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Cash Transactions - ARBTCRUB

The Accounts Receivable (AR) Cash Transactions (ARBTCRUB) page is designed for the entry of both AR and non-AR payments. One record page must be entered for each transaction; typically, only the credit side of the transaction is entered.

All transactions placed into a Set will post to the general ledger on one posting date. If period sensitivity is important, separate Sets must be created for each period. The system does not post to the GL based on Receipt or Reference Date.

Where there is no need to record the customer on miscellaneous cash receipts, the Account ID may be left blank. To enable this function, the Hit AR flag must be unchecked. The default Account ID, if the field is left blank, is ZZBLANK. The PE ID of ZZBLANK must be defined in the Person/Entity (PE) Information database (PEUPPE). Alternatively, the NU Common Codes (NUUPCD) Category/Value of ARBT/BLANKID may be defined with a different Account ID to be used where the Account ID is left blank. The Account ID defined in the code must exist in the PE database.

If the AR module is defined to Warn on New Account (a setting on the AR General Information (ARUPGN) page), a warning appears the first time a receipt is entered to this new Account ID. If the Accounts Receivable module is defined to Block on New Accounts, this Account ID also needs to be defined in the AR Account Information (ARUPAC) page.

Add, Edit, and Delete functions are available for parent and child records while in grid mode.

Set Tab

Set ID: Up to 16 characters to identify a set of transactions uniquely. The system can generate an automatic Set ID based upon seed values defined through NUUPCD SYNO/BTCHIDCR. Click the Auto-Seed button to activate the lookup functionality.

User Set Total: The total of all transactions within the Set ID.

Status: System field showing the status of the Set. Upon Set creation, this field is set to BE. When the Set is posted, the Status will be DS.

Created By: The User ID of the person who created the Set.

Create Date: System field showing the date of creation.

Updated By: The user ID of the person who last updated the Set.

Last Update Date: System field showing the date of the last update.


Set Total: System-generated totals of the amounts entered, showing the running total of distribution amounts for the given Set ID.

Receipt Count: System field indicating the total number of receipts that have been entered into the Set.

Set Record Count: System field indicating the total number of records that have been entered into the Set.

To update an existing Set, click on the Set ID and click on the Receipt tab to begin updating. When a new Set is created, upon pressing Enter the user is taken to the Receipt tab.

Receipt Tab

Set ID: It is a read-only field that will fetch the Set ID value from the Set tab.

Account ID: Enter the Account ID of the customer to which this transaction relates. To find the ID defined in the PE Information page, use the Lookup button to activate the lookup functionality.

Acct Name: The system displays the name of the customer ID referenced above in the Account ID field.

Receipt: Up to 16 characters used to refer this transaction to a source document. This is commonly the Cash Receipt Number. When entering a reference with multiple distribution amounts, the system will repeat the receipt number on subsequent record forms until the total of the distribution amounts equals the total that is entered for the receipt reference. If a new receipt reference is started without this total matching the receipt reference total keyed in, a Reference Total Warning message appears. The system can generate a Receipt seed number by defining common code SYNO/CRREF.

Receipt Date: Enter the date of the transaction or select a date from the drop-down calendar. Dates may be entered in MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, MMDDYYYY, or MM/DD/YYYY format.

User Receipt Total: For those cases where there are multiple transactions for a single reference, the total amount of all transactions for a reference should be entered in this field.

System Receipt Total: The system keeps a running total of all records with the same receipt number and displays the total in this field.

Receipt Details Tab

Main Tab

Account: The first box of the account number field is the ledger code, derived from the ledgers defined on the General Information Ledger Definition (GLUPGN) page. Only valid ledgers can be selected from the drop-down list. The active ledger code will default into this field. The account control will be driven by the input format of the ledger code selected, fully qualified or key/object. If part of the account number is unknown, select the Lookup button to activate the lookup functionality.

Description: Up to 30 characters that describe the transaction. This description will later appear on receipts, billing statements, reports, and inquiries. Left blank, the system will use the GL Object Code description for the transaction description.

