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Release - December 2022

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentRelease Note
BPF-66128Accounts PayableAPOHCSRCRC - Fixed random 'Invoice is required' error, caused when manually entering Invoice number that is usually auto-populated. Invoice number is now auto saved when manually entered by the user.
BPF-68260Accounts PayableAPOHININ, APOHBTUB, APIPBTUB, APTRBTUB: The Security Code field is display-only in find mode.
BPF-68543Accounts PayableAPOHININ, APOHBTUB, APIPBTUB, APTRBTUB: No search filter appears for the Security Code field because the field is display-only in find mode.
BPF-68331Accounts ReceivableARBTARUB: Export to Excel works as expected.
BPF-67745Administrative ConsoleAdmin Console: If a user has access to the us_usno_mstr table in Admin Console, the user can update the password.
BPF-50031BusinessPlus 7iSCREENS: Child records are refreshed as expected when users navigate to parent records on the edit to grid view.
BPF-66318ELFClient-specific for Wicomico PY: PY checks include all 9 chars of job number and do not print the number of hours or hourly rate for salaried employees.
BPF-67114ELFClient-specific for Grand Rapids ELF: Updated the name on AP check and PY check ELFs.
BPF-67116ELFClient specific for Oakland Schools MI (Rochester) AP, PY: Updated address and made formatting changes on AP check and PY check ELFs.
BPF-67306ELFClient-specific for Lancaster Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 PY: Created new AP ELF for Learning Opportunities Group.
BPF-67850ELFClient-specific for Oakland Schools (Ferndale) ELF: Updated signatures and titles on AP check and PY check ELFs.
BPF-68093ELFClient specific for St. Clair County (Capac) AP: Removed fiscal year 2017 from ELF.
BPF-68193ELFClient-specific for Oakland Schools (Lamphere) ELF: Updated the signatures and title on AP check and PY check ELFs.
BPF-68195ELFClient-specific for Pattonville School District R3 ELF: Updated Treasurer signature on AP check and PY check ELFs.
BPF-68714ELFClient-specific for Oakland Schools MI PY: Updated address, logo, bank information on PY EFT ELF.
BPF-68715ELFClient-specific for Alief SD ELF: Updated signatures on AP Check and PY Check ELFs.
BPF-68720ELFClient-specific for West Des Moines ELF: Updated signature on AP and PY Check ELFs.
BPF-68721ELFClient-specific for Medford School District ELF: Updated address on AP and PY ELFs.
BPF-68948ELFClient-specific for Oakland (Huron Valley) ELF: Updated signatures on AP check and PY check ELFs.
BPF-69027ELFClient-specific for Brownsville ELF: Updated signatures on AP check and PY check ELFs.
BPF-60493Employee OnlineEmployee Online: The Race code in the Ethnicity and Race card was being deleted when a user pressed the Enter key while the cursor was in any field. This has been fixed and the Race data is not deleted.
BPF-64703Employee OnlineEmployee Online and Timecard Online: An error appeared when a user selected a Dashboard link to Employee Online or Timecard Online due to an application timeout setting. This has been resolved so that if the Dashboard is active, the links will work as expected.
BPF-62035General LedgerGLBUFTUB: Export to Excel pulls the records correctly.
BPF-68426General LedgerENUTAC, GLUTAC: Export to Excel functions correctly when default and extended search criteria are used.
BPF-65213Human ResourcesHRPYPA: Repeat Last Changes tool works as expected when an update is made to a Department value in a record and the changes are applied to the other records that are selected using a filter.
BPF-66654Human Resources

HREMEN: Export to Excel: Exported data is displayed as expected,

  • When parent data source elements are selected where the user filters search with the parent field only.

  • When child data source elements are selected where the user filters the search with either parent & child OR only child.

Exported excel data is displayed based on child records when parent data source elements are selected where the user filters search with either parent & child OR only child.
BPF-67784Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01: The process will use date range logic to determine which hr_benetble record to use when multiple records exist for the same benefit plan.
BPF-68424Human Resources

HRPYPA/HRPYQP: Changes have been made to the Export to Excel feature:

  • Export to Excel pulls parent records when parent data source elements are selected.

  • Export to Excel pulls records correctly when there is no child data.

  • Export to Excel columns are not getting cut off in the window.

BPF-63846NucleusNUUPCO: Namespace, Cognos User, Cognos Connection and Datasource are hard-coded and have been removed from the UI.
BPF-63007PayrollEO Check Stub: The check stub displays greater than 25 lines in the Wages section and the data in Current Earnings matches the PYREEL Employee Prelist report.
BPF-63112PayrollPY: Multiple CDHs adding to the same upper pay base functions correctly.
BPF-66953PayrollPYUTARAR: The process is working properly when there is a large number of records.
BPF-68647PayrollClient-specific for Puyallup PY: In PY Check stub, fixed issue where hours and rates overlapped.
BPF-68730PayrollPYUPPH: Users can add data with or without decimal point precision. Data saves without producing an error.
BPF-67032Payroll TimecardsPYTCDTPT: Restored the Selection Criteria: 06 Daily Timecard Information on Patch by job pages such as PYTCDTPT, PYUTRTRP. This was removed in release 22.4.3 on ticket BPF - 63145.
BPF-67481PCardAPPCRC: When PR# and PR item value are entered on APPCRC mask, the values flow to the PR# and PR item# fields in the APOHBTUB batch.
BPF-67501PCardThe Purchase Order (PO) Extract tool appears on the Transaction tab in APPCRC mask.

The PO drop-down list displays the open POs for the selected vendor, A user can select line items, then click the extract button in the PO Extract tool.

