Journal Entry Processing
Create Journal Entry
Several Journal Entry Set forms are available:
GLJEUB: Create/edit Journal Entry
GLJEUI – Create/Update Inter-Fund JE: Same as Create/Update JE Set File (GLJEUB) except that Create/Update Inter-Fund JE (GLJEUI) Set files must always have an offset code of "NN" and no manual entries to Inter-Fund accounts will be allowed. Distribute Inter-Fund JE (GLJEDI) functions the same as Distribute JE Set File (GLJEDS) except that only Set files created with the Inter-Fund Set editor form (GLJEUI) will be allowed to be distributed and the Set proof listing will show additional debit and credit totals by fund.
GLJEUN – Create/Update Intra-Fund JE: Same as Create/Update JE Set File (GLJEUB) except that Create/Update Intra-Fund JE (GLJEUN) Set files must always have an offset code of "NY" and no manual entries to Inter-Fund accounts will be allowed. Distribute Intra-Fund JE (GLJEDN) functions the same as Distribute JE Set File (GLJEDS) except that only Set file created with the Intra-Fund Set editor form (GLJEUN) will be allowed to be distributed and the Set proof listing will show additional debit and credit totals by fund.
Proof a JE Set
To check whether the Set is ready to post, run a proof by accessing JE Set Proof Listing (GLJEBP). The mask can be accessed directly from the dashboard or is available as a link from the side menu of the journal entry page. Review the reports after GLJEBP completes. If there are no warnings, blocks, or error messages, distribute the Set.
If needed, the JE set status can be modified using SYUTCB.
Distribute JE Set
Several options exist for distributing the JE Set:
GLJEDS: Distribute JE Set to General Ledger.
GLJEDI – Distribute Inter-Fund JE: Functions the same as Distribute JE Set File (GLJEDS) except that only Set files created with the inter-fund Set editor form (GLJEUI) will be allowed to be distributed and the Set proof listing will show additional debit and credit totals by fund.
GLJEDM – Distribute Multi-Date JE Set: Functions the same as Distribute JE Set File (GLJEDS) except that the posting date is derived from the posting date field on each JE Set record instead of from the posting date question that is asked at distribution time. When using this mask, if any primary dates are blank on a journal entry in the Set, the date from the posting date question asked at run time will used as primary date and the secondary date will pass through unchanged.
GLJEDN – Distribute Intra-Fund JE: Functions the same as Distribute JE Set File (GLJEDS) except that only Set file created with the intra-fund Set editor form (GLJEUN) will be allowed to be distributed and the Set proof listing will show additional debit and credit totals by fund.
When a set of transactions is distributed to the General Ledger database, two things take place:
Each individual transaction is associated with the BusinessPlus job number for the specific posting, providing an audit trail for transactions that were distributed together.
Reports are provided:
Set Proof Listing: This should match the listing provided prior to distribution.
JE Distribution: A listing of all transactions sorted by account.
Journal Entry Postings: A report of all items posted to the GLDB.
Audit Report: Provides total Debits and Credits before the distribution, this distribution, and after the distribution.