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General Information - GLUPGN

The General Ledger (GL) General Information (GLUPGN) page lays the foundation for BusinessPlus and is used to create or update system parameters (control fields) that tell the system how it is to work within each ledger. Examples of parameters to define:

  • Names of various organizational parts, such as Fund, Function, Division, Budget Officer, and Cost Center.

  • Names of object groups, such as Budget Category, Income Statement Groups, and Balance Sheet Groups.

  • Format of the period calendar, such as the first month and the number of accounting periods in a fiscal year.

  • Names of various versions of budgets that may be prepared.

  • Input and report format of the account string.

Each ledger defined will either be on the General Ledger (GL) side or the Job Ledger (JL) side.

  • Each GL side ledger may have zero or more JL side ledgers associated with it, but no other GL side ledgers.

  • Each JL side ledger must be associated with a GL side ledger.

Defining GL and JL side associations in this way prevents erroneous posting of transactions to ledgers that are unrelated, and guarantees postings to the job ledgers will always hit the appropriate GL ledgers for accounting.


Ledger Code: The General Ledger may be defined with different ledger structures within each side. For instance, General Ledger operational accounts may be identified by ledger code "GL", while Activity Fund accounts "AC" and Job Ledger projects are identified as "JL." Each ledger structure can be defined as its own unique, separate structure, yet be maintained in the same general ledger database (GLDB). All account-related information is qualified by the Ledger Code.

Description: Enter up to 30 characters to describe the Ledger Code.

Side: The two GLDB sides are "GL" for General Ledger and "JL" for Job Ledger. Typically, "GL" identifies traditional Fund Accounting operating account structures, "JL" identifies Job Cost or Project accounting.

Org Key

Use the Org Key tab to define Key Parts of the organization for the given ledger code.

Code: Enter up to four characters to be used as the abbreviated description for the Organization (Org) Key. This code, as well as the medium and long descriptions, will be seen and used in various places throughout the database.

Medium DESC: Enter up to eight characters to be used as the medium description for the Org Key.

Long DESC: Enter up to sixteen characters to be used as the long description for the Org Key.

Type: The type of the organizational key: "D" for digit or "C" for character (alpha/numeric). "A" indicates that the Org Key is generated automatically by the system at data entry time. The automatic seed generation is defined for the subsystem "GL" on the Audit Subsystems Information (NUUPAUSS) page, under Seed Prefixes and Values. The seed prefix is KY.

Length: This field defines the length, from one to ten, for the Org Key that will be used in data entry.

Padding: The term "padding" refers to the ability to enter individual values or codes with a shorter length than expected by the software. For instance, an Org Key is defined as having a length of four digits. However, when creating a key with only two digits ("21"), the system will automatically fill in or "pad" the last two zeros to the right to make it a four-character code ("2100"). Padding may be to the left (L), right (R), none (N), or fixed (F). In the case of "none," each defined code may have a different length up to that of the length specified in the Length field.

Primary Key Parts

Key parts are used as the main framework for building the chart of accounts. Each key part code should define logical, discrete areas of the organization or financial structure. Parts typically identify fund groups, funds, sub-funds, and functional or categorical areas.

Up to eight primary parts can be defined, each representing a logical "part" of the business. Examples are Fund, Function, Division, Budget Officer, and Cost Center. For each code defined here, refined detail organization part codes will be defined later, to be used in developing the ultimate Org Keys used in data entry. This code, as well as the medium and long descriptions, will be seen and used in various places throughout the database. 

Code: Enter up to four characters to be used as the abbreviated description of the primary key part being defined. 

Medium DESC: Enter up to eight characters to be used as the medium description for the part code.

Long DESC: Enter up to sixteen characters to be used as the long description for the part code.

Type: Select the type for the part code: "D" for digit or "C" for character. 

Length: This field defines the length, from one to ten, for the Org Part codes that will be defined on the GL Organization Key Parts (GLUPKP) page.

