Statement of Changes - ARREBL
ACH Billing is part of the normal Billing Report process, also called a Statement of Changes (ARREBL). However, before this process can be run, the following setup steps need to be taken. First, the common codes listed below need to be defined:
Major to minor Sort fields: This option allows you to sort the results by the values listed when the User clicks the plus sign.
AR Selection Criteria: This option allows the user to select a subset of transactions to be billed.
Would you like separate criteria for the analysis/printing process? Yes/No.
Balance Forward Date: The Balance Forward date indicates the date at which to begin including transaction activity on the statement. Any unbilled transactions prior to the Balance Forward Date will be included. All billed transactions prior to Balance Forward Date will be included in the Balance Forward totals line. The installed system default is always the beginning of the prior month. For example, the default balance forward date is 03/01 which would indicate the current month is April.
Billing Date: The Billing date indicates the date on which to stamp the transactions as billed and provide and ending date. The Balance Forward date and the Billing Date provide a date range to display transaction activity on the statement. Any unbilled transactions after the Billing Date will not be included.
Is this a test run? It is sometime desirable to run the Statement of Changes as a test to ensure the statements are including all items correctly. It is common to use this option the first few billing times. If the user states "Y", the system will produce the statements. If the user responds "N", the system will produce the statements, assign the billing date from the previous questions, and assign the due date from the next question.
Due Date: For all charges and adjustments issued through an AR Set process, a Due Date can be assigned either at the point of data entry or during the statement run. For all AR transactions, if a Due Date was not defined during data entry, the system will supply the date. The installed default due date is the end of the current month, (e.g. 03/31/1999). The due date is most commonly set by the billing process.
Use ACH Processing? Answer "Y" to this question only if ACH processing has been set up. If this is a Test Run, an ACH file will be produced. If this is not a Test Run, the ACH file and the CR set file will be produced, and any pre-note flags that need to be reset will be set accordingly.
Post Date: This question is only asked if you answered "Y" to the last question, "Use ACH Processing?" The Post Date is used in the ACH file as both the Descriptive Date and the Effective Date. When the process is run, any transactions that completely meet the ACH setup requirements will be handled by the ACH processing. This process will create an ACH file called ACHTAPE in the data directory. If this file already exists, the process will exit saying just that. A set file will be created with these transactions and named according to the ACHBATCH common code. These transactions will have their billing dates set as well. Any transactions that do not meet the requirements for ACH processing will be handled in the normal billing fashion. If a pre-note is required, the transaction is entered in the ACH file as a pre-note record, the billing is handled in a normal fashion, and then the pre-note is reset for that ID/Object combination.
Line Printer, Copies, Name, Pri.: Verify that the defaulted printer is the correct printer.
Address Hierarchy: This is used to determine which address codes take priority.
Please enter the AR Billing Stock: Select the correct Billing format if multiple formats defined
Would you like Address Labels Printed? Obsolete option
Forms Printer, Copies, Name, Pri.: Obsolete option
Options: May be used to schedule the process.