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Post WO Activity to GL - WOUTGL

The WOUTGL utility updates Work Order Actuals and Posts to GL.

On a periodic basis, usually at month end, users may want to post the actual costs associated with work orders. The transactions that were created in other modules such as AP, SI, and HR/PY will have already been posted in the module they were created in. Transactions that are entered directly into the WOUPTR page are posted using the WOUTGL utility.

When running WOUTGL, the user needs to enter a date when to post the transactions, and then enter a starting and ending transaction date as well as a posting code to assign to the posting transactions. 

When submitted, the utility will examine all of the records in the WOUPTR page to determine if the transactions have been posted or not. I.e., WPOUTGL checks the GL Post Job, GL Post Date, and the Date field on the WOUPTR page records to determine if the transaction record has already been posted. 

The system then checks the Date field to determine if the transaction date falls between the starting and ending transaction date entered by the user when running the utility. If the transaction date falls within the range, the system will then post the transaction to the ledger and update the transaction record with the GL Post Job and GL Post Date.

This process is performed on all transaction records that fall within the date range. It is not currently possible to restrict the posting to a single work order. The posting process also automatically runs the WOUTDE disencumbering utility on all of the work orders that were posted. In order to use the utility, the user will also need to create the GL posting strategies to be used.

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