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Calculation Definition - RCUPRC

The Recurring Calculations (RC) Calculation Definition (RCUPRC) page is used to define the calculations used in BusinessPlus to analyze the database and create recurring journal entries.

Page Header

The page header is used to create or select the Calculation ID and description.

ID: A representative name for the recurring calculation. This must be unique within the RC subsystem. The ID must be no longer than 20 characters, use only alphanumeric characters, and may not start with a number.
Description: Short description for recurring calculation. If this RC creates a Set and the Set header has a description field, this description will be used as the Set description.

Main Tab

The Main tab displays the basic information pertaining to the Calculation Definition.

Category: This field is used to select the type of source from which the data items will be selected. E.g., General Ledger Transaction Detail. Categories are defined in RCUPCT and provide the link to the tables and fields that will be available to the model.

Selection Classes
Primary: Used to categorize a recurring calculation as primary. Primary selection classes are defined in RC Codes (RCUPCD), with Code ID of PC.
Secondary: Used to categorize a recurring calculation as secondary. Secondary selection classes are defined in RC Codes, with Code ID of SC.
Tertiary: Used to categorize a recurring calculation as tertiary. Tertiary selection classes are defined in RC Codes, with Code ID of TC.

Activation Controls
Active: Indicates active/inactive status of recurring calculation. Inactive calculations will be ignored when the calculation process is run.
Auto: Indicates whether a recurring calculation should run automatically at distribution time to select its data from a recently posted Set. This must be configured with a Workflow model.
Start: Start date for this recurring calculation.
End: End date for this recurring calculation.

Ledger Selection
GL Ledger: The default general ledger code for this recurring calculation.
JL Ledger: The default job ledger code for this recurring calculation.

Execution History
Last Run: The last date this recurring calculation was run.
Last Status: Identifies whether or not this recurring calculation was run successfully the last time it was launched.

Detailed top-level description for this recurring calculation. Use the <Enter> key to insert line breaks. Use the <Shift><Enter> key combination to save the text entered on the tab.

Data Item Tab

This tab provides a method of selecting the source items from which the data will be selected. This section also determines at which level the information that is pulled into the RC will be summarized.

Category: The type of source from which the data items will be selected.
Build List: Click on this button to show all data items for this category. Previously selected items will remain selected.
Optimize List: Click on this button to remove unselected data items for this category.
Select: If checked, this item has been selected and may be used in calculations and output.
Table: The table from which this data item will be selected.
Table Description (Displayed in Single-Entry Mode Only): The echo description of the selected Table.
Column: The column from which this data item will be selected.
Column Description (Displayed in Single-Entry Mode Only): The echo description of the Column.
Name: The user defined name for the data item.

Steps Tab

This tab is used to define the steps and order of operations for filters and calculations.

Step: The order in which the steps will be executed.
ID: This name will be used to reference this step in calculations and output. This must be unique within this RC Definition. The ID must be no longer than 20 characters, use only alphanumeric characters, and may not start with a number.
Description: A description of what the step is or does.
Date Table: The table on which date selection will be performed. This table must be part of the data item category.
Date Column: The column on which date selection will be performed. This column must be part of the data item category.
Start: The starting selection date for this step of the recurring calculation.
End: The ending selection date for this step of the recurring calculation.
Symbolic Start: The starting selection date for this step of the recurring calculation. This must be a valid three-character symbolic code, as shown below.
Symbolic End: The ending selection date for this step of the recurring calculation. This must be a valid three-character symbolic date code, as shown below.
Valid symbolic dates are:

RDT (Report Date)

CDT (Current Date)

CYB (Current Year Begin)

CYE (Current Year End)

CQB (Current Quarter Begin)

CQE (Current Quarter End)

MOB (Month Begin)

MOE (Month End)

PRB (Period Begin)

PRE (Period End)

QTB (Quarter Begin)

QTE (Quarter End)

FQB (Quarter Begin)

FQE (Quarter End)

FYB (Fiscal Year Begin)

FYE (Fiscal Year End)

KYB (Org Key Start Date)

KYE (Org Key End Date)




This tab provides a method of paring down the data selected for the given step.

Sequence: The order that the filter rows will be applied.
( : Opening parenthesis. Used to identify order of operations.
Table: A table from the category or "Data Item" to specify a named data item.
Column: A column from the category or named data item.
Relational Op: The relation operator to apply to the Table/Column. E.g., =, <, >.
Value: The value to which the table/column is compared to.
) : Closing parenthesis. Used to identify order of operations.
Logical Op: Identifies how the current line should be compared to the next line. E.g., AND, OR.


This tab defines the arithmetic calculations that are performed for a given step.

Sequence: The order that the calculations will be performed.
Name: The name used to identify the calculation. This name may be used on the Output tab.
Source: This field combined with Value field can be used to lookup expression keywords. A Source may be a specific Step Name, a named Data Item, or Special Calc. Depending on which Source is selected, the list of available Values may change.
Value: This field combined with Source field can be used to lookup expression keywords. Depending on which Source was selected, the list of available Values may change.

  • Step Name: a list of calculations for this step may be selected.
  • Data Item: a list of selected data items from the Data Item tab may be selected.
  • Special Calc: a list of available special calculation codes may be selected.

Append: Clicking on this button appends the current Source and Value to the expression.
Expression: The arithmetic calculation to perform. Named data items and step/calculations may be referenced from prior steps. Some special codes may also be used here.

