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Release - December 2024

Release Notes



Release Notes


Accounts Payable

The documents are no longer orphaned when a vendor ID or invoice number is updated on an existing record. Previously, when the PEID was changed to a new value and is part of the attachment definition, changing the value on the AP screens resulted in orphan documents. This issue impacts BP_24.3.5.0 to BP_24.3.8.0 release versions.


Accounts Payable

Client-specific for Brownsville ISD AP: For GP SPFM (and apcheck_gp.tif), removed discount field, shorten description, increase invoice number field. This will affect AP checks run for the GP bank ID.


Accounts Payable, Payroll

Client-specific for St. Johns County School District AP and PY: Updated signatures for AP and PY checks.


Accounts Payable

APOHINVP/APOHBTDS: The system now controls the distribution of an invoice against a purchase order with an invoice date and posting date prior to the initial encumbrance date by setting the error code EN0230 in NUUPER. Previously, the system allowed distribution without any notification.


Accounts Receivable

ARUTUG: When running ARUTUG on an ARBTCRDS job, the set status in GLJEUB will no longer be changed. Previously, the set status in GLJEUB was altered when running the utility with the AR Set ID being the same as the JE ID from GLJEUB.


Accounts Receivable

ARBTCRUB : The Bank ID drop-down is now displaying the lookup values correctly based on the user's security access. Previously, this issue occurred intermittently, with the drop-down sometimes appearing blank.


ATS Integration

ATS Integration: The Locations will now be synched between BusinessPlus and ATS when Misc #5 field is defined in HRRQEN as RM. If no record contains "RM", or if multiple records are set, the software will default to using the ROOT entity. Previously, the locations associated with all the entities were synched with ATS.



CDD : The CDD PDF has now been updated to support additional fonts. Previously, when downloading some CDD reports as PDF users received DynamicPDF error messages and watermarks due to some unsupported fonts . This issue was introduced in


Employee Online 

Employee Online: The Salary Grade information in the Employee Online Job Information section now pulls the accurate data from hr_slrytble_mstr instead of hr_rangtble table based on the specific dates ensuring the descriptions are more precise. 


Forms Printing

Client-specific to St. Clair : Fixed PO PDF Alignment issue.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Boise City SD PDF: Updated ELF to use PDF Forms Printing


Human Resources

HRUTZZ01: HRUTZZ01 has been updated to allow up to 36 splits (Record Types) in the hr_earndist table instead of the previous limit of 10 splits. Previously, an error - [rectype] 'P10' Exceeds Column's Maximum Length (of 2), occurred when more than 10 splits were used.


Human Resources

RMUPHI: When creating an employee ID using the random function (R : Use Random Number Generator), system now checks whether the employee ID already exists. If the employee ID exists, a new employee ID is generated to avoid duplicates. Previously, a newly created employee was incorrectly associated with an existing inactive employee ID even when option R : Use Random Number Generator was selected. 



NUUPUS : The old and new password are now displayed as 8-digit asterisk (********) to allow record information log data to open without error. Previously, the error occurred due to special characters in the password value.



Client-specific for Corpus Christi ISD PY: Changed custom PY checkwriter to copy HSA Deposit instead of moving it. Improved search for HRPYPR information.



State-specific to Oregon: Change to treat wage types “VC” & “LS” wage code calculation the same as regular pay.



Client-specific for Des Moines PS SI: Updated SIUPFO for Format ID P1 so that it prints properly. Also checked in current SI Pick ELF and tif.



Updated the functions for the validation of setId and fixed asset number to add more trace for future tracking of the issue related to the function execution. 



The 1099 process now includes ePay payments when common code CKFG/CK133C4 ASSOC-CD(1) is set to EPAY. Previously, the ePay transactions were excluded in the 1099 process.

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