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Release - September 2022

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentRelease Note
BPF-60455Accounts PayableClient-specific for Toledo School District: Custom requirement to adapt Tax Type Code in TXP vendor EFT file up to 5 digits. 
BPF-64697Accounts PayableAPOHBTUB, APIPBTUB, and APTRBTUB: Users are required to provide Set details to save an invoice. 
BPF-63496Click, Drag, and DrillCDD Archive: A user can filter the CDD reports by entering a date range. The default date range will be seven (7) days, and a user can overwrite the default through common code CDD/RANGE.
BPF-64521 and BPF-64531DEXNUUPDX: New configuration screen where users can configure DEX credentials and access the DEX dashboard.
BPF-64524 and BPF-65546DEXDXUI: When a user with security access clicks on the DXUI option on the menu page, the DEX dashboard page appears.
BPF-61671ELFClient-specific for Stockton ELF: Added Stockton's Positive Pay AP ELF and setup files.
BPF-61769ELFClient-specific for Fort Wayne Community School District PY: Created py660fwc.cbl for their PY checks.

Client-specific for St. Clair County RESA: Updated logo, bank name and fractional routing number on Algonac Public Schools AP and PY ELF forms.


Client-specific for Richland School District 400: Updated the signature for the PDF CDD report PO_TO_PDF.

BPF-65471ELFClient-specific for Milwaukee AR: Updated the address for the Invoice ELF form and created a new FMinvoice ELF form.
BPF-64980Employee OnlineEmployee Online: Fixed a phone number format issue that caused an error in the Update and Save action on the Personal Information page. The phone number is displayed in the proper format (xxx) xxx-xxxx while fetching data in the Phone field from the database.
BPF-66736Employee OnlineEmployee Online: Fixed an issue with the display of W2 reports generated prior to 2017.
BPF-64251General LedgerGLBUUP, GLBUFTUB: Repeat Last Changes updates records correctly when the Extended Criteria filter is used. 
BPF-64619General LedgerGLBUUP, GLBUFTUB:
  • Totals are shown correctly for respective revenue and expenditure records (only OB level).
  • Find revenue and expenditure budget records (only OB level). When Apply Find to Totals is selected, the system holds the totals value. When a user returns to the search page and searches with a different filter, it displays the same totals as previously captured.
  • Find revenue and expenditure budget records (only OB level). When Apply Find to Totals is clear (not selected), it displays the updated totals value as per the search criteria currently applied.
  • By default, the filters are not applied to find all levels of budget records for the fiscal year. The user must select ClassicLevels under the Filter on the side navigation bar to find all (OB, G1, G2, and other) level budget records. 
BPF-51382Human ResourcesBusinessPlus pages: Field help displays the correct column names for all field types
BPF-60533Human ResourcesHRPYPA, HRPYQP, and PBUPEM: Distributions are not deleted, and record types refresh and match when moving through employee records and making updates.
BPF-61379Human ResourcesHRPYPR: The last row of each tab contains a User ID and Updated field. The fields are displayed only in search mode. They do not appear in add or edit mode.
BPF-44020PayrollTrial Payroll process has been changed to show the job status as FAILED if there are any GL errors.
BPF-58917PayrollClient-specific for Johnston Community School PY: Fixed the YTD gross wages to appear on the pay stub.
BPF-64279PayrollPYPAFC: The outside pay assignment table has been increased to handle up to 365 records.
BPF-64686PayrollPYUTPE: Delete employee records functions correctly.
BPF-65042PayrollPYUPEM: Removing value from any switch field on the Switches tab does not remove the Switch 30 field value.
BPF-65069PayrollPYRERRID03: The Hours field values are displayed correctly from record to record.  The system is performing no calculation.
BPF-65076PayrollPYRERRID03: The MC, Earnings Type, and Pay Type do not affect the value in the Hours field.
BPF-65511PayrollPYRERRID03: Field validation is enforced when the MC field = IRDB, IROM, or IRAM. The Earning Type field must be set to B, N, O, S, V, or X. The Pay Type field must equal H, O, or S.

The system will accept any value if the MC field has any other value.
BPF-61663Person / EntityPEUTCI: Vendors merge across all modules when Choose which Subsystems to Change is set to AL.
BPF-62364Stores InventoryClient-specific for Corpus Christi Custom Screens: Four custom screens have been added: POCSCC, POCSRR, SICSFT, SICSSI.
BPF-21202SystemsOAuth 2.0: Support for OAuth 2.0 has been added.
BPF-65034SystemsFixed login error that occurred after the install where users would get a login error message when the password expired or the status was P.
BPF-64682Timecard OnlineClient-specific for Eau Claire Timecard Online: Added IFPYWFMASTER style sheet to source code.
BPF-58515WebformsClient-specific for Des Moines PY Webforms: DMPS_ACTIVITY webform was updated to query common code for hour and rate.
BPF-62156WebformsClient-specific for Eau Claire Webforms: Retrofitted webforms for BAF, CRR, ENP, OPF, PAR, RAT, and BudgetTransfer, along with supporting files.
BPF-62363WebformsClient-specific for Jefferson Parish Webforms: PAF webform retrofitted for 20.11.
BPF-64746WebformsClient-specific for Littleton Webforms: Added coding fixes for Littleton's AEA webform to fix the Position drop-down list.
BPF-62105WorkflowUsers can create new Workflow groups and add users to the created WF groups on the NUUPMW page.
BPF-62106 and BPF-62108WorkflowUsers can edit, delete and update the WF groups and the existing WF group users on the NUUPMW page.
BPF-62107WorkflowUsers can modify the priority of users added to a workflow group on the NUUPMW page.
BPF-63975WorkflowWF: The Email module detects an HTML tag in the style-sheet. WF email should be formatted without line breaks whether the user uses HTML format or not.
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