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General Ledger


General Ledger is the heart of BusinessPlus' financial solution; it is the primary accounting ledger of the organization. Every subsidiary module integrates to it in detail and/or summary. Subsystem transactions are posted to the general ledger control accounts through a posting interface that is highly effective and configurable. After creating budgets in the General Ledger, users can generate financial and management reports/inquiries.


Entries are posted to the general ledger in three levels within the structure:

  • Entity
  • Fund
  • Department/Cost Center

Generally, the Department level has detail transactions posted to revenue and expense accounts. The Fund level has assets, liabilities, and fund balance entries that are held for each fund. The Entity level is generally used for storing pooled cash and investment accounts.

The relationship of the department level to the fund level may be represented in an Intra-fund Object Code that is associated with the Department Level Org Key and the Fund Level Org Key.  The relationship of the fund level to the entity level is often represented by an Inter-fund or Claim on Cash Object Code that is associated with the Fund Level Org Key and the entity level Org Key.

Interfaces between other subsystems and the general ledger are established by defining, for each type of transaction, which entries are to occur automatically at these three different levels of accounts.  This allows all entries to asset, liability, and fund balance accounts to be derived automatically by the software.

Concept Topics


General Ledger database. The file structures that hold the budgets and transactions that make up the client's accounting information.

GL Side

One of two parts of the GLDB that contains one or more structural definitions of ledgers.

JL Side

One of two parts of the GLDB that contains one or more structural definitions of ledgers. The JL Side is an optional definition.


A formal definition of an accounting structure which is supported in either the GL side or the JL side ledgers.

Organizational Parts (Org Parts)

A discrete part of a ledger account identification that specifies some aspect of the organization, such as "Fund," "Division," etc. (GLUPKY).

Org Key

Numbers or characters that stand for some used combination of values for the Organization Parts (GLUPKY).

Object Group

A code that groups like Object Codes into a client-defined collection, such as all asset Object Codes or all Salary and Wages Object Codes. Object Groups may be set up for reporting and/or budget controls (GLUPOB).

Object Code

Objects codes are typically used to classify line-items in an accounting system, but they are also used to classify assets, liabilities, fund balances, and transfers, in addition to revenue and expenditures. A unique Object is created for each bank account (assets), for each payroll retirement plan (liabilities), for each type of revenue generated, for each type of expense incurred, for each type of transfer in, and for each type of transfer out (GLUPOB). Objects are generally the lowest level of classification, however, some organizations use the term Object Code to represent a grouping of "Sub-Object Codes." These pages will use the term Object to mean the lower level.


The combination of an Org Key and an Object Code, or Fully Qualified Key.

Control Key

An Org Key that has been defined at a higher level within the Chart of Accounts and typically identifies the accumulated sum of budgets for several lower level Org Keys.

Fully Qualified Account (FQA)

Input and Output formats that require the entry of all Org Parts plus the Object Code.

Subsystem Overview




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