General Ledger Inquiry - GLIQ
Use the General Ledger Inquiry page to review the Budget, Actual, and Encumbrance balances and transactions associated with a particular account. This is a reporting (read-only) window so you cannot add or update records. You can search for accounts using different combinations of account information, for example key, object, or fund.
You must have a default ledger assigned in NUUPUS. If a default ledger is not assigned, an error appears: User must have ledgers set in NUUPUS.
Menu Path
Select GL General Ledger, then GL General Ledger Inquiry.
Display GL Account Balances
Navigate to the GLIQ page using the menu path or search field.
The following items default:
Ledger: Select the ledger of the account you want to view. The field defaults to your current General Ledger setting. If you change the ledger, the page refreshes.
Fiscal Year: Defaults to the current fiscal year based on the current date. You can change it to any fiscal year. The FY drop-down values populate in descending order from glba_budact_mstr.
Level: Read-only field defaults to the account level OB - Object Code. Object group levels are not supported.
Account Status: Select the status of the account you want to review.
A: Active
I: Inactive
Blank (default)
Enter search criteria using any combination of the account structure based on organization key. Key parts, object code, and object groups are displayed based on the account structure for the ledger you selected, as defined in the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page. For example: For a GL ledger, the fields displayed include KEY, FUND, FDTY, FUNC, DEPT, DIV, RESP, OBJ, AFS, ENTR, STAT, LOCL, BUDC. The filters default to Starts with. If you enter 1 in the FUND field, the page returns all funds that start with 1. Click the filter to use a different criteria: Is equal to, Is not equal to, Ends with, or Contains. Use data lookups as needed for all account structure search criteria items.
For accounts with many transactions, use the Transaction Filter section to limit the number of transactions displayed by date range or amounts. The Transaction Filter options apply to all panels except Results, Account Information, Account Balance by Period and Open Encumbrances by Reference.
Page Options
Clear Criteria
Click the refresh icon to clear all search fields except the first row fields: Ledger, Fiscal Year, Level and Account Status.
Click the Settings (gear) icon to set the ledgers. The Settings - Default Budget Versions window appears. Enter values to determine the default settings for the budgets displayed in the Results: Account Information panel.
If this is applied to an expenditure account, the Account Information box translates to:
Adopted: from the default settings
Adjustments: displays the difference (adjustments) made between the initial budget and the current/final budget
Current Budget: from the default settings
When using this page for the first time, users may find that no defaults are set. An error message appears: User must have ledgers set in NUUPUS. After the default ledger is set, refresh the page to reflect changes in the Account Information panel.
Transaction Filter
Refine your search to reduce the number of results returned.
Start Date: Defaults to start date of the fiscal year. You can enter any date in the selected Fiscal Year. The start date must be earlier than the end date.
End Date: Defaults to end date of the fiscal year. You can enter any date in the selected Fiscal Year. The end date must be later than the start date.
Low Amount: Enter an amount (positive, negative, or decimal) to filter transactions records.
High Amount: Enter an amount (positive, negative, or decimal) to filter transactions records.
Based on the values entered in the search fields, summary results appear in the Results panel. Sorting can be applied to the Account, Status, Org Key and Object columns.
Fiscal Year Actual: Sum of the 14 periods on the budact record
Encumbrance: EN amount for the last period in your fiscal year
Available: Calculated amount from values already retrieved (budget - act – EN)
Available %: Calculated percentage (round to 1 decimal point) from (Available / Budget) * 100
If the Budget has an amount and the Available is zero, the percent will be zero (0.0%).
If the Budget has an amount and the Available is negative, the percent should be negative percentage (-100.0%).
Status: Active or Inactive
Bal: Balance type, displays DR or CR
Type: Account type, displays AS, FB, LI, RV, TI, TO, or XP
Org Key
Select an account from the Results list to refresh Account Information and other panels on the page.
Account Information
As you select individual accounts in the Results panel, the Account Information panel refreshes with one of three different layouts, depending on the type of account selected.
Revenue (RV) Account
Adopted Budget: The value displayed is the annual budget amount for the selected account. The label of this field reflects the name of the budget selected in the screen’s Default Budget Versions settings.
Budget Adjustments: This value displays the difference (adjustments) made between the initial budget and the final or current budget.
Current Budget: The value displayed is the annual budget amount for the selected account. The label of this field will reflect the name of the budget selected in the screen’s Default Budget Versions settings.
Posted Revenue: Displays the total dollars posted against this revenue account for the entire fiscal year.
Budget Variance: A calculated value of the current budget less posted revenue.
Expense (XP) Account
Adopted Budget: The value displayed is the annual budget amount for the selected account. The label of this field will reflect the name of the budget selected in the screen’s Default Budget Versions settings.
Budget Adjustments: This value displays the difference (adjustments) made between the initial budget and the final or current budget.
