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Create or Update JE Set - GLJEUB

Use the General Ledger (GL) Create Update JE Set (GLJEUB) page to create a new Journal Entry (JE) Set or update an existing Set.

Set Tab

The Set tab displays the Set ID name, Create Date, Create User, Update fields, Status, and the System Totals box that displays transaction information pertaining to the Set ID. To create a Set, populate the Set ID and the description.

Set ID: Give each JE Set a unique name or Set ID. The name may be a maximum of sixteen (16) characters and must start with an alphabetic letter. Enter the Set ID manually or use an auto-seed. To set up an auto-seed for the JE Set ID, refer common code SYNO/BTCHIDJE. Following are two examples of a Set ID naming convention:

  • JEHB0125 JE = Journal Entries, HB = user initials, and 0125 = 125th Set for this user

  • JELH81626 JE = Journal Entries, LH = user initials; Month = 8; Day = 16 Batch # = 26

A Set may contain several groups of entries in the same Set by changing the code in the JE ID field. Each JE ID identifies separate group of entries within the Set file. It is important to establish a naming convention consistently used by everyone involved in creating Set files within your organization.

Description: Describe the purpose of the Set entry.

Create Date: A display-only field showing the date of creation. This is useful in determining current from non-current Sets, and may be a flag to the user that the system has an un-posted Set. It is possible to query on this field.

Create User: Displays the login name of the user creating the Set file.

Update Date: The date is the same as the Create Date unless a user made changes to this Set on a date after the Set was created.

Update User: Displays the name of the last user to update the Set.

Status: The system automatically populates this field indicating whether the journal entry Set has been distributed. Enter a code in this field when searching for records in Find mode. The status codes and their meanings are listed below:

  • DS: The Set has been distributed

  • BE: The Set has not been distributed

  • AP: The Set has been approved, but not distributed

  • CX: The Set has been canceled

  • EX: The Set is being held by the system pending another process, such as Set Proof listing or Set Distribution

  • RJ: The Set has been rejected

  • WA: The Set is awaiting approval


Total Debit: Display-only field showing the accumulated Debit amounts associated with this Set ID.

Total Credit: Display-only field showing the accumulated Credit amounts associated with this Set ID.

Net: Display-only field showing the difference between the Debit and Credit amounts for this Set ID.

JE Count: Display-only field showing the number of JE IDs associated with this Set ID.

Records: Display-only field showing the number of line item records associated with this Set ID. The user may want to clean up unwanted files that have a record size of zero.

Transactions Tab

A Set may contain several Journal Entries, identified by a unique JE ID. The page prompts for and displays the JE ID for the Set record. The display-only fields provide summary information pertaining to the transactions associated with JE ID.

JE ID: Up to 16 characters that uniquely identify a balanced group of account entries for the Journal Entry. This becomes the Primary Reference of the resulting transaction that is posted to GL. Enter the Set ID manually or use an auto-seed. To set up an auto seed for the JE ID, refer to common code SYNO/JEID.

Set ID: This field displays the unique name of the Set ID previously created on the Set Tab.

Total Debit: Display-only field showing the accumulated amount of all Debit transactions associated with this JE ID.

Total Credit: Display-only field showing the accumulated amount of all Credit transactions associated with this JE ID.

Net: A display-only field showing the difference between the Debit and Credit transactions in this JE ID. To post a Journal entry the net should typically be zero.

Records: Display-only field showing the number of line item records associated with this JE ID.

Main Tab

Select the Main tab for transaction entry. When entry of the pertinent data into the record is completed and verified, press the Enter key to store the record. Continue by entering the balancing transaction. The Debit, Credit, and Net balances of the transaction associated with this JE ID display under the JE ID on both the Transactions and Set tabs.