Padding: Padding may be to the left (L), right (R), none (N) or fixed (F). In the case of "none," each defined code may have a different length up to that of the length specified in the Length field.

Fund, Function, and Officer: The system will produce various standard reports that summarize data based on the accounting group's designation of Fund, Function, and Officer. The assignment of these groups is done after the codes have been defined. Selecting the radio button will move the designation from one code to another. Note: If any of these fields are changed after initial setup, the use of the GL Data Integrity Utility to Recompute Account Balances (GLUTDICP, ALL) is required to adjust these accumulators for use in reporting.

Supplemental Key Parts

Supplemental key parts are an extension of the primary key parts and allow more levels of granularity to be defined for an Org Key.

Part: This is a non-editable field used to sequentially label the supplemental key part up to 32, which is the total number of supplemental parts that can be defined for an Org Key.

Code: Enter up to four characters to be used as the abbreviated description for the supplemental part code that will be used in defining additional background parts for association with Org Keys. 
This code, as well as the medium and long descriptions, will be seen and used in various places throughout the database.

Medium DESC: Enter up to eight characters to be used as the medium description for the part code.

Long DESC: Enter up to sixteen characters to be used as the long description for the part code.

Type: Select the type for the part code: "D" for digit or "C" for character. 

Length: This field defines the length, from one to ten, for the Org Part codes that will be defined on the GL Organization Key Parts page.

Padding: Padding may be to the left (L), right (R), none (N) or fixed (F). In the case of "none," each defined code may have a different length up to that of the length specified in the Length field.

Required: Unlike primary parts, assigning supplemental parts can be optional or required, depending on the options selected here. This checkbox will require that an associated Org Key part code is defined for the root part on the GL Organization Key Parts page and during definition of Org Keys on the GL Organization (Org) Keys (GLUPKY) page for the corresponding Org part. For example, if Org part 1 has a code of "TMA" and a medium description of "Team Alpha," the GL Org Key's Org part 1 labeled "Team Alpha" will require an associated Org part code to be entered.

Validate: Option to validate supplemental parts. If supplemental parts are set to be validated, then Org Part codes are defined for each Key Part on the GL Organization Key Parts page, as with primary parts. If supplemental parts are not set to be validated, then they work similar to Misc codes and allow any entry from 1-8 characters or numeric value to be entered. This checkbox will require that this code is valid on the GL Organization Key page for the corresponding org part.

Select Code Titles

This tab simply gives names or titles to the corresponding select codes that show up on the GL Organization Keys page. If you want the grant number in select code 3, place "Grant" in the third (3) Select Code Title field, and the third select code will be labeled as such on the GL Organization Keys page.

These optional fields may be useful when performing special studies or analyses. While they are not a part of the formal General Ledger structure, they can be used to define additional levels of summary or grouping for Org keys. The client can define the heading or title that is to be used for one or more of the maximum eight fields.

Org Key Options

BusinessPlus will balance on the part you designate as the Fund index. Optionally, BusinessPlus can balance by two organization parts. To enable this feature, set the first option field to "FDID" and in the second option field two four-character (Desc) Organization Parts associated with the organization key: the first four characters for the first Organization Part description, and the last four characters for the 2nd Organization Part description. The first part named should always correspond to the part indicated by the Fund index. To set the combined fund to Fund plus the Function, you would put "FUNDFUNC" in option field 2. Common code FDID/xx will contain the two Org Key Part values, no spaces, and will be limited to eight total characters.


Use the Object tab to associate combined Object groups to an Object code and to define the length, type, and description of the Object code.

To define Object groups such that budgets are created and budget checking occurs at any level, the Object groups MUST be defined in a strict hierarchical form for budget entry, checking, and subsequent reporting. For example, we might define three different Object groups for budgeting (Budget Category, Budget Area, and Budget Group). They are defined in a hierarchy such that Budget Category is subordinate to Budget Area which is subordinate to Budget Group. Each Object code will be associated with these three levels. Object codes defined within a Budget Category cannot be independently defined to separate Budget Areas and Budget Groups.

