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Release - November 2020

Resolved Issues

BPF-35428Accounts PayableAPOHBTUB/APOHININ - Fixed the issue of not being able to enter the tax amount manually when the tax code is blank on the APOHBTUB/APOHININ screens.
BPF-33556Accounts PayableAPOHININ/APOHBTUB - "Sep Check" field is now editable in Edit mode.
BPF-25253Accounts PayableAPOHBTUB - For the PO extract, the "Amount Paid" displays correctly for partially paid Blanket PO with split accounts.
BPF-27654Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC - Fixed the issue of A/R Check box defaulting to selected when the user tabs out of it.
BPF-31630Administrative ConsoleAdmin Console - Updated Admin Console to keep the 'Save Button' enabled when the 7i services are Stopped/Started after making some changes in Configure Local Server-> Misc Settings tab.
BPF-35102Applicant APIRMUPHI - Added the Cancel option to the PCN error message. The employee does not get created if 'CANCEL' is selected. The employee gets created without pay assignment if 'OK' is clicked.
BPF-36951BusinessPlus 7IBP7I  - Fixed Description truncation on Product Code lookup.
BPF-11538Click, Drag, & DrillCDD - The default help page has been updated to point to the documentation home:
BPF-31017Click, Drag, & DrillWF/CDD - After the fix, the Workflow model is scheduled and email is triggered with CDD reports attached.
BPF-36373Employee OnlineEO - Client-Specific - Bend La Pine School District - District-specific fields and CMNT/MSG category values are now visible in the EO check header.
BPF-33343Employee OnlineEO - The Period Begin and Period End fields are now in the same column of the check stub. 
BPF-31844Employee OnlineEO - After the fix, users can add or update their direct deposit record if no tax record is available on the HRPYMD screen.
BPF-28818Employee OnlineEO - Removed the blank line that appears under the custom message text on the following Personal Information, Education and Skills, and Job Information pages.
BPF-26419Employee OnlineEO - Added conditions to redirect the user to the EO home page after changing a password using the Forgot Password link.
BPF-23063Employee OnlineEO - Several updates have been made to the Personal Information page with the Preferred Name field.
BPF-22624Employee OnlineEO - Client-Specific - Wicomico - Updated the checkwriter program PY600WBC<1.5> to match 7.11 EO Stubs.
BPF-31560General LedgerGLUPKY/GLUPOB - Without restarting, the services checkbox changes for the Validate option in the GLUPGN screen now take immediate effect on GLUPKY and GLUPOB screens.
BPF-36485Human ResourcesHREMEN - The ability to add an employee photo has been added:
  • EMP_PHOTO Attachment definition needs to be created with the description "Employee Photo" to identify which attachment should be displayed in the photo space.  Once the attachment is defined, the photo upload assumes this attachment definition and it will not have to be re-selected again in the browse dialogue box.
  • Once the attachment definition exists, employees can upload a photo to their employee record.  The most recently updated photo file will be displayed.   If no photo is available, a placeholder image displays in the photo space.
  • Photos can be deleted from the attachment pane.
  • Formatting issues can be seen at browser zoom levels under 67%.
BPF-25794Human ResourcesHRTBHR - The Short and Long Description fields have been changed to allow for mixed case entry.
BPF-22619Human ResourcesHRPYPA, Tools - The duplicate tool "Recalc Hours/Days for this Rec..." has been removed.  To enable viewing the entire tool title "Tool Tips" has been added that display when the cursor hovers over a tool.  They display the entire tool name. This same tool tip works on HRPYQP as well.
BPF-11870Human ResourcesHRPYBE, Multiple tabs - Numerous numeric fields have had their maximum and minimum values set to match the legacy software:
  • Package Assignments (Benefit Master) tab - Benefit Salary, Benefit FTE
  • Benefit Assignments tab - Salary, Benefit FTE, Amount, Limit, Addl Amount
  • Term Life Insurance, Spouse Coverage tab - Spousal Coverage
BPF-11810Human ResourcesHREMEN, Primary tab - The following fields have had their maximum and minimum values adjusted to match the legacy software:  Days Worked, FTE, and Benefit FTE.
BPF-8604Human ResourcesHRTBCT - The Course Description now wraps correctly in the field.
BPF-35256PayrollPYPADP/PYTPDP - New Common Code - PYFG/EOINSERT.  By default, this will not be in place and the performance enhancement will be in effect. If the conventional/old way of Payroll needs to be performed, then 'CLASSIC' needs to be entered in the 1st Associated Code of Common Code - PYFG/EOINSERT.
BPF-33466PayrollPYUPJB - Fixed the issue of allowing duplicate records in add mode of the PYUPJB screen.
BPF-32546PayrollHRPYPA/HRPYQP - There was an issue where split distribution percentages were rounding incorrectly. This has been corrected.
BPF-29375PayrollBPPY - This fix displays all the YTD amounts in the EO check stub. In the Wages Section, the total YTD displays, but not the individual earnings YTD.
BPF-28953PayrollPYRERRWA01 - Fixed an issue with the Pending Tasks icon.  It now correctly results in the Approvals area displaying and there are no issues with the screen locking up.
