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Release - July 2022

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentRelease Note
BPF-60448Accounts PayableAPOHININ: Resolved the 500 Internal Server Error that appeared when manually adding a new line item to a PO.
BPF-63041Accounts PayableClient-specific for Canton City School District: Positive pay file - corrected CRLF and bank ID.
BPF-63194Accounts PayableAPOHCSRCRC: Restricted check invoices are totaling correctly.
BPF-63521Accounts PayableAPPCIM: Updated APPCIM, P-Card Send to AP, and P-Card Send Undo to make the process of type IDisposable in order to do post-processing cleanup better.
BPF-63016Accounts ReceivableARBTCRDS: The posting will be stopped when totals are not matching by setting the ARBP/STOPDS common code short description to ON.
BPF-63043Accounts ReceivableARREIN: Prints the overflowing invoice text on the next page.
BPF-63541Accounts ReceivableARBTCRUB: Records will require all required header data in order to save the record. If required field data is missing, an error message related to the missing data appears. Multiple errors may appear in sequence if multiple data fields are missing.
BPF-48458Administrative ConsoleWhen AllowPasswordChange is cleared (not checked), a user will not have permission to change the password while logged into BusinessPlus.
BPF-62155Bank ReconciliationClient-specific for Rockwood School District R6: BK - Increased length of Vendor Names for the Bank of America file automatic process.
BPF-62380Click, Drag, and DrillDrill to the image will work even when a value contains an ampersand (&). Images, documents, and PDF files will be listed.
BPF-62499Click, Drag, and DrillCDD files and folders stored in FileStoragePath are being cleaned up as expected.
BPF-63801Documents OnlineRDP: Document Capture can be opened from the workstation. The error that was appearing has been resolved.
BPF-59824Employee OnlineClient-specific for Poudre: Checkwriter changes.
BPF-7007Employee OnlineEmployee Online, Benefit Setup, New Hire Period: The New Hire Period validation is today's date minus the number in the field. If the employee's Hire Date falls in that time frame, the benefit is available in the benefit wizard / enrollment popup.
BPF-53729General LedgerGLUPGN: The functionality for Required and Validated supplemental parts is working as expected.
BPF-59828Human ResourcesHREMPF: Attachments no longer display an error for HR_GRIEVANC attachment definition.
BPF-60637Human ResourcesClient-specific for Alief Independent School District: HRCSALZZ - Created a custom HR Import utility with a new mask HRCSALZZ which will execute a new program hr050alf to run Alief's custom code.
BPF-60943Human ResourcesHRTBSL: If a user updates the value in HRTBSL and opens the same record in HRPYPA, a warning message appears.
BPF-63110Human ResourcesHRPYPA/HRPYQP: The Object code is required in the distribution. There is no setting to make it optional.
BPF-63108InstallerInstaller: Updated the app server script to retrieve the install location of the existing connection.
BPF-61481PayrollPYUPCA: The Create Default Calendars tool works in 20.11 the same way as it does in 7.11.
BPF-62365PayrollClient-specific for Lancaster Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13: PY - Increased the font size on Payee Name and Address and made these fields bold.
BPF-63255PayrollPYUTCI: Merging of existing IDs functions correctly. The records from the existing ID are merged with or added to the merged-to ID.
BPF-63472PayrollClient-specific for Natrona County School District: EO Check Stub displays a larger value in the Hours column of the Wages section. Values up to 9,999.99 can be displayed.
BPF-61805Payroll TimecardsPYTCDTUB, PYTCDTUK, PYTCDTTM: F1 Help launches page-specific online help.
BPF-63145Payroll TimecardsPYTCDTPT / PYUTRTRP: How would you like employees selected? menu options have been updated to display only the options that are coded to the function. SC - Select by Selection Criteria only displays Employee Information.
BPF-62697PcardPCard: The PO Number field has a lookup to select a PO. All POs are listed when the Vendor ID field is blank. After a Vendor ID is entered, only POs associated with the selected vendor are listed. If an invalid combination of a Vendor ID and PO is entered in the respective fields, an error appears indicating it is not a valid PO.
BPF-63397PcardPCard: Updated APPCUTSI to fix the COM object error. The tail-sheet contains more information.
BPF-63511PEIMSConverted PEIMS Finance Shared Services (PIUPFS) page to 20.11 framework.
BPF-63514PEIMSConverted PEIMS Shared Services Arrangement (PIUPSS) page to 20.11 framework.
BPF-62970Person / EntityPEUTZZ01: Added a new upload option for adding Zip Codes using PE_ZIP_MSTR and PE_ZIP_DTL files.
BPF-63495Person / EntityPEUPPE: If the Contact ID field is blank and the Contact Name is populated, the page was deleting the Contact Name if another field was selected, leaving the Contact Name field blank. This has been corrected. The Contact Name will not be deleted.
BPF-62455Position BudgetingScreens: The wildcard symbols plus + and percent % function correctly with screen filters for Child / Detail records.
BPF-61197PunchOutClient-specific for Fort Wayne: Punchout - A user can append both the vendor and the catalog number to either the front or end of the item description. The shipping charge is a separate line item.
BPF-61023Student ActivitiesStudent Activities: Student Activities Check Request (SAUPCR) tools are working in 20.11 the same way as they do in 7.11.
BPF-62871Student ActivitiesStudent Activities : Corrected issue of SAUPTR, SAUPCR and SAUPDR not creating values in GLJEUB,APOHININ, and ARBTCRUB when seed is defined for @@ and current user ledger.
BPF-57270SystemsThreaded Note detail displays notes with more than 1 line in UI.
BPF-62414SystemsUsers can search for records that have an apostrophe in the name field using the screen filters.
BPF-63346Web FormsClient-specific for Toledo: Webform - Added retrofitted RFPA webform to the client-specific folder.
BPF-61620WorkflowImprovements made to Workflow Pending Task display from page menu.
BPF-63356WorkflowWorkflow: Additional trace was added to Workflow to aid in troubleshooting. The WF Engine was updated.
  • Runs one ifas output activity at a time.
  • Removed dummy DO_ATTACH-related processing.
  • Put a lock on WF Model definition data loading to fix intermittent Stuck in IP issues.
BPF-63485WorkflowWorkflow: Fixed the stylesheet for the AP-APPROVAL Workflow model to correct the email alignment and fix an issue where Record links were not getting displayed.
BPF-64268 and BPF-64435Workflow

Workflow: ProgID is now a reserved word for Microsoft. Any VBScript activity or transition where a property ProgID is used needs ProgID replaced with WFProgId.

Model RM_POSTINGFILL or AM_POSTINGFILL in activity A4: The code line ActType = ActAction.ProgID will need to be modified to ActType = ActAction.WFProgId.

The tool WFModelContentSearch will be included in the installer in the Util folder. Use the tool to identify other models with this issue.

  • The Text Search box is case sensitive.
  • The Connection Name will auto-populate only on the server. If you are using the tool on a Workstation, enter the Connection Name.
See the Install Guide for detailed instructions to run this tool.
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