Code: Enter up to four characters to be used as the abbreviated description for the object that will be used in defining additional background groups for association with Object codes used in data entry.  This code, as well as the medium and long descriptions, will be seen and used in various places throughout the database.

Medium DESC: Enter up to eight characters to be used as the medium description for the Object code.

Long DESC: Enter up to sixteen characters to be used as the long description for the Object code.

Type: The type of the Object code: "D" for digit or "C" for character.

Length: Length, from one to eight, of the Object codes used in data entry.

Padding: Padding may be to the left (L), right (R), none (N) or fixed (F). In the case of "none," each defined code may have a different length up to that of the length specified in the Length field.

Primary Object Groups

The Object Group codes will be used as the main or "primary" Object groups for data entry and report headings.

Code: Enter up to four characters to be used as the abbreviated description for the group that will be used in defining additional background groups for association with Object codes used in data entry.
This code, as well as the medium and long descriptions, will be seen and used in various places throughout the database.

Medium DESC: Enter up to eight characters to be used as the medium description for the Object Group code.

Long DESC: Enter up to sixteen characters to be used as the long description for the Object Group code.

Type: A code that indicates the type of part which is associated with an Object code: "D" for digit or "C" for character.

Length: The length, from 1-8, of an Object Group code background part associated with the Object code.

Padding: Padding may be to the left (L), right (R), none (N) or fixed (F). In the case of "none," each defined code may have a different length up, to that of the length specified in the Length field.

Balance Sheet/Income Statement: The system will produce various standard reports that summarize data based on the accounting group's designation of Balance Sheet and Income Statement. The assignment of these groups is done after the codes have been defined. Selecting the radio button will move the designation from one code to another. Note: If any of these fields are changed after initial setup, the use of the GL Data Integrity Utility to Recompute Account Balances (GLUTDICP, ALL) is required to adjust these accumulators for use in reporting.

Valid Subsystem Headings: Enter or select the names of subsystems from which an Object code may receive postings. The selected subsystems will appear as flags on the GL Object Codes (GLUPOB) page. The drop-down may include modules not licensed.

Supplemental Object Groups

Supplemental Object groups are an extension of the Primary Object groups, to be used for data gathering and reporting.

Group: A system-generated, incremental number for the Supplemental Object group.

Code: Enter up to four characters to be used as the abbreviated description for the supplemental group that will be used in defining additional supplemental background group part codes for association with Object codes used in data entry.

Medium DESC: Enter up to eight characters to be used as the medium description for the Supplemental Object Group part.

Long DESC: Enter up to sixteen characters to be used as the long description for the Supplemental Object Group part.

Type: A code that indicates the type of part which is associated with an Object Code: "D" for digit or "C" for character. Type, Length and Padding will control the entries defined on the GL Object Groups (GLUPOG) page.

Length: The length, from 1-8, of the Supplemental Object Group part associated with the Object code.

Padding: Padding may be to the left (L), right (R), none (N) or fixed (F). In the case of "none," each defined code may have a different length, up to that of the length specified in the Length field.

Required: Unlike Primary Object groups, assigning Supplemental Object groups can be optional or required, depending on the options selected here. With this box checked, the system will require an Object Group ID be entered on the GLUPOB page for the corresponding Object Group part. For example, if Object Group part 1 has a code of "TMA" and a medium description of "Team Alpha," then Object Group part 1 labeled "Team Alpha" will require that a valid Object Group part of code "TMA" exist on the GLUPOG page.

Validate: Option to validate Supplemental Object groups. If Supplemental Object groups are to be validated, the Supplemental Object Group codes are defined for each Supplemental Object Group on the GL Object Groups page, as with Primary Group Code parts. If Supplemental Object groups are not set to be validated, then they work similar to Misc codes and allow any entry from 1-8 characters or numeric values to be entered. When this box is checked, the system requires that an Object Group ID be entered on the GL Object Codes page for the corresponding Object Group code.


