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Create Set from Auto AR - ARSPAR

For the Auto AR Code requested, the system will analyze all transactions, calculate new charge amounts, and write these new transactions to a set file.

Recurring AR Code to process: Enter the recurring transaction code for the desired set. This is the code defined on the Recurring Transaction Screen through ARUPEEAR. A list of recurring A/R codes may be specified here separated with a comma as long as they are active codes and all with the same output. All transactions created will be placed in a single set file. Special options are also available: ALLAR will include all codes with ARBATCH as the output, ALLCR will include all codes with CRBATCH as the output, ALLAP will include all codes with APBATCH as the output, and ALLNT will include all Named Total codes.
Select how the transaction reference number is to be generated: Select from:

  • CD - By System Code. Selecting By System Code will put the name of the Recurring AR (asked in the prior question) as the primary reference. However, if the Calc Type (a field on the recurring AR definition) is set to "INV", then the reference will be taken from the transaction being processed by the Recurring AR.
  • RF - Transferred Reference. The system will use the primary reference from the original transaction. In most cases this would be the AR Invoice number, but could also be the CR Receipt number.
  • SR - Transferred Secondary Ref. In this case, the system will use the Secondary Reference field from the AR Invoice, but if the transaction used is a CR Receipt then the AR Invoice number would be the secondary reference.
  • SY - System Unique Reference. When you select System Unique Reference, you are then prompted to enter the system seed prefix; press RETURN for the default "SYSTEM."

Set name for resulting transactions: Enter the name of the new AR set.
Term Code for new transactions: Enter the term code that corresponds to the newly created AR batch. If "LAST" is entered, the system will use the term code on the last transaction that has been billed (i.e., has a valid bill date) for each ID when writing the new transactions.
Date for new transactions: Enter the date to be used as the date of the new transactions, in the new batch.
Would you like an AR analysis report?: "Yes" will result in a detailed report of each transaction that was affected by the recurrent AR batch being created. It is a good idea to request this report the first few times a new recurrent AR is used or whenever the results are not what is expected. Once it is determined that the batch is as desired, the AR analysis report is not necessary. This report is very precise and generates a great deal of information. The default will not create a report.
Would you like a Transaction Level Analysis Report?: This question appears if the answer to the above question is "Yes" ("Would you like an analysis report?"). A "Y" response displays in the analysis report each transaction for every qualified account, with a PASSED or FAILED notation next to it. This assists in determining which transactions are determining the outcome of a specific term for an account.

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