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JE Set Proof Listing - GLJEBP

GLJEBP produces a Journal Entry batch proof sorted by JEID for the batch file entered. Each Batch Proof Listing provides a detail list of the transactions in the same order as entered. It also recalculates the debits and credits to ensure they are balanced. If they are not in balance, a warning is printed. No distribution will be performed. The report will list any blocks, warnings, or errors that might keep the batch from being distributed.

Name of your Journal Entries Set: Enter the name of the JE Set for which to run the batch proof for.

Posting Date: Enter the posting date. Defaults to today's date.


How do you want dollars formatted? Set the format in which the dollar amount fields appear on this report. If you select this option, you can also select the negative number format.

Which Negative Amount Format to use: Enter the two-digit code for the negative amount format that you would like to use:

  • 00: Use minus sign, for example: -32768

  • 01: Use negative brackets, for example: [32768]

Would you like a page break after each JE-ID change? Enter Y for a page break after every Journal Entry ID. Enter N to produce only a line break after each Journal Entry ID.

Would you like to show Offsets and Secondary Transactions? Enter Y to this question if you want Primary Offsets or Secondary Transactions to be reported on the Batch Proof. Enter N to suppress them.

Transaction type to be assigned to the transactions: Select from these available options:

  • AC – Accrual/Reverse Accrual
  • BF – Balance Forward
  • CL – Closing
  • ST - Standard

Would you like to suppress default mapping?

Do you wish to Suppress Budget Checking? Enter Y to allow a batch that is over budget to post to the GL even if it is a block. You must have database security that allows this or normal budget checking will occur. See the section in the SECURITY guide for GLDB database access for an example of how to set up this security.

Sort journal entries within each JEID? Enter Y to sort the batch file by JE and to change the order of journal entries within each JEID in the batch file. Deleted records will be removed from the batch. You will also be given the choice to combine like entries within the batch. Enter N and the order of the journal entries within the batch will not be affected and deleted records will remain in place.

Sort JEID by record number? Enter Y to sort journal entries based on the record number. Enter N to sort journal entries in ascending order.

Do you want the compressed version of the set proof? If you enter Y, the compressed version of the batch proof will be produced. The JL header, contract number, and approval class groups are not shown when running the batch proof in this format. The SORT headings are omitted.

Show Exceptions Only? Enter Y to produce an exceptions-only batch proof that shows only errors and no detail. Enter N to produce a standard batch proof.

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