The Calendar tab defines the organization's fiscal calendar for each ledger. This page is also used to establish the fiscal year designation (first or last), number of periods in the fiscal year (12-14), the first month of the fiscal year (1-12), and a fiscal calendar indicating the beginning and ending dates of each period (period dates may not overlap).

Fiscal Year Designation: Select the year that you would like the fiscal year to be designated.

Periods: Select "12" for standard 12-month periods, with closing entries in the twelfth month. Select "13" for four-week periods, with closing entries in the thirteenth period. Select "14" for four-week periods, with closing entries in the fourteenth period. This automatically provides for the accumulation of period balances. Closing entries cannot be placed in a separate period from regular entries.

First Fiscal Month: The number of the first month of a fiscal year. For example, "07" would be used if the fiscal year starts in July.

Period Settings

Name: The names of the 14 periods. This will typically contain the names of the 12 months of the year (JAN, FEB, etc.) plus "CLOS" if defining a specific closing period.

Start: Enter the beginning date for each period in MM/DD format.

End: Enter the ending date for each period in MM/DD format.


Define up to 25 budget versions for each ledger. Fields designate the version number and short, medium, and long descriptions of each budget version. Other options may be selected, and budget-checked object types may be designated by checking appropriate boxes.


Use Percentages for Derived Monthly Figures: Check this box to cause the system to automatically calculate percentage monthly budget spreads if none already exist. This is especially useful for summed budget versions, which are budget versions defined to be the sum of other budget versions. For summed versions, the monthly budget spread is not stored but rather derived from the added versions, which must be converted to the same type (percentages, dollars, non-existent linear) and weighted together. The result can be reported and show what the budget spread needs to be to be equivalent. Not checking this box disables automatic generation of monthly budget spreads.

Use "Negative Budget" Rules: If this box is checked, budget checking for accounts with negative budgets will be reversed such that budget-actual > 0 means over budget. In other words, when negative-going accounts attempt to exceed their negative budget in the negative direction, blocking or warning can occur. Budget checking on accounts with positive budgets does not change. Not checking this box disables the reversal of budget checking with negative budgets.

Check Secondary Transactions at Data Entry Time: If this box is checked, when transactions are checked for validity, the automatic RJE will be activated to create temporary, secondary transactions that will also be checked against the budget. Leaving this box blank (the default) disables synthesis/checking of secondary transactions at data entry time.

Use "Copy Key" for Associations: Check this box to cause the system to use the Org Key - Object Code associations of a different key when checking for required associations. An "N" or blank value requires each key to have its own associations. When a particular key and object have been used together or are budgeted to be used together, they are considered associated. When setting up a new key that has never been used and has not yet been budgeted, it has no associations and cannot be used if associations are required. This option is often useful because the new key's associations can be set to be the same as another similar key by entering that key in the Copy Key field of the new key defined on GL Organization Keys page.

Log Budget Changes: Check this box to enable budget logging for this ledger. When checked, budget logging is possible for this ledger, but is enabled or disabled on a version-by-version basis on the page level next to each budget version.

Budget Checked Object Types

This area controls the object types that will be checked against budgets. Expenses and Transfer Outs are always checked.

Expenses (XP, TO) always checked: Whether or not a JL account number is required is defined on GL Organization Keys (GLUPKY), GL Object Codes (GLUPOB) and budgets (GLBUUP), Expenses (XP) and Transfers Out (TO) object types are always checked for these requirements.

Assets/Liabilities (AS, LI, FB): Controls the object types that will be checked against budgets. Select this option to check Assets (AS), Liabilities (LI), and Fund Balance (FB).

Revenues (RV, TI): Controls the object types that will be checked against budgets. Select this option to check Revenues (RV) and Transfers-In (TI).

