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Journal Entries


The Journal Entry (JE) process is a set process, where a set is created/updated (GLJEUB), validated (GLJEBP) and distributed/posted (GLJEDS) to the General Ledger. A set can be seen as a bucket that holds multiple Journals. Each Journal has to be balanced and can have multiple transactions.


Use the following common code to control the general JE process:

  • GLJE/OFFSET: Intra Fund/Inter Fund



  • GLJE/APPROVE: Workflow Approval

Date Control

When posting Journal Entries (GLJEDS), the system requires a date response. The available posting dates may be controlled by either a fixed range of dates or by the number of days past the end of the prior period. The Number of Days validation is controlled by common code NUDV/GL29, the open period date control is controlled by common code NUDT/GL29.

The Journal Entry date control common codes work in conjunction with the question setup (NUUPJBQS), Question No. GL29.

Date control is recommended. The type of control used depends on the way that the software is used. If your organization is using multi-date posting (GLJEDM), the date control used must be NUDV. The standard distribution posting method (GLJEDS) can use either control but typically uses NUDT.

GLJE Formats

The following Journal Entry page format options are available from the main menu and function the same as the GL Journal Entry (GLJEUB) page, with the exceptions as noted:

GLJEUI – Create/Update Inter-Fund JE
Same as GLJEUB function except that Create/Update Inter-Fund JE Set (GLJEUI) files must always have an offset code of “NN” and no manual entries to Inter-Fund accounts will be allowed.  Distribute Inter-Fund JE (GLJEDI) functions the same as Distribute JE Set File (GLJEDS) except that only Set files created with the Inter-Fund Set editor form (GLJEUI) will be allowed to be distributed and the Set proof listing will show additional debit and credit totals by fund.

GLJEUN – Create/Update Intra-Fund JE
Same as Create/Update JE Set File (GLJEUB) except that Create/Update Intra-Fund JE (GLJEUN) Set files must always have an offset code of “NY” and no manual entries to Inter-Fund accounts will be allowed.  Distribute Intra-Fund JE (GLJEDN) functions the same as Distribute JE Set File (GLJEDS) except that only Set file created with the Intra-Fund Set editor form (GLJEUN) will be allowed to be distributed and the Set proof listing will show additional debit and credit totals by fund.

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