BPF-22188PayrollBPPY - Client-Specific - Billings - Force calc process splits the hours when there are different rates.
BPF-11562PayrollPYUPCC, PYUPDD, and PYUPHH, CDH Detail Information, Main Information tabs - The Value fields on all three screens have been refined to accept the same range of data as the legacy screen.  The range is -999,999.99999 to 9,999,999.99999.
BPF-11553PayrollPYUPEC - The various amount fields on all three tabs have been refined so they accept the same range of data as the legacy screen.
BPF-11445PayrollPYUPEF - Re-positioned Special Code fields 2, 3, and 4 for better alignment/user experience.
BPF-11017PayrollPYUPGN, Interface Switches tab - The duplicate "blank" code entries in the drop-down lists have been removed for Switch 02, 05, 06, 08, 12, and 13.  The references to "IFAS SmartDB" have been removed from the Switch 05 list items.
BPF-11016PayrollPYUPGN, Process Switches tab - The Switch 31 drop-down has been corrected so the options match the legacy system.  The blank with "Not Selected" no longer exists.
BPF-11014PayrollPYUPGN, Process Switches tab - The drop-down list for "Option 11 - Security Entity" has been changed.  Duplicates have been removed.  Code 1, which was a duplicate of a blank has been removed.  Code 2, which was a duplicate of code Y has been removed.  The blank/default option now shows as "Security based on Bargaining Unit".
BPF-10943PayrollPYUPEM, Name/Addresses tab - The City drop-down has been fixed to show the full code name.
BPF-10941PayrollPYUPEM, Name/Addresses tab - The codes in the PEDB drop-down list no longer contain the word IFAS.
BPF-10827PayrollPYUPPH, Check # Details tab, Check Details sub-tab - Fields have been re-positioned to improve the user experience and visual appeal.
BPF-35081Person/EntityPEUTZZ - PEID Lookup - Records are able to search by PE name where the PEID is created/updated through the PEUTZZ01 process.
BPF-34114Position BudgetingPBUPEM, Employee Information, Years of Service tab - The "Leave Dt" and "Separation Dt" field labels have been changed.
BPF-36115Procurement CardNUCLEUS - P-Card Feature Flag - Implemented P-Card feature. P-Card is available through separate license. Contact your Sales Representative for more information.
BPF-36352PurchasingPOUPPR - Change child record to display record in FQA and not Key/Obj in grid mode for FQA setup.
BPF-31841SecuritySecurity - SSN hashing and key sharing are not permitted and have been removed from current Talent Integrations.  Talent will not encrypt the SSN that is sent as part of the new hire data and BusinessPlus will no longer decrypt this value when it is received. 
BPF-33497Single Sign-onBPSSO - If SSO is enabled and the user is idle, the session will be valid for 24 hrs and the user will not get a session time out popup.
BPF-32435Single Sign-onBPSSO - NUUTZZ mask - The bulk import can be added for IDP SSO mapping.
BPF-31734Single Sign-onBPSSO - When SSO is enabled, the user can sign out from the EO Application, but not from IDP.
BPF-31722Single Sign-onBPSSO - If SSO Is enabled, then clicking on Sign-Out will return to the Sign-Out Page where there is a link to return to BusinessPlus. 
BPF-31719Single Sign-onBPSSO - The user cannot see the option to change the password when SSO is enabled, as Login is managed with an identity provider like Microsoft. For users to change passwords, they must change them at the IDP (eg. Microsft) level.
BPF-31717Single Sign-onBPSSO - The Admin Console User Screen allows users to enter a new property Mapping Value under SSO Mapping tab. This field is used for Integrations with various Identity Providers like Microsoft Azure, Google, etc..
BPF-31714Single Sign-onBPSSO - Users can now log in to all BusinessPlus applications with a single Microsoft ID. The admin can enable/disable SSO functionality from the NUUPSO screen.
BPF-31712Single Sign-onBPSSO - Admins can enable/disable SSO from the NUUPSO screen. The admin has to configure the Client ID, ClientSecret, Redirect URLs provided by Microsoft to enable Single sign-on (SSO).
BPF-34980Stores InventorySIBTUB - Changes have been made to make the Ref amount value the same as the extended amount.
BPF-34983Stores InventorySIBTUB and SIOEUB - Fixed the issue of where the back arrow did not take the user to the last record. User had to click on the grid and then pencil to go back to record just created.
BPF-36394SystemsGLBUBATR - Fixed the FQA - Account visibility issue to display 100% Resolution.
BPF-34891SystemsJobs Monitor - To reduce upload time, users can now set a time range to display jobs. 
BPF-34048SystemsNUUPCI - Hide option is introduced on the OAUTH/NUUPCI screen for Consumer Secret, and the Hide option is displayed as soon as the user clicks on the Show option for Consumer Secret.  
BPF-33617SystemsBPSYS - For the Workflow model, the 19.x URL should be displayed in the mail when the email is triggered.
BPF-33616SystemsBPSYS - When triggering the CDD workflow model, it would get the Old Legacy URL. This is now replaced with the new 19.12 URL which will open the document in Document Viewer.
BPF-32982SystemsBPSY - There was an issue where Cognos views were slowing down CDD performance. This has been resolved.
BPF-33741Timecard Online

