Encumbrance Status
When an account is encumbered, a transaction is placed in the EN database with a status type of EN.
When the encumbrance is relieved, the status of the encumbrance is specified:
- If PP (Partial Payment) is specified, a payment will be written to the EN database. This allows the extraction of the detail as well as the remaining encumbrance balance.
- If FP (Fully Paid) is specified, the system will disencumber the encumbrance regardless of whether the encumbrance was fully paid and write a payment entry to the ENDB. Encumbrances may be disencumbered by placing an "FP" in the Accounts Payable Set, placing an "FP" entry in a JE Set, through Purchasing utility (POMADExx), or an EN utility (ENUTD1).
- When an encumbrance is disencumbered, the status type of the original EN transaction is updated to DE (Disencumbered).