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Named Totals - ARREFLNT

This option will print a listing of all Accounts Receivable Named Total Transactions based on the Named Totals defined on the Recurring AR (ARUPEEAR) page, where the Named Totals are defined in the Output To field. This listing includes such information as Named Total code, Account Name, Account ID and Amount total.

Named Total to Print: Type in the Named Total as defined in Output To field on ARUPEEAR.
Selection Criteria for Named Total: Reply with any two-character option which corresponds to the additional selection criteria menu desired to utilize. These additional menus will allow the user to further select desired information. Multiple entries must be separated by commas. If no selection criteria are entered, the system will assume that all information was desired (i.e., all entries will be selected).

  • 00 - No Criteria; Select All
  • 01 - By Balance Amount
  • 02 - Account IDs
  • 03 - Account Names


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