When a user clicks the extract button, the line items selected in the PO Extract tool will be extracted to the Accounts tab.
BPF-67530PCardAPPCUTMP: Mask is accessible from complete menu and type ahead search.
BPF-67663PCardAPPCUTSI: Utility is now importing the data correctly. If the data is incomplete, the file is rejected and moved into the Rejected Data Report CSV file. If the records are already committed in the table, a duplicate transaction message appears on the tailsheet when a user re-imports the same data file.
BPF-67750PCardPCard: Updated PCARD_APPRG.wdl and PCARD_APPRT.wdl Workflow models and stylesheet to trigger in VA status.

APPCTR: Account tab includes the fields:

  • Description

  • Exception Code

  • AP Invoice

  • Fixed Assets

BPF-68379PCardWhen a PCard transaction with an exception code PCEX/XXXX has Associate Code #1 set to value NOPO, the PO#, PR#, and PR Item # are not sent to AP and blanks appear in AP Invoice details. If the Associate Code #1 is not set to value NOPO, all details including the PO#, PR#, and PR Item # are sent from PCard to AP.
BPF-68418PCardAPPCRC: When a user selects a Sales Tax Code, the value flows into the Tax Code field in AP Batch.
BPF-68646PCardAPPCIM: Updated APPCIM so prompt questions appear in a drop-down list instead of using a checkbox.

APPCUTSI: Supports various date formats by selecting one of the Date Format options on the PCardFormatInfo.aspx webform page.

Default Option: mm/dd/yyyy

  • mm/dd/yyyy

  • mm-dd-yyyy

  • mmddyyyy

  • mmddyy

Option 2: dd/mm/yyyy

  • dd/mm/yyyy

  • dd-mm-yyyy

  • ddmmyyyy

  • ddmmyy

BPF-68815PCardJob Archive: A user can download a CSV file format.
BPF-68922PCardIf a user manually enters data in the AP Invoice field on the reconciliation pages APPCTR/APPCEZ/APPCTR, the data is entered in the Batch (OH/TR) entry page in the Primary ref field when PCard sends to AP.

If a user leaves the AP Invoice field blank on the reconciliation pages, the Primary ref field is auto-generated in the Batch (OH/TR) entry page when PCard sends to AP.

The Sec ref field in the Batch (OH/TR) entry page is always blank when PCard sends it to AP.
BPF-67475PEIMSPIUTID and PIUTIN point to the correct program in their respective JCL.
BPF-68160PEIMSPIUPFB: A user can create, update, or delete a record without the error message appearing: Invalid PEIMS Code: Organization.
BPF-62303Position BudgetingPBSTIS and PBTBVC: Copy tool on PBSTIS contains all Model list values as per Model definition (PBSTRQ).
BPF-58449PurchasingPOPO: The PR number and PO number fields have been modified to upshift the data entered so it is saved in all caps. This fixes an issue with searching and processing caused by fields with lower case entries.
BPF-65354PurchasingPOUPPR: The PedbCode filter P was applied incorrectly when searching a record by Vendor ID lookup. This has been fixed.
BPF-68522PurchasingPOUPPR, SIOEUB, CMUPCM: A user cannot save a line account with a zero percentage or amount. An error appears: Account line item should not have 0 percentage or amount
BPF-68736PurchasingWorkflow: Users can send and receive mail when OAuth is configured.
BPF-68370ScreensExport to Excel: The comma-separated values (CSV) option in the search criteria exports the records correctly.
BPF-67618SecuritySecurity: Role-based security has been added to the Threaded notes.
BPF-60592StateClient-specific for Cincinnati Public Schools W2: Update made to Regional Income Tax Agency file for W record calculation.

PYRERRCANU: These fields should validate to a specific set of criteria on the page:

  • PERS Status

  • Test

  • Program Type

  • Record Type

  • Rate Type

  • Report Type

  • Trans Type

BPF-63137StateIdaho State-specific FTDC: Adjusted FTDC Extract SQL and added additional debugging outputs. Removed common code from rootrool to prevent overwrite of client configuration.
BPF-68716StateWashington State-specific: Fixed an issue in DRS for employees with no Plan 3 rate option, which was causing a software failure. The software provides a warning on the tailsheet.
BPF-67120Stores InventoryClient-specific for Alief Stores Inventory: SICSALINCTIN allows more than 80 characters in the Product ID field.
BPF-68169Stores InventoryClient-specific for Corpus Christi Stores Inventory: Updated SICSFT and SICSCC pages to include missing files that were preventing encumbrances from occurring.
BPF-66615WebformsClient-specific for Eau Claire Webform: Updated some of Eau Claire's webforms to fix general issues found around FQA.
BPF-65340Year EndYear-End: Made a change to escape sequence file LETT1095 for printing 1095-C letter-size. The file is located in app/perm.
BPF-68151Year EndUpdated Tax Year 2022 W2 form definition files: W22X222, W2X2P22, and W21X4P22.
BPF-68724Year EndYear-End: Updated W2 definition file for the 1X4 form, moved the Pension Flag for printing alignment. Definition file: W21X4P22.

If you are using the 1X4 form you will need to review your definition file. On our default file we moved the Pension Flag field over 2 characters (4 locations).
BPF-68839Year EndYear-End: Created a new escape sequence file, FORM1095, to use New Forms to print 1095-C letter-size to PDF. The form is located in app/perm.
BPF-69049Year EndYear-End: Changed ac601.cbl to insert form feeds when selecting escape sequence from common code ACAR/1095CPRT.
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