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Release 7.11-2021Aug - August 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Notes
BPF-50752Accounts PayableCorrected the issue of being able to print a range of POs, such as P75R3015:P75R3061.
BPF-50772Applicant APIFrontline API - Resolved the issue with Position Type. 
BPF-51273Employee Online

New Optional Deductions page is available to be added to the Payroll Information menu. It allows a district to select the Deduction codes to be shown to employees.

  • Clients need to add the menu item themselves. Recommendation is to add it to Settings, Menu Setup, Payroll Information. Under the Group Label of Payroll, add a row with a label Optional Deductions with the link of: ./OptionalDeductions.
  • EO Settings, Payroll, Optional Deductions card -  PYUPDD records with MISC in Relate To Code #8 will display in the CDH Code grid along with a checkbox next to the code. Selecting the checkbox indicates that the item can be shown to the employee.
  • EO Settings, Payroll, Optional Deductions card - The bottom section provides a checkbox to hide or rename the card header.
  • EO Custom Messages, Payroll, Optional Deductions card included.
  • Payroll Information, Optional Deductions - Records that will be displayed must have a current date range (begin and end around today's date) and Status = A. The card includes the following fields:
    • Deduction Description (card header title)
    • Deduction Begin Date
    • Deduction End Date
    • Amount
  • This Optional Deductions page will be read only. No updates will be available for the employee.
BPF-51345Employee OnlineCourse units that have non-empty values in 4/Pend in HREMES are displayed as the pending course units in the course card. This is based on EO Settings. Units that are pending, display (Pending) next to the Unit amount. If Exclude Pending Units is selected, the pending units are not included in the total course units. Districts can update Exclude Pending Units option in Courses EO Settings to include or exclude pending units. Courses are stored in the descending order of the fiscal year.
BPF-51275Employee Online

The following high-level information is provided to employees:

  • New Credential card added to the Education and Skills page in Employee Online.
  • Data will be read from the credential module, hr_cntycred_mstr (HRCRCN).
  • Joins to the hr_empmstr (HREMEN) employee profile are done on SSN for the credential tables and not ID as was done previously.
  • Card will display the following information:
    • Credential Type Description (Heading) - hr_cntycred_mstr.cred_type (HRCRCN) holds the code, description is pulled from hr_cdtptble.long_desc (HRTBCRTC) where hr_cntycred_mstr.cred_type (HRCRCN) = hr_cdtptble.cred_type (HRTBCRTC).
    • Certificate Number - hr_cntycred_mstr.document (HRCRCN)
    • Effective Begin Date - hr_cntycred_mstr.cred_beg (HRCRCN)
    • Effective End Date - hr_cntycred_mstr.cred_end (HRCRCN)
    • Endorsements - Sub-Header
    • Endorsement Description(s) displayed as a list - hr_cntycred.ma_mi_code HRCRCN) holds the code, description will be pulled from hr_credtble.long_desc (HRTBCRMA) where hr_cntycred.ma_mi_code (HRCRCN) = hr_credtble.cred_code (HRTBCRMA) AND hr_cntycred.table_tp (HRCRCN) = hr_credtble.table_tp (HRTBCRMA) AND hr_cntycred.cred_type (HRCRCN) = hr_credtble.cred_type (HRTBCRMA)
  • District can hide the Credentials card
  • District can rename the Credentials card
  • District can add custom messages to the Credentials card
BPF-51271Employee Online

Supplemental tracking has been added to the Employee Portal. Districts may select tracking records to be shown to the employee.

The following HR screens are involved:

  1. HRTBCE, Entity Specific Codes tab = hr_hrencode table where codeid = "TRACKING CODE"
  2. HREMET, Supplemental Tracking tab = hr_emptrac table

All tracking items, current and expired, are displayed to the employee. A future enhancement will provide a setting for clients to indicate if they want to exclude expired items.

  • Tracking card can be added to the Educational and Skills page through the Menu Setup page to ensure it appears under the Education and Skills section. URL: ./EducationSkills?Focus=TrackingInfo
  • Tracking card includes the following information:
    • Tracking Code and Description (Header) - description from HRTBCE, Entity Specific Codes where Code ID = TRACKING_CODE
    • Recorded Date = HREMET, Supplemental Tracking, Track Date
    • Expiration Date = HREMET, Supplemental Tracking, Expiration Date
  • New Setting card for Tracking:
    • Loads Tracking Codes from HRTBCE, Entity Specific Codes where Code ID = TRACKING_CODE
    • Displays a checkbox for each code.
    • If the checkbox is selected, the code is included in the employee tracking card.
  • The Tracking card can be renamed or hidden by using the fields in the Settings, Employee, Personal Information card.
  • A custom message can be added to the Tracking card by using the Settings, Custom Messages, Education and Skills, Tracking card
BPF-51256Employee OnlineCheck Stub, Check Message - Updated EO to recognize category CMNT with name = DESC.
BPF-51254Employee OnlineClient Specific - Wicomico County School District - The Pay 24 Balance displays correctly.
BPF-51253Employee OnlineCheck Stub - The EO Stubs display Rate values, YTD totals, and Leave Balance data.
BPF-51251Employee OnlineEO Settings, Payroll, Check Stub - A Header Message field is added which is an unlimited-character text box. Data entered appears in the header section of each check stub and is not pay-period or employee-specific. It also works in conjunction with the Show Check Message in Header checkbox such that multiple messages can appear together.
BPF-51078Employee OnlineOption added to hide Federal Withholding exemptions on the employee check stub. When this option is selected, the exemptions are hidden from the check stub. Else, the exemptions are displayed on the check stub.
BPF-51548Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01, Salary Table Records - The following issues have been resolved:
  • In Trial Mode, no records are inserted into the hr_slrytble_mstr table.
  • In Live Mode, if a detail record fails, the system does not insert a master record even if the master record is good.
  • A leading zero is only added to numeric steps 0-9 including fraction values. For instance, "0" = "00" and "2.3" = "02.3". A step with a character in it or a value of 10 or more is not modified.
  • The system generates a salary index value and compares that value to the value in the data file. If there is a mismatch, an error is displayed and the record fails.
BPF-51077Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01 - Salary Definitions - The process identifies the Index Code based on a match between the SCHEDULE in the data input file and the HRTBSC Schedule. Using the data in the data input file, an Index Key is created and then compared to the INDX_KEY in the data file. The two are compared and if they match, the data input record is valid. If there is a mismatch, the record fails and an error appears in the tail sheet.
BPF-51075Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01 - Benefit Definition - Additional fields have been added that are required to insert and update records.
BPF-51073Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01 - The following two changes are made:
  1. The code for hr_emppay table now rounds the pcn_effort value to prevent calculation errors.
  2. If a numeric column of type smallint, int, or integer is blank in the insert or update mode, it will be skipped. Other numeric columns that are blank in the data file will result in a zero in the HR record.
BPF-50712PunchOutThe cXML file will not set Bill Id to Ship Id if the Bill Id is not set in POUPPR.
BPF-50947PurchasingPOUPPR timeout issue fixed. The Qty Invoiced, Qty Received, and Qty Paid echo fields are moved under Tools - Invoiced, Received, and Paid Quantity. 
BPF-51277Timecard OnlineClient Specific - Grand Rapids Public School District - Code related to security has been changed.
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