Default: Select the version of the budget that is to be the default for all budget checking and reporting. A default budget version must be selected once budget versions are defined or job-processing errors can occur.

Budget Versions

Version NUM: A numeric representation of the budget version (1-25). This number is automatically generated by the system.

Code: A two-character code that will be used to identify the various named versions of budgets (for example, "PR" for Proposed, "RE" for Recommended, "AP" for Approved).

Medium DESC: A maximum of eight characters that describe the budget name.

Long DESC: A maximum of 16 characters that describe the budget name. This description will be displayed for the budget labels on the GL Direct Budget Update (GLBUUP) page.

Log BUDG: Check this box to indicate that changes made to any budgets for this version will be logged.

Date: For a named version of the budget, enter a symbolic representation of the date after which the budget cannot be amended. Appropriate formats are listed below:
MM/FY - Specific Month, Current Fiscal Year
MM/FY-1 - Specific Month, Last Fiscal Year
MM/FY+1 - Specific Month, Next Fiscal Year
A reserved date code of "AC" is used to signify that the corresponding budget version is to contain actual information from the current fiscal year. If multiple budget versions containing actuals (i.e., AC in the date code field) are used, the versions cannot have a budget name of "AC." The date code can be used to indicate that a specific, named budget is the sum of other named budgets.

CALC: Indicates that a specific, named budget is the arithmetic calculation of up to four other named budgets. For example, we may set up two budgets, "EN" (prior year encumbrance budget rollover) and "FB" (fiscal budget). We would like to define "WB" (working budget) as being the sum of "EN + FB". Each time a report is requested for budget version "WB," the system will automatically add budget values for the two versions together and report them as if they were one budget. It is possible for a specific named budget to reference four other budgets in the date code, and one or more of these budgets may reference four other budgets. The format for referencing four budgets is "EN+FB+WBRB". There is a limit to the number of budgets that can be referenced in this way, however. A budget which is the sum of other budgets (also referred to as a calculated budget, a derived budget, and a summed budget), may have no more than 10 total references to non-summed budgets and no more than 10 total references to summed budgets. The date code may also reference prior or future year budgets. If the date code contains -####BV or +####BV, then a prior year or future year budget will be used. For example, to have a new budget version that contains the prior year WB version budget, enter "-0001WB" in the date code field of this new budget version.
To see prior year actuals in a budget version, enter "-0001AC" in the date code field. Calculated budgets and prior year/future year budget features may not be used within the same date code.  Note : either the Date OR the Calc field can be used but NOT both.


Allows the user to name the account number, define input and output formats, specify JL & WO delimiters, and enable zero fill and default account mapping features.

Account Heading: The 30-character description that should appear above the output account format when displayed or printed on pages and reports.

Input Format (screens)Describes the user-defined format used at data entry. The following conventions are used: K = Org. Key, O = Object Code, and P1, P2 . . . P8 = Primary Org. Parts if using fully qualified account format. To define the input format, indicate the order in which the structural parts should appear and the delimiter which should separate them (for example, "-", "+", ".", " "). For example, data entry could be just the Org Key and Object Code separated with a hyphen or period: “K-O” or “K.O”. When using fully qualified accounts (FQA), org. Part are using instead of Org. Key.  For examples, if your FQA consists of org. parts 1, 2, 3, followed by Object, and then followed by org. parts 4 and 5, the format would look like this: “P1.P2.P3.O.P4.P5” or “P1-P2-P3-O-P4-P5”.  When using FQA (i.e. Org. Parts), the combination of Org. Parts listed must map to a specific Org. Key. You cannot mix Org. Key with Org. Key Parts and the system doesn't support like “P1-K-P2-O”.

