Organization Keys - GLUPKY
To create a chart of accounts:
Define the framework and characteristics in GLUPGN.
Define the corresponding detail background parts and codes that will be used when creating the account numbers. For each of the primary key parts defined on GLUPGN > Org Key tab, an Org Part code must be defined on GLUPKP.
Define organization keys on this page (GLUPKY) to represent a valid combination of organization parts for a given ledger. Flags and codes set on this page determine desired transaction traps and budget-checking at the key level.
Ledger: This field displays the ledger being updated, or selects the ledger for which the Organization Key is to be created.
In find mode, this field defaults to the user's default ledger entered in their user profile stored in NUUPUS.
KEY: The Organization Key (Org Key) format (length, digits or characters, etc.) is defined in GLUPGN. Each defined Org Key must be unique and associated with a set of Organization Part Codes.
Long Description: Org Key description of up to 30 characters. Short or long descriptions appear in general ledger postings and reports.
Status: A system code that indicates if the Org Key is A (Active), C (Closed), or I (Inactive). The default for a new key is A. An Org Key can have new transactions posted against it only if the status is Active. The status may be changed to C or I by the user to disable the key. Closed and Inactive Org Keys are functionally the same and will continue to show up on standard reports for fiscal years where there has been activity posted against that key.
Accept Trans.: System code. The default for a new key is Y. If the Org Key is to be a Control Key, the code is N (No), or B (Accept Budgets Only), if budgets are defined at the Control Key level.
Short Description: Org Key description of up to 16 characters. If this field is left blank, the first 16 characters of the Long Description are used to populate it. Short or long descriptions appear in general ledger postings and reports.
Director: The person's name who is identified as the director of the Org Key.
Start/End Date: To indicate the Org Key is always valid, leave these fields blank. To restrict the Key's use to a specific date, enter the starting date and/or the ending date, in MMDDYYYY format, or select a date using the calendar function, to specify when the Org Key is valid. This is typically used to qualify an organization key that represents funded grant activity. These dates also work in conjunction with definitions on the Start/End Dates by Subsystem (GLUPSE) page.
Planned Start/End Date: Enter the planned starting date and ending date, in MM/DD/YYYY format. These fields are informational only and will not prevent transaction posting to this key.
Group (Level): Select the system-generated account level code to which the Org Key applies:
CC — Cost Center or Department level (Default)
FD — Fund Management level
EN — Entity level
Require JL: Select this field to require a JL account on transactions associated with this Org Key. Valid codes are:
" " — <none>
D — Disallowed
N — No (Default)
Y — Yes
Old Key: This field will accept a previous Organization Key prior to system conversion or a renumbering when using GL utilities. It may also be used to hold an equivalent numbering system. This field is not validated.
Copy Key: When the Organization Key is created, this field may be used to copy all associations with Object Codes of another Organization Key into the one being created. Object Codes associations are copied, but transactions or budget values are not. This is a quick way to explicitly associate Object Codes with an Organization Key. This field is not validated.
Type: It may be appropriate for Org Keys to be defined as a control key. A control key represents some portion of the chart of accounts where transaction activity is not recorded. This key serves as a budget control or can be used for other information purposes. To create a control key, set Accept Transactions to N, and check the Type box. This ensures the Org Key will not be included within regular transaction reporting and will not have transaction activity entered against it. If the budget amounts are to be calculated from the lower level keys, check the Derived box. All appropriate lower-level Org Keys must have the control key value entered in the Parent Control Key field. In other situations, an Org Key may receive its budgets as an allocation from a higher level control key. That is, the budgets were entered for a control key and the user wishes to ensure that when entering budgets for a specific Org Key, it does not exceed the accumulated total of all other budgets that have been previously entered in other Org Keys that are also allocated from the control key. To accomplish this, enter the control key value in the Parent Control Key field and enter one of the following codes in the Over Allocation flags fields:
Control Key Option | Description |
Over Alloc Action: W | Warning at the object level |
Over Alloc Action: B | Block at the object level |
Over Alloc Level: G1-G8, OB | Warning at an object group level |
Over Alloc Level: G1-G8, OB | Block at an object group level |
Derived: Select this box if the budgets for the Control Org Key will be derived from a lower level key. That is, the budgets are not entered directly, but rather they are the accumulated sum of all lower levels that have been associated with the key entered in the Parent Control Key field. Derived control keys will also sum all lower levels of actual and encumbrance activity for reporting purposes.
Require Association: Select this field to explicitly associate Object Codes that must be correlated with the Organization Key prior to accepting transactions at data entry time. This works in conjunction with the Active flag (when checked on the GL Budget Update Annual (GLBUUP) page) for a budgeted line item.
Budget Inception to Date: If this box is selected, a budget created for this key can be used over multiple fiscal years and, when money runs out, no matter what year those amounts where used, the system can block or warn you when you enter new transactions that you are over budget. Inception-to-date budgets are created by entering budgets with a fiscal year of 9999. Actual and encumbrances posted against these types of accounts would also be accumulated at this level so that all the information is available to do budget checking and reporting against inception-to-date amounts.
Organization Key Info with FY (GLUPKF)
The GL Key parts and supplemental parts have a single definition maintained using GLUPKY. Every time a change occurs in parts, you must create a new key that can lead to losing historical changes to key parts over a period of time.
