Object Groups - GLUPOG
Use the General Ledger (GL) Object Groups (GLUPOG) page to define object group codes for each of the object groups defined on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page for a given ledger. The groups are used for data extraction and reporting sorts. Object group codes must be defined for each of the ledger's object groups before object codes can be defined on GL Object Codes (GLUPOB) page.
Object Group Cd: Enter a maximum eight-character code to be associated with an object group. The GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Object tab, dictates the format. The group code typically represents summary levels or account crosswalks for financial reports, levels at which budgets are to be entered and/or checked, or special internal reporting.
Long Description: Enter up to 30 characters to describe the object group code.
Medium Description: Enter up to 16 characters to abbreviate the description of the object group code. Leaving this field blank will cause the system to populate this field with the first 16 characters of the long description.
Director: The name of the person who is the director of the object group.
Ledger: Select the ledger code to which the object group code is added. The ledger code selected determines which codes are available for selection in the Object Group field.
Object Group: Select the object group to associate with the object group code being defined. The list is populated based upon the ledger selection and the values are derived from the short description of the group as defined on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page.
Miscellaneous Flags
Flag 1-10: Up to ten, two-character flags that may be associated with an object group code.
Account Matrix
The section applies when using auto-generated account functionality. Users can create new accounts based on background parts pre-defined in an account matrix. The matrix defaults the correct background parts to newly created accounts. When adding a part code, you can only add a single entry for each part code within a single record. Account matrix functionality requires common code GLFG/NEWKEY02.
Part: Select an organization part.
Code: Enter an Org Part code or use the Code Lookup function.
Free Form Text
Notes can be added to the free form text field. Tab labels are defined in common code GLTT/XXXXXXXX . E.g., GLTT/COMMENTS creates a tab label of "COMMENTS."