Browse Accumulators - GLUTAC
The General Ledger (GL) Browse Accumulators (GLUTAC) utility is used to interactively display the actual amounts posted in the general ledger accounts. Balances are displayed for a specific account number within the reference for the appropriate ledger code and fiscal year in total, by individual accounting period format. If discrepancies arise while viewing these records, a ledger recompute should be performed (GLUTDICP).
Ledger: The ledger code defaults to the active ledger. Use Find mode to select a different ledger code from the drop-down list. If ledger changed, refresh page with keyboard function key F5 then search for particular record. The account number associated with the activity displayed and is read-only. Search this field per level.
Level: The object code level associated with the activity displayed.
Year: The page initially opens to display the most current fiscal year with activity. Use Find mode to select a different fiscal year from the drop-down list or manually enter the year if it is outside the 20-year range.
Display 1: Echoes the name of the first part of the account number being displayed in the Account field, based upon the Level field.
Display 2: Echoes the name of the second part of the account number being displayed in the Account field, based upon the Level field.
Display 3-10: Reserved for future functionality.
Actuals / Encumbrances Tab
The sum total of the period activity posted to the general ledger, associated with the information reflected in the header section. The period names echo based on the ledger code, as defined on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Calendar tab.
Budgets Tab
The total budgeted amount associated with the information reflected in the header section. The budget names echo based on the ledger code, as defined on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Budget tab.
Header Information
Tran ID: For an interface this ID is generally system generated. Within a given Set ID, it is used to relate balanced debits and credits together to form one "transaction". When creating a template, this item needs to begin with "TEMPLATE" followed by a space and then the template ID. For example, if you are creating a template called "ADP", you would enter "TEMPLATE ADP" in this field.
Tran Dt: This is the date the transaction or template was created.
Tran Op: Transaction Operator. This is effectively the status of the transaction. The interface may use any number of values for specific purposes. For templates, it can remain blank.
All Other Fields
All the other fields are the same as those on the standard BusinessPlus Journal Entry (GLJEUB) page. See that page for details on each field. It is assumed that if you are entering data here that you are already familiar with these fields. No items on this page are required. This allows you to be able to only fill in the defaults needed for a particular interface template.