Account: A General Ledger (GL) account must be keyed into this field. Optionally, if the Job Ledger (JL) module is used and this transaction relates to an account in the JL, enter a JL account number. This field supports a variety of methods of data entry including the Quick and Fully Qualified Account methods of specifying both the GL Account and/or the JL Account. The format of the account control is dictated by the ledger setup on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Presentation tab. To look up a ledger code or account part (key, object, etc.), place the cursor in the field and press Ctrl+L key combination, or click the ellipsis (…) button, and select Lookup xx where xx is the field the cursor is placed.  When you click the ellipsis button, a drop-down list appears with options to alter the structure of the Account # field by selecting the following:

  • XX Org Key-Object or Fully Qualified (where XX=ledger code): Select this option or press Ctrl+K to display the ledger organization key and object code input format. Use Ctrl+U to display the fully qualified account string format.

  • XX Quick (where XX=ledger code): The Ctrl+Q option allows changes to the display and the lookup to accommodate quick key entry for account numbers that have been defined in the GL Quick Account Numbers (GLUPQU) page.

  • Show Ledger: Selecting this option shows the ledger code field in the account field, to identify or change the ledger.

  • Show Work Order: Selecting this option displays the Work Order field. The Work Order number must exist in the Work Order module, if the Validate Work Order checkbox is selected on the GL General Information page, Presentation tab.

Debit / Credit: Enter the Debit or Credit amount to be distributed to the given GL and/or JL account reference.

Fund: This is a display-only field that shows which fund the key in the transaction is associated with.

Description: Up to 30-character description relating to this transaction/record.

Date: Select the journal entry date from the drop-down calendar, or enter the date in the MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format. If the Set is distributed as a multiple posting date Set (using GLJEDM) this date becomes the Primary Date of the resulting transaction that is posted to GL.

Units: All units may be entered with accuracy up to five (5) places to the right of the decimal point. Units may be associated on the same transaction with dollar amounts or separately without dollar amounts. Units are entered as positive or negative numbers.

Prepared By: An eight-character code that is used to identify the individual preparing the Journal Entry. The system automatically fills it with the login ID of the user creating the entry, but it does allow override if the entry is being added at someone else's direction.

Budget Override: If a user has the security to override budgets when creating a journal entry, a Y may be entered here to ignore any budget warnings or budget blocks.

This flag only allows creation of the Set. Correction of the over-budget condition is still required before the batch posts.

Misc: Up to four characters may be associated with each distribution line, which represent a miscellaneous code that is stored with the resulting transaction posted to the GL.

Intrafund Offset: A Y in this field creates system-generated Intra-Fund offsets. An Intra-Fund Offset is an entry to the same Org Key as the transaction Org Key, but to the Intra-Fund Object code defined on the GL General Information page. It is used to create an offsetting entry to keep the Organization Key in balance. This field defaults to the setting in common code GLJE/OFFSET.

Interfund Offset: A Y in this field creates system-generated Inter-Fund offsets. An Inter-Fund Offset is an entry to the fund administration Org Key as the transaction Org Key, but to the Inter-Fund Object code defined on the GL General Information page. It is used to create an offsetting entry keep the fund in balance. This field defaults to the setting in common code GLJE/OFFSET.

Hit Other: If N = None is selected, no further entries are needed on this screen and when distributing the JE Set it is posted to the General Ledger only.
The Journal Entry page can be utilized to post transactions to subsystems other than the General Ledger. To post a transaction to a subsystem other than the General Ledger, the following options are available:

  • B: Post to Budget Only

  • EN: Post to Encumbrance Only

  • GL: Post to Encumbrance and General Ledger

  • I: Post to IP Only

  • K: Post to Bank Reconciliation and General Ledger

  • L: Post to Bank Reconciliation only

  • O: Post to Open Hold

P-Card Ref: System-generated reference number, based on setup in the SYNO/PCARDREF common code. It is generated by the Send to AP (APPCSA) process.

