
Associated Desc #5 = USE CRED DATES IF PROVIDED    (recommended as a description of the setting)

Without the common code settings the columns SSN, CRED_TERM, CRED_TYPE, and DOCUMENT are used to create a unique key.  Add the new setting if the desire is to have multiple records with the same column data but different dates inserted into hr_cntycred_mstr.
BPF-55594PayrollPYACREAL - Non-employees display blank in the Employee ID field.
BPF-55591PayrollPYRERRCANT - Fix the issue of where the totals in the XML file that was submitted to Calpers, that was correct, did not match the totals in the PDF report.
BPF-52031PayrollPY - Client Specific - Toledo School District - custom check writer (py660tdo.cbl), corrected issue where one ID would not allow the payroll to post.
BPF-55547PunchOutPunchOut - Correct issue where PunchOut did not return to POUPPR or create a PR when checking out of Vendor Nasco.
BPF-55554WorkflowWorkflow - Client Specific - Cincinnati - Improved handling for webform related logic.  
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