Current Budget: The value displayed is the annual budget amount for the selected account. The label of this field will reflect the name of the budget selected in the screen’s Default Budget Versions settings.
Expense: Displays the total dollars posted against this expense account for the entire fiscal year.
Encumbrance: Displays the total encumbrance (pre-encumbrance and real encumbrance) for the entire fiscal year.
Pre Encumbrance: Displays the portion of the Encumbrance amount that is considered a pre-encumbrance.
The below settings are required to fetch the pre-encumbrance totals.
On the GLUPGN page, Miscellaneous tab for the ledger, the Pre-Encumbered Purchase Requisitions checkbox must be selected.
On the POUPGN page for the ledger, the Encumber by Default checkbox must be selected.
On the POEN/PR common code, Associated Code 5 must be set to IM.
Total Exp & Enc: A calculated value showing the total of the Posted Exp and Encumbrance amounts.
Available Balance: A calculated value showing the final budget less the Total Exp & Enc.
All Other Accounts
Select any type that is not revenue or expense, such as Asset (AS), Liability (LI), or Fund Balance (FB).
Opening Balance: Displays the opening balance for the selected account.
Posted Transactions: Displays the total dollars posted to this account for the entire fiscal year.
Account Balance: A calculated value showing the Opening Balance plus Posted Transactions.
Account Balance by Period
Review the actual and cumulative totals of a particular account during different periods of the year. The periods are defined on the General Ledger Definition (GLUPGN) page. There is no sorting for this panel.
Open Encumbrances by Reference
Review the encumbered transactions that are processed as purchase orders on the ENUPTR page. The listed encumbrance transactions are based on the Ledger, Key, and Object you selected as search criteria.
Select the Detail icon to open the ENUPTR page for the selected encumbrance.
If you have no security access to the ENUPTR mask, a message appears: You do not have navigational security access to this screen.
If you have read-only access to the ENUPTR mask, the page opens. You cannot make edits or updates to the record. A message appears: You do not have security to update this record (table en_dtl, view xx).
The Date column refers to the Post Date field on the ENUPTR page.
General Ledger Transactions
Review the transactions for the selected account. The account transaction information is retrieved from the GLUPTR page.
The Date column refers to the transaction's Date field on the GLUTTR or GLUPTR page.
In the Attachment column, click the Attachments icon to display the Attachments window. The attachments appear if they are present in the GLUPTR or GLUTTR (glt_trans_dtl) pages.
The GL Account displays in the format based on the GLUPGN page Presentation tab. The JL Account always displays in Key-Object format.
An Export to Excel button appears in the label area of the General Ledger Transactions panel when the panel is expanded and there are results listed in the panel. Click Export to Excel to export all paged transactions into one Excel worksheet.
Unposted Transactions
Review the unposted account transactions for the selected account. Account transaction information may come from a variety of transaction windows.
The GL Account displays in the format based on the GLUPGN page Presentation tab. The JL Account always displays in Key-Object format.
The Date column refers to the data as follows:
AR & CR: Invoice Date and Receipt Date field on the ARBTARUB and ARBTCRUB pages respectively.
OH: Invoice Date field on the APOHININ, APIPBTUB, APOHBTUB and APTRBTUB pages.
JE: Transaction Date field on the GLJEUB, GLJEUI and GLJEUN pages.
Encumbrance Transactions
Review the encumbrance transactions for the selected account. The encumbrance transaction information is retrieved from the ENUPTR page.
Select the Detail icon to open the ENUPTR page for the selected encumbrance.
If you have no security access to the ENUPTR mask, a message appears: You do not have navigational security access to this screen.
If you have read-only access to the ENUPTR mask, the page opens. You cannot make edits or updates to the record. A message appears: You do not have security to update this record (table en_dtl, view xx).
The Date column refers to the Post Date field on the ENUPTR page.
An Export to Excel button appears in the label area of the Encumbrance Transactions panel when the panel is expanded and there are results listed in the panel. Click Export to Excel to export all paged transactions into one Excel worksheet.
Unposted Encumbrances
Review encumbrances that have not been posted. The encumbrance information is retrieved from the ENUPTR window.
The Date column refers to the Reference Date field in the ENBTUB screen.
Budget Adjustments
Review the budget adjustments for a particular account. Based on the dates and amounts in the Transaction Filter, the records are selected from the Logged Budget Adjustments table. Only the OB level adjustments are listed.
The Date column refers to the Dt column in the GLCBudgDetail data source.
Unposted Budget Adjustments
Review adjustments to the budget that have not been posted. The budget adjustment information is retrieved from the General Ledger budget adjustments (GLBUBAxx) pages, including GLBUBAAJ.
The Date column refers to the transaction's Date field in the GLBUBAxx pages.