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Purge Disencumbered POs - ENUTPU

This utility is primarily used when managing transaction history and disk space. There will be a prompt for an "on or before date" and the standard Encumbrance Selection Criteria. When this utility is run, all transactions which are in a disencumbered state that match the given selection criteria will be purged. It is critical to be careful when selecting because all transactions that meet the criteria and are in a disencumbered stage will be purged.

Expand the Selection Criteria to display the options and enter selection criteria. If asterisks ( * ) appear to the left of a menu option, these items when selected alone, will provide the information more rapidly than other selection criteria items.

"Purge References disencumbered as of" POs that have activity after the date entered will not be purged. Enter the date, in MM/DD/CCYY format, which will be the "on or before" date used for purging disencumbered POs.

Note that the ENUTPU utility purges from EN only.  To purge from PO and EN, use PO Disencumber Selected PO's (POMAER) utility.

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