Grant Closure - GMUPCL
The final process in the grant life cycle is the Grants Management (GM) Grant Closure (GMUPCL) page. What this process represents is the expiration of a grant. When a grant terminates, two primary activities will take place within the Grants Management Module. The first activity is to change the status of the grant, and the second is to designate the final reporting obligations. The upper portion of this page is read only.
Proposal: The proposal number is a unique identifier that represents the grant application.
Project ID: The project ID represents the task or activity that will be funded by the approved grant.
Award: The award number is an identifier that represents the actual award or grant monies that are distributed by the funding agency or sponsor.
Cash Match: This cash match check box is used to signify whether this grant is a cash match or not.
Status: The status represents the current phase of a grant.
Project Title: The project title is a short description that describes the project.
Org Key: The ledger/organization key designates the associated general ledger account key that represents the financial activity for this grant.
Department: The department represents the grantee department.
Division: The division represents the grantee division.
Closure Date: Enter or select from the drop-down calendar. The Closure Date field represents the expiration date of the grant.
Box Number: When applicable, the Box represents the storage location of the closed grant documents.
Archive Date: The Archive Date field represents the date in which grant documents may be archived. The associated field1 value of NU Common Codes Category/Value of GMCL/DEFAULT is added to closed date year to derive this field. If the common code GMCL/DEFAULT is not found or the short description is "OFF" the field will default to the closed date plus five years. This is a system-derived field; however, it may be overridden.
Tape Number: When applicable, the Tape represents the tape identification for the closed grant data.
Destroy Date: The Destroy Date field represents the date in which grant documents may be destroyed. The associated field2 value of common code GMCL/DEFAULT is added to closed date year to derive this field. If the common code GMCL/DEFAULT is not found or the short description is "OFF" the field will default to the closed date plus ten years. This is a system-derived field; however, it may be overridden.
Other: This field may be used to document the location of other closing documents/materials.
Expiration Notice Sent Date: Enter or select from the drop-down calendar. This field is used for tracking the date in which the grant expiration notice was sent.
Final Financial Report Due Date: Enter or select from the drop-down calendar. This field represents the date in which the final financial report is due.
Final Financial Report Date Sent: Enter or select from the drop-down calendar. This field represents the date in which the final financial report was sent.
Final Program Report Due Date: Enter or select from the drop-down calendar. This field represents the date in which the final program report is due.
Final Program Report Date Sent: Enter or select from the drop-down calendar. This field represents the date in which the final program report was sent.
Other Administrative Due Date: Enter or select from the drop-down calendar. This field represents the date in which an additional final report is due.
Other Administrative Date Sent: Enter or select from the drop-down calendar. This field represents the date in which an additional final report was sent.