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Release - April 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Note
BPF-44589Accounts PayablePO Extract - The Unit Price textbox displays up to 11 characters including decimal without scrolling the box to the horizontal side. 
BPF-44129ApplicantRMUPHI - Fixes issues related to using the Create Employee button. Validated PCN warning messages, and retrieving and saving Education data properly. Users can create employees with existing PCN information without an error and can create employees with new PCN information with a PCN warning message.
BPF-44188Bank ReconciliationBKUTZZ01 - The total amount in the BKUPCD master record is now the same as the amount on the detail record and the amount on the upload file.
BPF-44285Click, Drag & DrillCDD - The District logo font now displays correctly in CDD Reports. 
BPF-43958Documents OnlineDO - Fixed the issue of the PNG format image scanned by Document Capture displaying as stretched in Tasklist and on screen attachment. Please note you may need to clear your cache after applying the fix. This fix applies to PDF, PNG, BMP, JPEG formats.
BPF-44990Employee OnlineEO - Client-Specific - Spokane - Code changes have been made to Spokane's new version as well as missing files.
BPF-44956Employee OnlineEO - ALIEF - Enabled the following changes to the Wages Summary section to include:

BPF-43687General LedgerBPGL - If Accept Trans value is set to "N"  for a Key, that key does not appear on the account Look-Up to perform any transaction on that key.
BPF-45278Human ResourcesHRPYPA - The sort order for "By Position, PC" lists assignments in the correct order without duplication or elimination.
BPF-44405Human ResourcesBPHR - HREMEN - Credential Holder flag is now active in Add Mode.  
BPF-44015Human ResourcesHRPYPA / HRPYQP - A message regarding changes needing to be saved was displaying when the Employee FTE on HREMEN was set to NULL.  The software has been corrected and NULL now displays as zero.
BPF-43959PayrollPYUPEA - The Period Amt field decimal precision has been corrected.
BPF-43119Position BudgetingPBSTRQ / PBMDHR - Fields identified in the Data Import Selection Criteria, Misc Field Selects, Pay and Benefits tabs import into the model.  Fields set up on the Pay and Benefits Custom Setup tabs take precedence over the Employee Master tabs.
BPF-44852SecuritySystem - BusinessPlus LDAP user status "I" is now accepted at login.  
BPF-44499Stores InventoryBPSI - The SIUTZZ mask is now functional through the complete menu.
BPF-44632SystemsBPNU -The NUUTNU job now runs without any error.
BPF-44484Year-EndRegulatory - Client-Specific - Cincinnati - W2 Regional file changes have been made.  
BPF-42706Year-EndPYW2PW - If an employee has MEDI wages, but not FICA wages and common code PYFG/PY601C  Associated Numeric Values #5 has a "1" in it, then during the W2 process, the record type on the "E" record sets to "R".  Anything else sets the record type to "Q".
BPF-42705Year-EndPYW2PW - Deductions with Misc Code 1 qualifiers no longer pulls in wages from Hour Codes that have the same qualifying data.  Hour Codes now need to have MISC codes that start with HRS.
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