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Quick Account Numbers - GLUPQU

Use this page to define a quick account number for those instances when it is more convenient to enter a word or number for an account rather than requiring entry of the org. key/object code or the fully qualified account.

Quick account numbers do not change the standard input format but provide an optional override method for account entry. Optionally, the account key or object code may be defined separately in the quick key account number field and then combined. For example, if you define a quick key as "GENERAL" (which maps to the org. key "101200") and a quick key as "TRAVEL" (which maps to the object code "5001"), "GENERAL-TRAVEL" will translate to "101200-5001" when entered in an account number field on a data entry screen.

Quick Code: A unique code, one to ten digits or characters in length, which represents a single org. key, a single object code, an org. key-object code combination, or a fully qualified account.
Account: The account label and format are determined by the input format of the ledger selected. Use the Lookup function to look up a ledger code or account part (key, object, etc.).
Organization Key: Displays the account key assigned to the fully qualified account number.
Object Code: Displays the object code assigned to the fully qualified account number.

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