To ensure that changes to key parts are not lost, a separate GL Key screen (GLUPKF) that includes a fiscal year indicator is introduced. When you enter or update a new key in GLUPKY, an additional entry is made in GLUPKF that captures the fiscal year. The new screen (GLUPKF) is applicable only for the current fiscal year. Therefore, updates to records made in GLUPKY for the current fiscal year will always override the corresponding records in GLUPKF. The system maintains a single record per key for each fiscal year.
You can update the GLUPKF screen directly only for records that are not part of the current fiscal year. To make changes to records for the current fiscal year, use the GLUPKY screen.
Primary Parts
Part Codes
Budget Check Key: Enter the Budget Check Key to be used in the budget checking/allocation process if it is different from the Org Key itself. The Budget Check Key is a higher-level Org Key used for budget checking and budget allocations for an accumulation of lower level keys within the organization. The Edit control for the Budget Check Key allows the proper display of Fully Qualified Accounts.
In find mode, this field defaults to the user's default ledger entered in their user profile stored in NUUPUS.
[Key Part Codes]: Descriptions displayed here echo from the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Org Key > Primary Key Parts, based upon the ledger definition for the active ledger. The Key Part Codes are defined for each Key Part on the GL Organization Key Parts (GLUPKP) page. In defining an Org Key, an Org Part Code must be selected for each Key Part Codes echo displayed. The Lookup for each field will display only valid options for selection. Note: Only Part Codes 1-8 can be used as a unique part collection to formulate fully qualified accounts.
Over Budget Action: The Over Budget flags indicate the type of budget checking that should be used. The user can set warning or blocking actions for this particular key, to be enforced at data entry time, when entering an actual transaction or encumbrance transaction against an account that would create an over-budget condition. Select the system code that indicates the type of budget checking that should be used:
Blank or <none> — No checking
A — Workflow Authorize: Over Budget conditions must be approved via Workflow before posting is allowed
B — Block
T — Total: Creates accumulators at the designated level without performing any budget checks
W — Warning
Over Budget Level: Indicates the level of checking that should occur. Options are Object Groups G1 through G8, or OB (Object).
Over Alloc Action: The Over Allocation flags can be used when an organization adopts a top-down budgeting approach. Allocations from a higher-level budget (i.e., a budget that is entered against a Parent Control Key) to its child keys can be contained when turning on this control. Select the system code that indicates the type of budget checking that should be used:
Blank or <none> — No checking
A — Workflow Authorize: Over Budget conditions must be approved via Workflow before posting is allowed
B — Block
W — Warning
Over Alloc Level: Indicates the level of checking which should occur. Options are Object Groups G1 through G8 and OB (Object).
Override Budget Version: If the field is left blank, the Default budget version defined on the GLUPGN, Budget tab will be used. If budget checking for this key should occur against a budget version other than the default budget version, select one of the ledger's valid budget versions.
Budget Close Code: The Budget Close has no system function other than for selection criteria used in reporting. Available codes are defined in common code GLBC/xxxx the x is up to four characters to represent a valid budget close code.
Report Format: This field is system-derived from the Output Format defined on GLUPGN, Presentation tab. If a Fully Qualified Account (FQA) output has been defined, this field will preview the concatenation of the selected parts.
Supplemental Parts
Parts 1 to 16
Supplemental Parts are an extension of the Primary Part Codes, to be used for data gathering and reporting. If Supplemental Part Codes are defined on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, the descriptions will echo to the left of the fields displayed. Unlike Primary Parts, assigning Supplemental Parts can be optional or required, depending on the options checked when defining these parts on GLUPGN, Supplemental tab. Supplemental Parts can be validated or not. If Supplemental Parts are to be validated, the Org Part Codes defined for each Key Part on the GL Organization Key Parts (GLUPKP) page, as with Primary Parts. If Supplemental Parts are not defined to be validated, they work similar to Misc codes and allow any entry from 1-8 characters or numeric value to be entered. Supplemental Parts cannot be used in the formulation of fully qualified accounts.
Parts 17 to 32
These parts are functionally the same as Parts 1 to 16 but are reserved for use with regulatory reporting.
Option to link Org Keys with contacts in the PE ID database, as defined on the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPEPerson Entity Information - PEUPPEor PEUPPI) pages.
PEID: Select a PE ID from the person/entity database.
Address Code: Default address type from PE ID. Change this if a different address type is needed.
Contact Type: Available Contact Type values are defined in common code GLCT/XX, where XX is the two-character code of the contact type. Enter description of contact type in the medium description.
Enter text by text type. The sub-tab label is defined in common code GLTT/XXXXXXXXGLTT - XXXXXXXX(for Text tabs in GL pages), where the code value is the text type name displayed in the sub-tab.
Select Codes
Choose up to eight select codes that can be associated with a given organization key and used for extraction and reports. Available code values are defined in common codes GLS1/xxxxxxxx through GLS8/xxxxxxxxx,GLXX - XXxxxxwhere x is the code value shown in the list to be validated.
Misc Codes
Enter up to eight miscellaneous codes, 1-8 characters each, which can be associated with a given organization key and used for extraction and reports. Misc codes may also be referenced for Recurring Calculations for values that make sense to store at the Org Key level (an example would be Indirect Cost Rate for a specific Grant Key). Misc codes are not checked or validated and may be entered at any time.
Valid Object Types
Choose up to six different object types to indicate they are valid types with the organization key. If all boxes are blank, the key will accept transactions for all object types. If use of object types should be restricted for this key, select the types that should be accepted. An object code designated as INTRA will be accepted as valid without being listed here, unless it is explicitly excluded by common code GLJE/INTRA; to exclude the INTRA object code, enter NO in the short description.