Division: Select the Division to which the transaction relates. Codes available for selection are defined in the AR Code Definitions, Division tab. Division Codes are used to divide the AR database into logical groups of transactions (sub ledgers).

Quantity: Enter the number of items that the customer is paying for.

Unit Price: Enter the cost of items being paid for.

Ref: Reference.

Hit AR? This is a Yes/No field used to indicate if the transaction should be posted to the AR subsystem during the distribution process. Checked means Yes and unchecked means No. If this flag is set to No, then the record will not be distributed to AR even if the distribute to AR and GL option is used. When this flag is set to No, then the record only appears in the General Ledger subsystem.

Tax 1 and 2 & Tax Amount 1 and 2: The Tax part of these two fields is used for the system to calculate a Tax Amount, such as a Sales Tax. Codes available in the drop-down list are defined in NUUPCD with Category of SYTX. When a code is entered in this field, the system locates this code in the NUUPCD file and uses the first Associated Numeric Value as the percent to be multiplied times the Distribution amount to determine this Tax amount. The tax code field is also used in the automatic creation of Use Tax entries within the Set. To override the system calculation, enter the tax amount into the Amount field.

Payment Type: Select the method of payment made by the customer. The drop-down box displays the available pay types that have been defined in the AR Code Definitions (ARUPCD) page.

Payment Ref: This field is used to indicate any reference associated with the pay type. For instance, the payment type might be check and the payment reference could be the check number.

Misc Code: Each transaction may be associated with a miscellaneous code. Codes available for selection are defined in the AR Code Definitions page, Misc tab. This field may be validated based on a flag on the AR General Information (ARUPGN) page. This field is useful to extract selected entries from the GL or AR using the miscellaneous code.

Finance Code: An optional field used for AR interface. Codes available for selection are defined in AR Code Definitions, Finance tab.

Charge & Charge Amount: The Charge portion of these two fields is used to have the system automatically calculate an extra Charge Amount. The amount of the standard Charge to be paid is derived from the common code with a Code Category of SYCH. When a code is entered in this field, the system locates the code in the NUUPCD file and uses the first Associated Numeric Value as the percentage to be multiplied by the Distribution amount to determine the Charge amount. To override the system calculation, enter the amount of the Charge into the Amt field.

Bank Date: Enter the date on which these receipts will be deposited in the bank. ACH deposits may allow the Bank Date to be automatically populated. See Bank Slip.

Address Code: Select the address code that will be used for the transaction. The Address Code is defined in common code with a Category /Value of PEAD/xx, where XX represents the Address type. Addresses are defined for the address codes in the PE Information page, allowing for multiple addresses for each Account ID. Additionally, common code ARAH/ADDRESS can be defined to set an address hierarchy that determines the appropriate Address Code to assign at data entry time. For example, if the AP Address Code is to be listed first, the BL Address Code second, and the PO Address Code third, enter APBLPO in the Short Description.

Term Code: Select the Term to which this transaction belongs. Codes available for selection are defined in the AR Code Definitions page, Term tab.

Duty & Duty Amount: The Duty portion of these two fields is used to have the system automatically calculate a Duty Amt, such as an Import Duty. The amount of the standard Duty to be paid is derived from the common codes with a Code Category of SYDU. When a code is entered in this field, the system locates the code in the Common Codes file and uses the first Associated Numeric Value as the percentage to be multiplied by the Distribution amount to determine the Duty amount. To override the system calculation, enter the amount of the Duty into the Amt field.

Product ID: If the item being paid for references an existing PE Product ID then that value can be entered here. Enter the Product ID or use the Lookup function (Ctrl+L combination or clicking on the field's ellipsis). Product IDs are defined on the PE Product Information (PEUPPR) page.

Trans Format: Select the static system code that directs the manner in which the description, as it would appear in the general ledger, is to be created by the system. The following describes each possible Transaction Format code and its meaning:


GL Transaction description consists of :


PE ID, followed by a blank, 15 characters of the PE name


15 characters of PE name, followed by a blank, then PE ID


PE ID, a blank, and description (name if desc blank)


PE name, a blank, and description


The full name of the Person or Entity


Full Description

Discount & Discount Amount: Optional five-character field indicating the percentage discount of the extended amount. Enter the actual discount term (1/100 of the percentage). The discount can be entered with a maximum of four decimal places, (e.g., .1550 would indicate a 15.5% discount off the extended amount). To enter a specific discount dollar amount use the second box.

