Account Information - ARREFLAC
This option will print Accounts Receivable information that is stored on the screen accessed through ARUPAC. This listing includes such information as Account ID, Account Name, status and Category Assignments.
Would you like this report in Name Order? Reply with Yes to sort this listing in Account Name order. Reply with a No to sort this listing in Account ID order.
Selection Criteria:
- 00 - No Criteria, Select All
- 01 - Command Selection
- 02 - Account Information
- 04 - Category (Term) Info
- SF - Select File
Reply with any two-character option which corresponds to the additional selection criteria menu desired to utilize. These additional menus will allow the user to further select desired information. Multiple entries must be separated by commas. If no selection criteria are entered, the system will assume that all information was desired (i.e., all entries will be selected).