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Updating the Work Request

The Work Order Management Date Entry (WOUPWO) page was designed for use by personnel in the department(s) that will be processing the work request created in the WOUPWR page. WOUPWO is also used to create a new work order and templates for recurring work that needs to be scheduled for routine tasks and preventive maintenance activities.

A work request created in WOUPWR can be viewed and edited in the WOUPWO page. Other tasks that can be performed on this page include:

  • Assign users to the work order to perform the work.
  • Schedule the work to be done on a specified date.
  • Enter comments about the work to be performed or about issues encountered when performing the work.
  • Enter instructions for performing the work.
  • Enter assets and billing information.
  • Enter address information for the requestor and for the location where the work will be performed.
  • The work order entered directly into the WOUPWO page may vary depending on the types of work orders being processed. For example:
  • Facilities Maintenance – Routine maintenance of physical buildings.
  • Heating/cooling systems maintenance, lighting system maintenance, gymnasium floor maintenance, etc.
  • Grounds Maintenance – preventive or routine maintenance of the building grounds, parking lots, athletic fields, etc.
  • Mowing of lawns, tree/shrub trimming, litter removal, etc.
  • Print shop/duplicating center, re-printing of standard forms, preventive maintenance of print shop/duplicating center, etc.

Access to the WOUPWO page is usually restricted to personnel responsible for performing the work on the requests, or personnel responsible for assigning, scheduling, and overseeing the work of personnel that performs the work.

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