1094-C Information - PYACUPF4
Primary Affordable Care Act information that identifies what appears on Part I and Part II of the 1094-C form. This information is initially populated via the PYACUTUS - Update 1094-C Statistics utility. The information can then be overridden, if needed, prior to submitting files to the IRS.
This information reports electronically rather than producing an actual 1094-C form.
Entity: The entity assigned to the employee. Valid entities are defined in the Payroll Entity Definition (PYUPGN) page.
Tax Year: The tax year being reported.
Overridden: Check this box if the 1094-C information is to be overridden manually. If checked, the PYACUTUS utility will skip this entry.
Designated Government Entity: Identifies the entity from PYUPGN to be used to supply the information for boxes 9 through 16 of the 1094-C form.
Certification of Eligibility: Boxes A, B, C, and D of line 22.
Option B is only valid for tax year 2015; Option C is only valid for tax years 2015 and 2016.
Total Number of Forms 1095-C
System Calculated: Number of employees in the ACA database designated to receive a 1095-C for this Entity and Tax Year for box 18.
Override: If this is not zero, it overrides box 18 and does not use the system-calculated value.
Last Transmittal: Number of 1095-C forms included during the last run of PYACPF to Produce the IRS files.
Primary Affordable Care Act information that appears on Part III of the 1094-C form. Information is month-specific.
For Minimum Essential Coverage, Full Time Employees, Total Employees, Aggregated Group Indicator, and Section 4980H Transition Relief Indicator, if all 12 months contain the same value, that value will be reported only once in the electronic file as if they were in the "All 12 Months" column of the 1094-C form.
Minimum Essential Coverage: Information for boxes 23-35a of the 1094-C form.
Full Time Employees: Number of full time employees as defined by ACA for each month. Information for boxes 23-35b.
Total Employees: Number of all employees as defined by ACA for each month. Information for boxes 23-35c.
Aggregate Group Indicator: Information for boxes 23-35d.
Section 4980H Transmission Relief Indicator: Information for boxes 23-35e.
Month Overridden: Check this box if the 1094-C information for this month is to be overridden manually. If checked, the utility to “Update 1094-C Statistics” will skip this updating this month’s information.
This is used for your convenience to keep track of files submitted to the IRS. The PYACPF - Produce IRS Files process - will record the IRS file name here. When you submit the file to the IRS they will supply you with a Receipt ID. Record these here for tracking purposes.
Submission File (1-5): The PYACPF (Produce IRS Files process) will record the IRS file name here. The file names are in a specific format that includes your TCC code and the date and time the file was created.
IRS Receipt ID (1-5): When you submit the file to the IRS they will supply you with a Receipt ID. Record it here for tracking purposes. The IRS will require you to supply the Receipt ID to track the status of the submittal or to make corrections or replacements to a previous submittal.