Bank ID: Enter the Bank ID associated with the Cash Transaction.

Bank Slip: If a deposit/bank slip will be used when these receipts are deposited in the bank, then the deposit/bank slip number up to 10 characters can be entered here. ACH transactions can be set up to have the Bank Slip and Bank Date automatically populated by using common code AREF/ACHFILE.

Item No: This is a user-defined field (there is no validation on values entered here). Generally, this value is used for corrections needed to the CR Set batch created from ARBTCRIC.

Extended Amount: This read-only field indicates the total of the reference amount plus taxes, charges, duty and discounts.

Misc Tab

Prep ID: The system populates the name of the individual who prepared/created the Set. This name may be overwritten.

Relate 1 & 2: Each transaction may have up to two Relate To Codes that are used to specify the transaction's relationship to other systems. Codes in the drop-down list are defined in common codes with Category/Value of RT01/xx (i.e., AR for AR related transactions). For the second Relate To Code field, the Codes Category is RT02.

Post Code: This read-only field indicates the two-character code used to direct the automatic posting to the general ledger. The system will generate this code based upon the defined Posting Preference (GLUTSPPP), typically set up during system installation.

Authorization: For credit card payments, the authorization code for the transaction can be entered here. The given credit card authorization number for the transaction and card expiration date may be a required field depending upon the setup in AR Code Definitions, Payment Type tab.

Exp: For credit card payments, the expiration date of the credit card can be entered here.

PO Ref: If a PO number was associated with this receipt, the PO reference number can be entered here. This is a free form field and is not validated.

Separate Billing: By entering an alpha/numeric character in this field, the system will produce a separate billing for this receipt. By leaving this field blank, the system will total all receipts for the same Person or Entity and issue one billing statement. If more than two transactions need to be printed, use another letter to distinguish the transaction. At billing time, the system will match all blanks, all As, all Bs, and so forth, into separate statements. Up to two-characters may be used to distinguish each billing group.

Bill Date: The expected date the transaction is to be processed for statements. If left blank, the system will assign a bill date when the receipt is printed on a billing statement.

Due Date: Enter the date the receipt was due. If left blank, the system will assign the due date when the receipt is printed on a billing statement. If the AR General Information page's Aging flag is set to "D" (Due Date), and this field is blank when an Aging Inquiry or Aging Report is issued, the Reference Date will be substituted.

Original CR: If the receipt being issued is a replacement for a previous receipt, the original receipt number can be entered here.

Record No: System field that indicates the record number of the transaction within the Set.

Record Status: A static system code that indicates the status of the record. When posted to the general ledger, the Record Status is set to 0 for present or 1 for deleted.

Text Tab

Text entered in this box prints as part of the item description on the receipt. This text is attached to the previous receipt detail record and prints immediately after the transaction description on the receipt.

Receipt Text Tab

This text box is used to enter information associated with a receipt. This text is not printed on receipts or statements.

Account Text Tab

This text box is used to enter information associated with a customer. This text is not printed on receipts or statements.

The side panel of this page provides convenience Links to access Set Proof Listing (ARBTCRBP) or Distribute Set (ARBTCRDS), without having to go to the main menu.


Copy AR/CR Set

The Tools section provides the ability to Copy AR/CR Set by entering the Set ID of an existing AR/CR Set and a new name that does not exist in the database.

Clear Posted Flags

Once a Set ID has been distributed to AR /GL databases, the Set cannot be modified. If it becomes necessary to correct something in the Set, the posting must be undone using the utility ARUTUG. If this utility is used, the post flags on the Set ID must be cleared in order to access the previously posted Set. To clear the post flags, find the batch in AR CR Transactions, and click the Clear Posted Flags tool on the Tools tab.

Reverse Receipt

Enter the receipt number (which defaults to the current receipt), then click OK to reverse the receipt. The receipt total is shown, and will be updated if you change the receipt number and press tab.

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