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Release - February 2022

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentRelease Note
BPF-55949Accounts PayableAPOHBTUB - The Select All checkbox functions as expected in the PO Extract window for the received and not received PO items.
BPF-53587Accounts PayableAPOHPPPA - When EFT/ACH vendor invoices are marked as NE, the payment will be processed as paper checks only irrespective of the the payment option (AL, CK, EF, EP) selected by the user. 
BPF-58581Click, Drag & DrillCDD - Fixed report issues related to drill downs pertaining to the date controller.
BPF-58225General LedgerGLJEUN/GLJEUI - The screen links for proof and distribution are added and the links redirect as expected. 
BPF-39614General LedgerGLJEUB - The records will be sorted by default based on a combination of Sort: By GL Account, Debit, Credit as the primary key. Sort: By Record Number is not recommended as the COPY JE Set will experience sort issues.  
BPF-58923Human Resources

HRUTZZ01 - A template job option has been added to the HRUTZZ01 screen that provides an additional file for download from the Job Monitor. The doc will show as table_template in the Job Monitor. The additional file contains:

  • All available columns
  • Primary Key columns that determine insert and update
  • Additional required columns
  • Default values if column is blank or missing
  • Fields by data type

When the template job option is selected, the import file will not be processed in the trial or live mode. The file can be opened in multiple ways but if you want to open and have it in a columnar format, then perform the following steps: 

  1. Open the Doc Type file from Job Monitor.
  2. Go to File Explorer and locate the file that will most likely be available in the Downloads folder.
  3. Change the extension of the file to .TXT.
  4. From Microsoft Excel, select and open the file.
  5. Select the desired Delimiter from the Text Wizard that appears as a popup.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Finish.
BPF-56669Human ResourcesHRPYPA / HRPYQP - The default account mapping setup on GLUPDF works with the account distributions of both HRPYPA and HRPYQP screens.
BPF-56404Human ResourcesWhen moving from one page to another page, the master/child records now fetch the latest data response. In the edit mode, updating every 20th record(s) and moving to the next record, displays the "Reloaded latest records" info message and the latest data is fetched based on the updated filters.

If each updated record is based on search filters, clicking the reload record/first/last pagination icons (in grid view) or the grid icon (in edit view), navigates you to the search mode by displaying the "No record found" info message. 
BPF-59223PayrollPYACUTIP - The process imports individual and full names that are greater than 30 characters in length.
BPF-59110PayrollPYUPHT - Users can now update the record type field when performing a pay history transfer. 
BPF-58819PayrollPYUPDD/HH/CC labels have been updated for consistency. 
BPF-51089Position BudgetingPBUPEM - Employee Name field is editable. 
BPF-57981PunchOutPOUPPP - PunchOut orders are applying tax rates based on the common code SYTX for @@ ledgers. 
BPF-58658PurchasingPOUPPR - If the user modifies the product code, the Item description will not be overwritten.
BPF-58034PurchasingUser is now able to reduce a line item to zero by using the quantity or unit price field.
BPF-57455PurchasingPOUPPR - If the user modifies the Product code, Quantity value will not be overwritten.
BPF-57311Stores InventorySIOEUB - While creating an order, if the entered Quantity is less than or equal to Quantity Available, then the user can save the record without a warning. If the entered Quantity exceeds Quantity Available, a warning message is displayed "You have entered a Quantity that exceeds the Quantity Available" as expected.
BPF-58455SystemBDGLCB - Mask has been included in the installer for future installations. As a result, customers will be able to submit and process a job without any errors.
BPF-58236SystemUser can view only their jobs in the jobs archive when security is implemented.
BPF-57314Web FormsDMPS - Client Specific - Fixed activity webform and workflow where the CDH hour code and pay period were missing on the PY files being created.
BPF-58911WorkflowUpdated WF designer to add a checkbox for WebForm based models to create the instance VAR records from the web form field names.
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