Secondary Reference (Ref): An optional second Reference Code of up to 16 characters; the first Reference Code is the Journal Entry ID (JE ID). The Sec Ref becomes the Secondary Reference (Subsystem Reference) of the resulting transaction that is posted to the GL. To auto generate a Secondary Reference from a seed, enter the Ctrl+T key combination, or click on the ellipsis (…), and select from the seed values if defined in common code SYNO/JEEN.

Other Type: Depending on what you select for Hit Other, different options appear in the drop-down menu:

Hit Other =

Available Options for Other Type


A = Budget Adjustment
N = New Budget
If the Hit? field is set to B then the Contract No. field must contain the Budget Fiscal Year (positions 1-4), Version (positions 5-6), Level (positions 7-8), Reason Code (positions 9-12), and Fund Type (positions 13-14).

EN, GL, I and O

DE = Disencumbered
EN = Encumbered
PP = Partial Paid
FP = Fully Paid

K and L

AJ = Adjustment
BF = Fee
BI = Interest
CK = Check
DP = Deposit
RV = Reversal

Secondary Date: An optional second date that is to be associated with the Journal Entry. Select the date from the drop-down calendar or enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format. This becomes the Secondary Date (Subsystem Date) of the resulting transaction that is posted to the GL.

PE ID: Up to 12 characters may be entered to identify the Person or Entity to be associated with this transaction. The screen echoes the associated name from the Person/Entity (PE) database maintained via the PE Information (PEUPPE) page. If the PE ID is not defined, the echo displays Invalid ID as the associated name. Invoke the Lookup functionality using the Ctrl+L key combination, or click on the ellipsis (…), to lookup a valid PE ID.

Contract No: Up to 16 characters that identify the primary contract reference that is associated with this JE. The contract number can be entered to track activity against a contract. The contract number may be used to correct Accounts Payable entries in the General Ledger only.
If the Hit? field is set to B, then this field must contain the Budget Fiscal Year (positions 1-4), Version (positions 5-6), Level (positions 7-8), Reason Code (positions 9-12), and Fund Type (positions 13-14). This budget information can be set to default in common code GLJE/BUDGET.

Check ID: Select the check/bank ID code to associate with the Check Number.

Check Number: An eight-digit check number to be referenced with this JE.

Views: Four checkboxes to select the accounting views to which these transactions will relate. Select a checkbox to choose a display. Accumulation of totals are as follows:

Accrual: (selected by default)

Cash: (selected based on the Cash/Accrual Method on the GL General Information page)

User Defined: (selected based on the Cash/Accrual Method on the GL General Information page)

Modified Accrual: (selected based on the Cash/Accrual Method on the GL General Information page)

Text Tab

Use the Text page to record in free text any notes referring to the transaction. Use the <Enter> key to insert a line break. User <Shift> <Enter> key combination to save the text record.

Page links provide quick access to pages or utilities commonly used with Journal Entry processing.

Tools for GLJEUB

Copy JE Set Tool

A Copy JE Set Tool is available under Tools. The user must have access to the COPY command in NU User Security to use this tool. The Copy JE Set tool allows you to copy an existing JE Set (and corresponding detail records) to another JE Set ID. The From Set ID used to copy from remains unchanged.

By default, the current Set ID appears in the From Set ID field. This may be changed if you wish to copy from another Set ID. By default, SYSTEM appears in the To Set ID field. If left as SYSTEM the new Set ID generates from common code SYNO/BTCHIDJE seed value. If desired, a user-entered Set ID may also be used.

The dates on each detail record copy over as is unless you optionally provide new Primary and Secondary JE Dates.

By default, the software uses the original JE ID. We recommend specifying a new JE ID. Optionally, enter SYSTEM or SYSTEMxx to generate a new JE ID from the JEID or JEID.xx seed value.

If the message Copy Complete comes up at the top of the page, the copy was successful and you are redirected to the new Set ID. If the copy failed, the reason for the failure appears at the top of the page and the Copy Set window remains open until you complete a successful copy or hit the cancel button.

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