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Direct Transaction Inquiry - GLUPTR

This page is used to display transactions only; the editable version of this page is available from the menu tree or the menu through Nucleus security settings, maintained primarily through the BusinessPlus Administrative Console.

The Direct Transaction Update editable page allows for the entry of transactions into the General Ledger without benefit of any batch processing, budget, or balance checking. It is generally only used to enter initial balances during the implementation process. This update capability should be limited to very specific individuals through role security, such that unauthorized access will not occur.

JE ID: A maximum of sixteen characters to indicate a control code or number for this set of transactions. This may be used for data extraction on reconciliation reports or special analyses.

Set ID: A maximum of sixteen characters to indicate a control code or number for this set of transactions. This may be used for data extraction on reconciliation reports or special analyses.

Year: Indicates the Fiscal year into which the transaction will be posted. This is derived from the Primary Date.

Period: Indicates the Accounting Period into which this transaction will be posted. It is derived from the Primary Date.

Description: A maximum of 30 characters describing the purpose or action causing the need for this transaction.

Date: The date of the transaction, in MM/DD/YYYY format, indicating the date it was entered and held as part of the actual account balance.

Account: The General Ledger (GL) account. If the Job Ledger (JL) module is used and this transaction relates to an account in the JL, enable the JL field using the ellipsis (…). A Work Order number field may also be enabled. The account string format is derived from the ledger definition on the Presentation tab of the GL Information (GLUPGN) page. Account numbers may be entered as Fully Qualified, Org. Key and Object Code, or Quick Keys.

Debit: If the entry is to be a debit to the account, the amount is listed here.

Credit: If the entry is to be a credit to the account, the amount is listed here.

Units: If any amount of unit usage is associated with this transaction, the amount is listed here. A maximum of five places to the right of the decimal can be used.

Prepared By: The ID of the user who performed the update.

Secondary Ref: Up to 16 characters to indicate the secondary reference for this transaction or series of transactions. For instance, this field may hold a code to indicate audit adjustments or any other secondary source document identification. This is not a required field.

Secondary Date: An optional secondary accounting period into which this transaction should be placed.

Misc: A maximum of four characters to indicate a miscellaneous code associated with this transaction. This can be used for any type of historical analysis, data extraction, or reporting which may be desired.

PE ID: Up to 12 characters for the Person/Entity ID of the individual to whom this transaction relates. For transactions from the Accounts Payable system, this would be the Vendor or Payee ID. The PE ID must have been previously entered into the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page. The name is displayed following the field. This is not a required field.

Contract No: The primary contract number reference associated with this transaction.

Bank ID: The two-digit Check Stock ID code if this transaction relates to information held in the Bank Reconciliation/Check Management system. Bank ID is also known as check ID, CKID, or check stock.

Check Number: The check number to which this transaction relates. Maximum of eight characters.

JE Approval:

Trans Approval:

P-Card Ref: System-generated reference number, based on setup in the SYNO/PCARDREF common code. It is generated by the Send to AP (APPCSA) process.

Views Settings

Accrual, Cash, Modified Accrual, and user-defined views may be selected. 

Entry Date:

Sequence Number: A sequential number assigned by the system.

Type: A two-character code may be used to indicate a specific type of transaction, for example ST = Standard Transaction, CL = Year-end Closing Transaction, AJ = Audit Adjustment Entries, AC = Accrual Entry. Others may be used.

Job Number: Enter the Job Number to be assigned to this transaction. Under normal batch processing, this is automatically entered by BusinessPlus when the transaction is posted to the General Ledger.

Entry Time:

User Number:

Subsystem: A two-character subsystem identification code to which this transaction or series of transactions relate. Valid codes are:

  • JE Journal Entry

  • OH A/P Open Hold

  • IP A/P Immediate Pay

  • TR A/P Void, Typed, Reversed

  • AR Accounts Receivable

  • CR Cash Receipts

  • CK Check Management

  • FA Fixed Assets

  • PY Payroll

Original FY: This display-only field indicates the fiscal year into which the transaction was originally posted. It is derived from the Primary Date.


Extended Search Criteria

Additional fields are available to refine search results. The fields are displayed in two tabs.

Org Key Information




Parent Control Key



Project Year






Misc Code 1

Misc Code 2

Misc Code 3

Misc Code 4

Misc Code 5

Misc Code 6

Misc Code 7

Misc Code 8

8 additional Not Defined fields

Object Code Information





Type (L)

Major Object

Budget Control

5 additional Not Defined fields

Balance Type

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