The input formats doesn't support in the below areas such as,

  1. Screens like GLBUUP, GLBUFTUB, ARBTCRIC and SIOECR etc,. 

  2. Webforms

  3. Account Lookup

  4. Pay String/Pay Lines screens like PYUPPH,PYUPHT,PYUPHS etc,.

  5. Tasklist

  6. GLIQ

Output Format (reports): Describes the user-defined format used for reporting. The following conventions are used: K = Org. Key, O = Object Code, and P1, P2 . . . P8 = Primary Org. Parts if using fully qualified account format. To define the input format, indicate the order in which the structural parts should appear and the delimiter which should separate them (for example, "-", "+", ".", " "). For example, data entry could be just the Org Key and Object Code separated with a hyphen or period: “K-O” or “K.O”. When using fully qualified accounts (FQA), org. Part are using instead of Org. Key.  For examples, if your FQA consists of org. parts 1, 2, 3, followed by Object, and then followed by org. parts 4 and 5, the format would look like this: “P1.P2.P3.O.P4.P5” or “P1-P2-P3-O-P4-P5”.  When using FQA (i.e. Org. Parts), the combination of Org. Parts listed must map to a specific Org. Key. You cannot mix Org. Key with Org. Key Parts and the system doesn't support like “P1-K-P2-O”.

JL Delimiter: Valid only on GL ledgers. Defines the character delimiter between the GL and JL portions of the account field. All documentation will present this field with a backslash (\ ). Note: Using a hyphen ( - ) in the JL Delimiter or in the WO Delimiter field will cause the Account Number verification to fail.

WO Delimiter: Valid only on GL ledgers. Defines the character delimiter between the GL (or JL) portion of the account number field and the work order number. All documentation will present this field with a pound (#) sign.

Zero-fill Account Numbers: Select this box to cause the system to zero-fill account numbers at data entry time. Leaving the check box blank (the default) disables the zero-fill padding. This is useful on longer account numbers to reduce data entry keystrokes.

Enable Default Account Mapping: Select this box to enable the GL/JL Default Account Number Mapping feature. Leaving the check box blank (the default) disables re-mapping. If this option is enabled, GL Default Mapping (GLUPDF) must be used to configure the mapping details. Account Number Mapping is often useful in reducing data entry keystrokes while assuring entries on the other ledger side are correct. It can also be useful for re-mapping a memorized account number to a new preferred replacement.

Validate Work Order: Check this box to validate work orders entered as part of an account string against the Work Order module for the given ledger.


Allows the user to enable or disable numerous system option flags related to various functionality, association, and security issues.

Totals to Accumulate

Unit Balances: Check this box to have the system automatically accumulate a separate set of UNITS transaction balances in addition to the normal ACCRUAL and/or CASH balance accumulators. Not setting the flag disables UNITS accumulators. This allows summary-level reporting of units for accounts where units have been posted.

Prior Year Encumbrances: Check this box to cause the system to create and maintain a set of special accumulators to track current year activity against encumbrance references originating in prior fiscal years. Both actual and encumbrance activity are accumulated. Options then become available on many reports to include, exclude, or show by itself this current year activity against references originating in prior years. Not selecting this flag (the default) disables the "Prior EN" accumulators. This option is useful if reports must be run excluding prior year activity. Note: If this field is changed, the GL Data Integrity utility to recompute account balances for actuals and encumbrances (GLUTDICP, AE) must be used to adjust these accumulators.

Enable MISC flag for Prior Year: When this box is checked it allows users to mark GL actual transactions as being from a prior year by placing "PY" in first two characters of the MISC field, even if the GL transactions are not from a prior year. Not selecting this flag disables the functionality. This feature is useful when dealing with prior year encumbrances and hence is typically used in conjunction with the Prior Year Encumbrances flag. In certain cases, there may be no PO reference in the EN database, but actual transactions need to be posted which deal with things originating in a prior fiscal year. One such case is where PO numbers change at the fiscal year boundary, but actually constitutes continuation of a PO from the prior year. Note that "PY" marking of the MISC field is applicable to both GL and EN transactions, and that it only matters that the first two characters are "PY". When using this feature, make sure no other transactions have been marked with "PY@@" for another purpose, such as payroll. Any set that posts to GL in detail (such as AP) will include a MISC code on the GL transaction. Note: If this field is changed, the GL Data Integrity utility to recompute account balances for actuals and encumbrances (GLUTDICP, AE) must be used to adjust these accumulators.