For All Subsystems

AVGBAL (Period, Amount)

The average balance on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. The Period may be D for daily, M for monthly, Q for quarterly, or Y for yearly. The Amount parameter is the named data item that contains values to compute average balance.

FDKEY (Ledger, Org Key)

Returns the Org Key from the FDID Common Code. The Fund is determined from the passed Org Key.

FDOBJ (Ledger, Org Key)

Returns the Object Code from the FDID Common Code. The Fund is determined from the passed Org Key.

SUM (Data Item)

The sum of a named data item in the current selection. This must be a numeric field.

XOBJ (Ledger Code, Object Code)

Returns an Object Code from the GLOB Common Code. The index of the associated code to get the Object Code from is determined by positions 5-6 of the passed Object Code.

For General Ledger

AVGBAL (Period, Credit, Debit): The average balance on a daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. The Period may be D for daily, M for monthly, Q for quarterly, or Y for yearly. The Credit and Debit parameters are the named data items that contain values to compute average balance.

For Work Order

WODRKEY (Ledger Code, Work Order)

Returns the Debit Account Org Key for this Work Order.

WOCRKEY (Ledger Code, Work Order)

Returns the Credit Account Org Key for this Work Order.

WODROBJ (Ledger Code, Work Order)

Returns the Debit Account Object Code for this Work Order.

WOCROBJ (Ledger Code, Work Order)

Returns the Credit Account Object Code for this Work Order.

Rounding Control Level: The Rounding Control Level allows you to determine the summary level you would like this calculation rounded to the number of decimal places indicated above the calculation.  Any item names from the Data Item tab may be used separated by commas.  Example:  If you enter LEDGER,FUND then the rounding will occur at the ledger and fund summary level.


This tab provides a place to enter descriptive details about the step. Use the <Enter> key to insert line breaks. Use the <Shift><Enter> key combination to save the text entered on the tab.

Output Tab

This tab allows the user to specify what type of output will be produced by the recurring calculation.

Category: The type of output that will be created. E.g., Journal Entry Set. When a new Category is added, all possible columns to output will be shown in the output details grid below. To pare this list down to what is required and/or automatically defaulted, click on the "Optimize List" button on the Output Details tab.
Output ID: This system-generated reference is used to identify this output record. This will be unique within a RC Definition. Reference this ID when using the copy output tool.
Description: The description of the output category.

Output Details

This tab defines how each column in the output will be populated.

Target BT20 Table (Single-Entry Mode Only): The table to which the output will be written.
Target Property (Single-Entry Mode Only): The property name to which the output will be written.
Target: A column in the output type selected.
Source: The source from which the data to populate this field will come. This may be "Data Item", a named "Step", or "Seed".
Name: The name of the specific item from the source to use to populate this field. This will be a named data item, a named calculation, or seed category from NU Common Codes Category of SYNO, with a value depending on the chosen Source.
Literal: A specific value to assign to this field. Depending on the type of field being written to, this may be a character value, numeric, or date. If the target field is a date, symbolic date codes may be used. A literal value may not be used if a Source/Name is specified.
Build List: Click this button to show all fields for this output category. Previously entered output details will remain unchanged.
Optimize List: Click this button to pare the output details list down to what is required, automatically defaulted, or previously entered.


This tab provides a place to enter a detailed description of the output. Use the <Enter> key to insert line breaks. Use the <Shift><Enter> key combination to save the text entered on the tab.

Tools for Recurring Calculations

Copying an Entire RC Definition

The Copy Recurring Calculation feature is available under the Tools section of the Side Options Bar. This tool makes a copy of an existing RC definition. All corresponding details will automatically be copied to the new ID. The ID copied from will remain unchanged.

By default, the current calculation will appear in the "From RC ID" field. This may be overwritten to copy from another ID. The user will enter the calculation ID to copy to in the "To RC ID" field. Click on Copy to initiate the copy process or Cancel to close the window without performing the copy.
If the copy was successful, you will be redirected to the new ID.

Deleting an Entire RC Definition

The Delete Recurring Calculation tool deletes an existing RC definition. All corresponding details will also be deleted.

By default, the current calculation will appear in the "RC ID" field. This may be changed to delete another ID. A "%" or "*" may be added to the end of the RC ID to delete all definitions that start with the given text. Click Delete to initiate the copy process or Cancel to close the window without performing the copy.

If the delete was successful, you will be redirected to the first ID on the Entity List.

Copying a Step

The Copy Step tool makes a copy of an existing RC Step. All corresponding Filters and Calculations will automatically be copied to the new Step ID. The From Step ID copied will remain unchanged.

The current calculation will default in the "From RC ID" field and the current Step will default in the "From Step ID" field. This may be overwritten to copy from another RC ID or Step ID. The user will enter the Step ID to copy to in the "To Step ID" field. Click on Copy to initiate the copy process or Cancel to close the window without performing the copy.

If the copy was successful, you will be redirected to the new Step.

Copying Output

The Copy Output tool makes a copy of an existing RC Output Definition. All corresponding Output details will automatically be copied to the new Output ID. The Output ID copied from will remain unchanged.

The current calculation will default in the "From RC ID" field and the current Output ID will default in the "From Output ID" field. This may be changed if you wish to copy from another RC ID or Output ID. The new Output ID will be automatically generated. Click on Copy to initiate the copy process or Cancel to close the window without performing the copy.

If the copy was successful, you will be redirected to the new Output ID.


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