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Release - January 2025

Release Notes



Release Notes


Accounts Payable and Payroll

Client-specific for Davenport Community School District AP and PY: Updated signatures for AP and PY checks.


Accounts Payable and Payroll

Client-specific for Heartland AEA 11 AP and PY: Updated signatures for AP and PY checks.


Accounts Payable and Payroll

Client-specific for Paulding CS AP and PY: Updated AP and PY checks for Forms Printing.


Accounts Payable and Payroll

Client-specific for Charlotte County AP and PY: Changed signatures for AP and PY ELFs.


Bank Reconciliation

Client-specific for Federal Way PS BK: Added Vendor Name to BKCSFW output.



CDD: The CDD Report now correctly displays text for fields with multiple line values in Courier font. Previously, if data was multiline, values were getting truncated.


Ifas Jobs

Ifas Jobs: Unique seed values are now generated for each job, and synchronization mechanisms have been enhanced to prevent the occurrence of duplicate IFAS job numbers. This issue was caused by specific seed values and simultaneous execution of reports and batch jobs.


Fixed Assets

FAUPAS: FA depreciation will now only occur for assets with statuses AC (Active) and DI (Disposed) as per the documentation. Assets with any other status will be skipped during the depreciation process.


Fixed Assets

FAUTLI: The PO Number Length value can now be set as default based on Common code BMIN/CONTROL and Associate value #5 value. If Associate value #5 is set to 16, the default length will be 16, otherwise 8.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Mesa County Valley School District 51 ELF to PDF: Modified SPFMCR01 file to fix the description issue in PDF.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for East Brunswick PDF Forms: Storing files after PDF conversion.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Rockwood SD PDF Forms: Storing new files for Rockwood SD after ELF to PDF conversion project.


General Ledger

GLBUUP: The Budget field is now editable when adding a new budget by selecting a different ledger for the current fiscal year. Previously, the Budget field was greyed out, preventing any additions.


General Ledger

GLIQ: The records will be automatically sorted by date, ensuring the most recent entries are always at the top.


Human Resources

HRTBRG: A new Position Description column has been added in the grid mode. This column allows users to view position information directly from the grid. Previously, the Position Description field was not available in grid mode as it was a pseudo field.


NUUPUS & Admin Console 

NUUPUS & Admin Console → Manage Users: User IDs with leading or trailing spaces are automatically corrected by removing the spaces and saving the record without user intervention. The USER IDs already having the whitespaces can now be updated without any error. Previously, users could not save IDs with leading/trailing spaces, which caused issues with assigning security roles and viewing the menu structure on the dashboard after login.



PYUPEC: The Employee ID Data Lookup in the BusinessPlus application has been corrected to successfully find the employee when searching by Employee ID. Previously, the data lookup was searching in the PE_NAME_MSTR table instead of the HR_PE_MSTR or HR_EMPMSTR table, leading to unsuccessful searches. This issue was identified in various screens within the application. The resolution involved updating the Employee ID Data Lookup for screens using the HR_PE_MSTR table to search for the Employee ID in HR_PE_MSTR or HR_EMPMSTR.



PYTCIFXLRG: The PYTCIFXLRG program now pulls the rate matching the date on the timecard record. This fix is common code-driven to avoid performance impacts for all customers. Previously, it was pulling the rate from the most current record.

Configuration Required:
Common Code: PYFG/PY970C02
5th Associated Code: CHECK-MULTIPLE-RATES



PunchOut: The common code POXP/CONTROL, AssocDec4 will now be used to define the Email Address of the originator hierarchy. cXML request will use this value (if defined) to set the email address of the originator.

Allowed values for AssocDec4 are REQUIRE_SHIP_ID, CREATED_BY, and SHIPTO in any order of preference separated by a comma. If left blank, the default order of the hierarchy will be  REQUIRE_SHIP_ID, CREATED_BY, followed by SHIPTO.


Purchase Order

POUPPR: Users can no longer add or update purchase item details for dates that fall outside the POBU/OPEN date range. Previously, the system allowed adding or updating line items.



State-specific for Washington DRS screen change (PYRERRWA01) for 90 day rule regarding option 'X'. The calculation for 90 days had an error when the year changed. The logic was redone to correct the bad calculation.



State-specific to Washington: Made the ability to call classic and C# programs generic. The logic in PYRESRWAPC was moved to a higher level in BT70 so all subsystems could potentially use the selection criteria. No functional changes were made to the PYRESRWAPC process.



State-specific for Iowa PYRERRIAPR: Added common code setting to specify the hierarchy the Pay Assignment Record Types are searched to find the correct Pay Class to be used in determining the Occupational Class Code. 



State-specific to Iowa: Update of SITIA calk code for 2025 changes.



Client-specific to Jefferson Parrish: Updated Documents Online to cache the documents, and avoid repeated fetching, opening, and processing of the same documents to reduce memory usage.



Client-specific to Spokane Public Schools: Implemented enhancements to the job card update logic based on ROOTROLL values.

  • Blank Job Card: If the existing job card is blank and ROOTROLL has a valid value, the job card is updated with the ROOTROLL value.

  • Non-Blank Job Card (No Valid ROOTROLL Value): If the existing job card is not blank and ROOTROLL lacks a valid value, the existing job card value is retained.

  • Non-Blank Job Card (Valid ROOTROLL Value): If the existing job card is not blank and ROOTROLL has a valid value, the job card is updated with the ROOTROLL value.



Workflow: A timing issue was causing the workflow engine to crash when multiple documents requests were being processed at the same millisecond from multiple processing threads. Workflow engine was updated to avoid the collision of threads handling the documents processing.



Workflow: Added Pending logic to C# activities for workflow models which will set the model instance to pending when it is set in the C# code.


Work Order

The behavior of the Work Order seed autofill has been updated to provide more control to users based on the status of the common code SYNO/WONO.


  1. Autofill Behavior:

    • The Work Order seed will no longer autofill when the common code SYNO/WONO’s short description is set to OFF.

    • The Work Order seed will autofill when the common code SYNO/WONO exists and its short description is set to blank or ON.

  2. Common Code Creation:

    • If the common code SYNO/WONO does not exist, the system will automatically create it by clicking add in WOUPWR.

    • Users can prevent the autofill of the Work Order seed by manually setting the short description of the newly created common code SYNO/WONO to OFF.

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