TO - The welcome popup message has been removed as has the setting that controls it in the Customize Dashboard panel.

Customize Dashboard - mostly Cosmetic changes to the various tabs.

  1. Global Settings tab - "verify control path" changed to "Verify Panel File Path".
  2. Active Periods tab - Added a grey line to every other line in the grid.
  3. Group Settings tab
    1. Setup - 1) Checkboxes have been placed at the bottom, aligned with the fields and labels above them, and had a question mark added to the end of the labels.  2) Added a new option, "No Formatting" to the "Perform GL Validation" drop-down.  This allows the detail panel to not enforce the GL formatting rules (group settings & detailpanel.cs).
    2. Employee & Leave Panels - Changed "Control Path" to "Panel File Path".
    3. Batch Name - Every other row has a grey line.
    4. Group Panels - 1) Changed "Position Control Path" to "Position Panel File Path" (2 instances);  2) Changed "Detail Control Path" to "Detail Panel File Path" (2 instances); 3) Group by Value now defaults to *. ; 4) Every other row has a grey line.
BPF-36221Web FormsWEBFORMS - The Request Status field is removed from the Budget Transfer request screen. At Tasklist->Budget Transfer request, the field "Link to record" is linked with the Budget Transfer request form.
BPF-36219Web FormsWEBFORMS - The Description Text field is now editable. 
BPF-32511WorkflowWorkflow - The URL now displays in Workflow email.
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