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Start and End Dates by Subsystem - GLUPSE

This page is used to define dates by subsystem at the Org. Key, Key Background Part, Key Select Code, and/or Key Miscellaneous Code level. The dates work in conjunction with the existing start/end dates on the Org. Key.

The following BusinessPlus subsystems are supported. Any transaction coming from an outside source is treated as a Journal Entry.

Subsystem CodeDescription


Accounts Payable


Accounts Receivable




Cash Receipts




Fixed Assets


Journal Entries


Position Control


Purchase Orders


Purchase Requests




Stores Inventory


Typed/Reversed AP Checks


All subsystems (this is redundant if set up at the Org. Key level, but useful for other levels.)

Org. Key/Key Part: The four-character description for the Org. Key, Org. Key Part. #S1 through #S8 may be used for Org. Key Select Codes. #M1 through #M8 may be used for Org. Key Misc Codes.
Code Value: The actual code defined for the given Org. Key, Org. Key Part, Select, or Misc Code.
Obj Cd/Obj Group: The four-character description for the Object Code or Object Group.
Code Value: The actual code defined for the given Object Code or Object Group.
Subsystem: The Subsystem ID for which this start/end date definition is to be effective. @@ may be entered to denote all subsystems.
Priority: If this flag is set, then this will be the only rule checked (if it matches the account selection criteria).
Start Date: The first date on which transactions may be entered for the selected subsystem. Before this date, a block or warn will be given.
Symbolic Start Dt: A symbolic start date may be used instead of an actual date. Entering a symbolic date will clear any entered start date on the record. This field consists of three parts: the date code, adjustment, and adjustment type.
End Date: The last date on which transactions may be entered for the selected subsystem. After this date, a block or warn is issued.
Symbolic End Dt: A symbolic end date may be used instead of an actual date. Entering a symbolic date will clear any entered end date on the record. This field consists of three parts: the date code, adjustment, and adjustment type. Valid date codes are:

  • RDT (Current Date)
  • MOB (Month Begin Date)
  • MOE (Month End Date)
  • PRB (Period Begin Date)
  • PRE (Period End Date)
  • QTB (Quarter Begin Date)
  • QTE (Quarter End Date)
  • FYB (Fiscal Year Begin Date)
  • FYE (Fiscal Year End Date)
  • KYB (Key Start Date)
  • KYE (Key End Date)

Optional adjustments to this date may be in the form of + or – and number. Available adjustment types are D (Days), M (Months), P (Periods), Q (Quarters), and Y (Years). For example, KYB+6D.
Note: If two or more Start/End dates are active for a given transaction, the most restrictive dates are used. For example, if an Org. key has global Start/End dates of 7/1/2013-6/30/2014 and also an AP Start/End date of 1/1/2013-12/31/2013, AP transactions will only be allowed for that Org. Key between 7/1/2013-12/31/2013.
Warn Days: The number of days after the Warn date that a block will be treated as a warn. This provides an optional grace period. You may also enter the number of days prior to the end date to issue a warning that the users are nearing the end date. Each entry may be set to Block/Warn/Authorize if a transaction falls in the defined date range.
Block/Warn: The type of error to be produced: B (Block), W (Warning), or A (Authorize).
Ledger: The GL or JL ledger code for which this definition is active.

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