BSR to IFAS Interface - ARSPBC
This function allows the creation of a CR Set file from an input file of either a fixed record of 240 bytes or a comma delimited record of 256 bytes.
Setup needed:
- Finance Codes: one for each Type Code from the input file
- Input File: 240 or 256 characters per record length
Name of Interface File: Enter the 8-character file name of the Input File.
Enter Name for new C/R Batch File: Enter the 8-character file name you wish the CR Set File to be called.
File Format
IR-ACCT-ID | Account ID |
IR-NAME | Account Name |
IR-TERM | Academic Term |
IR-KEY | GL Org Key |
IR-OBJECT | GL Object |
IR-DIV | AR Division Code |
IR-QTY | Quantity (normally 1) |
IR-AMT | Amount |
IR-REF | Reference (Cash Receipt #) |
IR-INVOICE | Invoice |
IR-DESC | Description |
IR-FIN-CODE | Finance Code (can be used to provide default values for Key/Obj/Div, etc) |
IR-MISC | Misc. Code |
IR-PREP-ID | Preparer's ID |
IR-PAY-TYPE | Payment Type (e.g., CC=Credit Card, CA=Cash) |
IR-PAY-REF | Payment Reference (Check #) |
IR-BANK-SLIP | Deposit Slip |
IR-BANK-ID | Deposit Bank |
IR-BANK-DT | Deposit Date |
IR-REF-DT | Reference Date |
IR-HIT-AR | "Y" if transaction to apply to AR Account, "N" otherwise |