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Rule Logic - GLUPRU

Use this page to establish rules (or logic) within the software. By defining GL rules, BusinessPlus will require that the correct combination of values be entered in subsequent pages; for instance, when creating new Org Keys, Object Codes, or with budgets or purchasing. The rules increase the level of internal control over the creation of account information and help ensure the validity and compliance of the account reporting structure. Exceptions to a rule may be defined using common codes.

After creating or modifying rules, restart the Data Processing and Workflow services on the BusinessPlus Web server to clear and update the system cache rules and associated common codes. For the given Ledger, Org. Key, Org. Part, Object Code, Object Group, Org. Key Select Code, Org. Key Misc Code, or Object Type, the code(s) may be associated together and will be reviewed in the order of priority defined.

Rule Ledger: The GL rule is enforced within the ledger selected. The ledger must first be defined within the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page with valid organization part codes.

Rule COA Element: Select an account part. The list echoes the code descriptions for the chart of accounts (COA) elements defined in the GLUPGN page, based upon the "Rule Ledger" selected. The COA Element may be any of the following:

  • Org. Key, Org. Part, Object Code, Object Group, etc.

  • OBTY or *OBT (Object Code Type) such as RV, XP, AS, etc.

  • #S1 through #S8, or #M1 through #M8 for Org. Key Select

  • Misc Codes on the org key.

Rule Code Value: The actual code value defined for the given Rule COA Element. The value entered in this field is not validated on this page. Verify that the entry is correct as defined within the ledger's setup:

Part Codes

Key or Object composed of Part Codes


GL Organization Key Parts (GLUPKP)

GL Organization Keys (GLUPKY)


GL Object Groups (GLUPOG)

GL Object Codes (GLUPOB) 

Keys and Objects may be composed of multiple parts. A code value may be a Part, Key, or Object. Select codes are defined in common codes GLS1/xxxxxxxx through GLS8/xxxxxxxx where X is the code value shown in the list to be validated.  Misc codes are defined on GL Organization Keys (GLUPKY).

Ledger: If this rule is to cross ledgers, select the ledger to associate with the part code. If this is left blank, the ledger entered at the top of the page is assumed.

Status: A (Active) or I (Inactive). If an entry is marked as inactive, this rule is not applied. A blank status is treated as active.

COA Element: See description for Rule COA Element.

Relational Oper. (Operator): Select an operator to define the relationship between the rule's code values. Note: "==" is the same as "=" but defines defaults for GLUPKY and GLUPOB.

Value: See Rule Code Value above. Value is to COA Element as Rule Code Value is to Rule COA element.

Logical Operator: This operator is optional and used when there exists a dual relationship between multiple parts and their code values. Valid logical operators are AND and OR.  Example: "SACS 6400 must be paired with FUND 80 or RESR 1000" allows SACS 6400 to be combined with Fund 80 or RESR 1000. Conversely, using AND requires SACS 6400 to be joined with both Fund 80 and RESR 1000.

Priority: Identifies the order or priority in which the defined logic should be reviewed.

Start Date: The date this rule takes effect. GLUPRU recognizes dates per the system's internal clock and calendar. (Required.)

End Date: The date this rule no longer applies. GLUPRU recognizes dates per the system's internal clock and calendar. (Required.)

Rules defined for the given fiscal year are enforced; the fiscal year for rule checking is hardcoded as July 1 through June 30. The rule must start or end within the current fiscal year to be recognized and imposed unless common codes modify the rule for the given page mask or otherwise.

Common Codes Applicable to GL Rules

The following is a summary of common codes that may be set up to allow rule exceptions or conversions.

For all common codes, add the following to the Short Description to manage system usage of the common code:
OFF = Treat common code as if it did not exist
WARN = All rule violations to be Warnings
BLOCK = All rule violations to be treated as a block

Restart Services when a common code is added or modified.

Code Category / Value



Determine if rules are to be checked. Without this common code, all rules are checked by all job masks.
Associated Codes: Code 1 – MASK (see GLRU/MASK – or SKIP (ledger). Skip in 1st Code and ledger in 2nd Code.
Any other value in the first associated code will default to all appropriate masks having rules checked.
When used with GLRU/MASK turns off rule checking for the specific mask, with the exception of GLUTDI, which will always check rules, and rule-checking utilities such as GLUTDIRS (Verify Rules for Structures) and GLUTDIRT (Verify Rules for Transactions) which always check rules as well.


Turns off rule checking by mask, or skips rule checking for the particular mask. Add SKIP to Associated Code 1 and state for which ledger (enter @@ for all ledgers).


Limits rule checking to the specific object types listed in the first associated description. If you want the rules to be checked when entering transactions against revenue or expense account only, enter the transaction type abbreviation separated by a comma (for example RV,XP).


Presents GL rule violations as a warning, which are normally blocked. However, GLRU/Options and GLRU/MASK override anything defined in GLRU/CKRULE.

plus GLRC/xxxxLLLLL

Tells the system it must look for rule conversions. Use with following code(s): Associated Code 1: NNNN.

For example. if you have a locally defined resource of 9345 that will be reported to the state as 0000, set up common code GLRC/RESR9345.

If you use less than four characters to define the code value, you still need to use four spaces in the common code value. For example, if your resource is defined as RES, your common code would look like this:
Category: GLRC
Value: RES 9345
Associated Code 1:0000

The GLRC category can be used for any Key, Key Part, Select code, Misc Code, Object, and/or Object Group. To select codes and miscellaneous codes, use #S or #M followed by the position of the code. For example, #S6 would be select code six. If mapping miscellaneous code one with a value of 1234 to a value of 4321, you would use the following:
Category: GLRC
Value: #M1 1234
Associated Code 1:4321

Note that #M1 only uses up three characters, instead of four. Insert a space between #M1 and 1234 to act as a placeholder for the fourth.

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