Pre-Encumbered Purchase Requisitions: Check this box to cause the system to generate encumbrances for purchase requests, which will later be transferred to corresponding PO's. When this box is left blank (the default), PRs are not encumbered and encumbrances are generated at PO time. This option is useful when PR approval cycles are long, causing PRs to accumulate, possibly resulting in over-budget conditions which pre-encumbering will catch. It also creates a special set of accumulators for reporting purposes. Note: If this field is changed, the GL Data Integrity utility to recompute account balances for actuals and encumbrances (GLUTDICP, AE) must be used to adjust these accumulators.

Those defined in 'GLFG LEVELS' code: Checking this box causes the system to use common code GLFG/LEVELS (if it exists) to specify at which Object and Object Group levels to maintain accumulators, and at which of these to block or warn. Leaving his box blank (the default) causes the system to ignore the GLFG/LEVELS common code. Note: If this field is changed, the GL Data Integrity utility to recompute account balances (GLUTDICP, ALL) must be used to adjust these accumulators.

Other Options

FQA Format: This option controls the Fully Qualified Account uniqueness criteria when both the Org Key and parts are specified in the input format on GL General Information page. This occurs when both Ks and Ps are placed anywhere in the input format string. Options are:

  • UN (Unique Parts Mode) — If a blank (default) or a "U" is placed in this field, the combination of the Parts specified in the Input Format must have a unique, one-to-one relationship to the keys they represent.

  • UY (Key Unique Mode) — If a "K" is placed in this field, the combination of the Key and Parts specified in the Input Format must be unique. This option allows multiple keys to be created with the same, specified part values without violating uniqueness checks.

Cash/Accrual Method: Select one of the options to identify which types of accumulators to keep in the GLDB. The default value for this option is blank, which denotes "Accrual Only" (same as option B). These flags are useful for locations requiring simultaneous types of reporting. Special accrual/reversal postings are required along with special Subsystem Interface configurations (GLUTSPSI). If this option field is changed, a GL recompute of actuals, encumbrances, and budgets (GLUTDICP, All) is required to adjust these accumulators.

Object Types for Require JL Rules

Expenses (XP, TO) Always checked: Whether a JL account number is required is defined on GL Organization Keys (GLUPKY), GL Object Codes (GLUPOB) and budgets (GLBUUP), Expenses (XP) and Transfers Out (TO) object types are always checked for these requirements.

Check Revenues (RV,TI): In addition to checking Expenses (XP) and Transfers Out (TO) object types, checking this box will include Revenues (RV) and Transfers In (TI) Object Code types to check for JL account numbers (JL association requirements).

Check Assets/Liabilities (AS,LI,FB): In addition to checking Expenses (XP) and Transfers Out (TO) object types, checking this box will include Assets (AS), Liabilities (LI) and Fund Balance (FB) Object Code types to check for JL account numbers (JL association requirements).

Intra Fund Object Code: The Object Code used for automatic balancing entries that indicates the relationship between Fund level administrative accounts and Org. Key level accounts. This is an optional feature.

Inter Fund Object Code: The Object Code used for Interfund account entries. These automatic entries are generated to show the relationship between Fund-level administrative accounts and the Entity-level accounts such as those that hold bank accounts, also known as Claim on Cash or Due To/From Other Funds. This is an optional feature.

Valid JL Associations

A JL list is only valid if the side is GL. The list identifies the valid JL ledgers that can be associated with a ledger being defined for the GL side.


Enter optional comments to associate with the ledger code. Sub-tab labels are defined in common code GLTT/xxxxxxxx. For example, GLTT/COMMENTS creates a tab label called "COMMENTS."

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