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Create AR Set - GMUTAR

This utility creates an AR batch file based upon the records from the AR Billing Data and AR Billing Text pages. To execute the interface, enter a batch file name and a run date. The interface gathers all of entries from the AR Billing Data page that have a value of "N" in the "Sent to AR" field and writes them to the specified batch file.

AR Set ID: By default, "SYSTEM" will appear in the "AR Set ID" field. If left as "SYSTEM," the new Set ID will generate from the NU Common Codes with Category/Value SYNO/xxxxxxxx seed value.  If desired, a user-entered Set ID may also be used. The Set File Name represents the name of AR Set file that is about to be generated. Although this field is not validated, you may wish to establish specific naming conventions for this field (i.e., G100JD01, where G represents "Grant"; 100 represents Department, Division, or Unit ID, JD represents user's initials, and 01 represents a series number).

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