Object Code Information - GLUPOB
Use the General Ledger (GL) Object Code Information (GLUPOB) page to define Object Codes, often referred to as OB or Obj., and associate them with the object groups defined on the GL Object Group Codes (GLUPOG) page. GL Object Groups codes must be defined for each of the ledger's object groups before object codes can be defined.
Object codes are defined for all types of transactions and budget activities, e.g., assets, liabilities, fund balances, transfer in, transfer out, and "not applicable" (statistical accounts). The codes are used to form a complete account, consisting of an Org Key and an Object Code (i.e., an organizational area and a transaction classification).
Object Code Info with FY (GLUPOF)
The GL Object parts and supplemental parts have a single definition maintained using GLUPOB. Every time a change occurs in parts, you must create a new object that can lead to losing historical changes to key parts over a period of time.
To ensure that changes to object parts are not lost, a separate GL Object screen (GLUPOF) that includes a fiscal year indicator is introduced. When you enter or update a new object in GLUPOB, an additional entry is made in GLUPOF that captures the fiscal year. The new screen (GLUPOF) is applicable only for the current fiscal year. Therefore, updates to records made in GLUPOB for the current fiscal year will always override the corresponding records in GLUPOF. The system maintains a single record per key for each fiscal year.
You can update the GLUPOF screen directly only for records that are not part of the current fiscal year. To make changes to records for the current fiscal year, use the GLUPOB screen.
Ledger: The ledger code defaults to the user's active ledger. The ledger, for the purpose of defining the Object Codes, may be changed by selecting a different ledger code. The ledger code will cause labels on the page to be populated with valid values.
Object: Object code to define a specific type of financial activity (e.g., accounts receivable, office supplies, etc.). An object code used in conjunction with an organization key typically represents the lowest level at which transactions and budgets are recorded for the organization. All classes of object activity are included: assets, liabilities, fund balance (equity), revenue, expenditures, transfer in, transfer out, and not applicable (statistical accounts). The object code can be between one and eight characters long; the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Object tab, dictates the format.
Long Desc.: Up to 30 characters to describe the object code.
Status: A static, system code indicating status: A (Active), I (Inactive), C (Closed). Inactive and Closed are functionally the same and will prevent a user from entering transactions against this object.
Type: Indicates the classification of the object code. This field is used in report extractions, transaction entry control, and the fiscal year-end process. Valid codes are:
- AS — Assets
- LI — Liabilities
- FB — Fund balance
- RV — Revenue
- XP — Expenses
- TI — Transfers In
- TO — Transfers Out
- NA — Not Applicable
Short Desc.: Up to 16 characters to abbreviate the description of the object code. Leaving this field blank will cause the system to enter the first 16 characters of the long description.
Director: The name of the person who is identified as the director of the object code. When an individual is assigned responsibility for one or more object codes (such as an accountant who prepares inventory or investment schedules), they may be assigned as the director to easily extract information for analysis purposes.
Balance Type (Debit or Credit): Individual object codes must have a balance type: DR (Debit) or CR (Credit). Objects with the type of AS, XP and TO should be set with a balance type of DR. Objects with the type of LI, FB, RV and TI, should be set to have a balance type of CR. When defining contra objects, maintain the same balance type as the objects to which they are contra. E.g., a contra revenue account should have a balance type of CR. This allows the actual balances in contra accounts to be reported with a minus ( - ) sign, making them recognizable. The software will represent all accounts with a "normal" balance as a positive ( + ) and accounts with a "non- normal" balance as a negative ( - ). A "normal" balance is where the balance of an account is DR for DR type accounts and CR for CR type accounts.
Require JL: When this box is checked, a JL account is required when the object code is entered at data entry time. This type of validation ensures that GL control accounts to the JL are not utilized without JL activity. This helps to keep the JL subsidiary activity in sync with GL control activity.
Require Association: When selected, only those object codes which have been previously associated with the Org Key in the database, budgets or transactions, may be used at data entry time; it will enforce association validation prior to accepting data entry.
Old No: When converting from an old system or when an object code is changed, this field contains the old value of the object code. This is for reference purposes only.
Start/End Date: Leave dates blank if object code is always valid. Enter a date range (using MM/DD/CCYY format) for which the object code is valid. The end date will prevent a user from entering a transaction against this object with a date greater than the end date. If the object code appears on transactions after the ending date, the transaction will be flagged as an error. While most object codes will not have a start/end date, this is helpful when the user is changing accounting practices and does not wish transactions to be keyed against an unused or invalid object code value. An optional date range can be specified indicating when each object code is valid. Attempts to post to an object code outside its date range can be set either to warn the user or to block posting. The NU Error Codes (NUUPER) page can be used to access error messages GL479, GL473, GL480, GL497, GL481, GL482, GL483, and GL484 to control the severity of warnings/errors as well as grace periods. Common code GLEN/GL820 can be set to begin automatically generating warnings when object codes are used within a specified number of days prior to the end date. The GL Start/End Date By Subsystem (GLUPSE) page can also be used in conjunction with the start/end date.
Primary Object Groups
This page allows the user to assign previously defined object groups to each individual objects, create notes, and maintain allowable subsystems that can be used with a particular account.
OBJ Groups
This section is where the primary object group codes are entered in order to associate object codes with their respective background parts. Primary object groups are always required and validated. This means that an object group code value must be entered for each primary object group defined.
Up to eight object group values define the object code. The titles of active groups will echo to the left of the fields as defined on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Object tab. The values available for selection in each of the associated fields, following the titles, are defined on the GL Object Groups (GLUPOG) page. Object groups allow organizations to either roll up object codes to higher level groupings or crosswalk object code values to other required chart reporting structures.
Allowable Subsystems
The valid Allowable Subsystems names echo from the selections made on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Object tab. By default, all subsystems are enabled. Clear the box to disable the use of the object code within a particular subsystem.
Supplemental Object Groups
Enter supplemental object group codes to associate object codes with additional groups and crosswalks. These supplemental object groups work the same way as primary groups with some additional options for validation.
Primary object groups are always required and validated when defining object codes. Supplemental object groups may be required and/or validated as needed, based upon options checked on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Supplemental Object Groups tab. If supplemental object groups are required, they must be associated to the object code, like the primary object groups. If they are validated, the allowable supplemental object group codes are defined on the GL Object Groups (GLUPOG) page the same way primary group codes are managed.
Groups 1 to 16
Enter up to 16 supplemental object group values to associate with the object code. As with primary object groups, the titles of active groups will echo to the left of the fields as defined on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Object tab. If validated, supplemental group values are available for selection in each of the associated fields. If not validated, any eight-character value may be entered.
Groups 17 to 32
Groups 17 to 32 work the same as Groups 1 to 16, but are reserved for use with Regulatory reporting.
Enter text by text type. The sub-tab label is defined in common code GLTT/XXXXXXXX (for Text tabs in GL pages), where the code value is the text type name displayed in the sub-tab.
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