1095-C Information - PYACUPF5
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Entity: The entity assigned to the employee. Valid entities are defined in the payroll general information definition (PYUPGN).
Tax Year: The tax year being reported. Tax year populates from ACA Code Table (PYACUPCD), Code ID TAXYR.
Employee SSN: The employee's social security number.
Full Name: Full name of the employee.
Evaluation Dates: Dates used to determine total hours and average hours per week. When look back is in effect this will be the look back period. If the employee does not fall under look back this will be the first date through the last date worked in the year, based on SYSTM timecards.
Hire Date: Hire date used for ACA purposes. See common code ACAR/GEN for more details on which dates can be used.
Termination Date: Termination date used for ACA purposes. This will be blank if the employee is not terminated. See common code ACAR/GEN for more details on which dates can be used.
Probation End: Probation date is calculated based on hire date plus the number of days in the probationary period, as defined in common code ACAR/GEN. This is used to determine the last month of the probationary period before benefits start. Its only function is to determine if a 2D should be used for a given month that has no safe harbor code.
Total Hours: Total number of hours in SYSTM timecards that add to the ACA Hour Base between the evaluation dates.
Average Hours/Week: The average hours per week as calculated based on the employee's calendar and total number of hours between the evaluation dates.
1095-C Voided: Indicates that the 1095-C information is to be voided. If checked, the import from HR/Payroll will skip the employee.
1095-C Corrected: Indicates the 1095-C information has been corrected. If checked, the import from HR/Payroll will skip the employee.
1095-C Overridden: Indicates the 1095-C information has been overridden manually. If checked, the import from HR/Payroll will skip the employee.
Produce 1095-C: Indicates the employee should receive a 1095-C form. If NOT checked, no 1095-C form will be printed or sent to Employee Online. The import from HR/Payroll (PYACUTIP) will check this box if the employee has an offer code other than 1H in any month OR if the employee is flagged as full time (F in the Full/Part indicator on the Part II tab) in any given month during the tax year.
Employee Opted Out of Printed Copy: Indicates the employee has opted out of getting a hard copy of the 1095-C and will only have access to the form via Employee Online. If checked, the employee will be skipped when the 1095-C forms are printed. It is ignored when sending the information to Employee Online. The import from HR/Payroll (PYACUTIP) will check this box if switch 32 on the PY Employee Master (PYUPEM) is set to Y. Note: Switch 32 is only checked at the time data is imported from HR/Payroll (PYACUTIP). If switch 32 is changed via Employee Online or directly on PYUPEM after the import from HR/Payroll has been run, either the import needs to be run again or this check box can manually be updated.
Sequence Number: This field is used to track corrections/voided entries for employee 1095-C records. The field holds numeric values and can be updated manually.
Part II Tab
Primary Affordable Care Act information that appears on Part II of the 1095-C form. Information is month-specific. Note: For Offer codes, Low Cost, and Safe Harbor codes, if all 12 months contain the same value, that value will be reported only in the All 12 Months column of the 1095-C form.
Plan Start Month: The two-digit month number in which the plan started. The field will default in from common code ACAR/1095C – Associated Numeric Value 1 when importing data into the ACA tables using PYACUTIF or PYACUTIP.
Employee's Age on January 1 (optional): Enter a value between 0 and 120.
Offer: Offer code. Valid Offer codes are defined in common code category ACOF. The initial installation and annual updates to the software will include these common codes.
Low Cost: Low Cost based on the Low Cost definitions in common code ACLC or the Low Costs page (PYACUPLC). Low Cost is only reported if the offer code is defined with LOW in the first Associated Code of common code category ACOF.
Safe Harbor: Safe Harbor code. Valid Safe Harbor codes are defined in common code category ACSH. The initial installation and annual updates to the software will include these common codes.
Zip (optional): Enter a five digit zip code.
Average Weekly Hours: Average hours worked per week based on the ACA Hour Base.
Total Hours: Total hours worked per month based on the ACA Hour Base.
Full/Part: Indicates whether the employee is considered full time or part time based on the ACA requirements. F is full time, P is part time, N is not employed, and blank indicates that the employee was not employed during the month. This information is only used for the 1094-C data that is reported electronically to the IRS.
The 1094-C calculated totals can be overridden on the 1094-C information page (PYACUPF4).
Month Overridden: Indicates that a particular month has been overridden and therefore the import from HR/PY will skip this month if another import is run.
Part III Tab
Covered Individuals appear on Part III of the 1095-C form if the coverage by the employer is self-insured. The import from HR/PY (PYACUTIP) will only place information in this section if the common code ACAR/1095C or category ACBU indicates the coverage is self-insured.
First, Middle, Last Name: First, Middle, and Last name of the covered individual.
Suffix: Suffix, if any, in the name of the covered individual. Note: The electronic file sent to the IRS separates the name into individual columns as shown above.
Birth Date: Birth date of the covered individual. Only a birth date or an SSN is required for the 1095-C form. If both are supplied, the SSN will be used on the form.
SSN: Social security number of the covered individual. Only a birth date or an SSN is required for the 1095-C form. If both are supplied, the SSN will be used on the form.
Covered: Check mark each box for any month the person is covered under the employee's health plan. Note: If all 12 months are checked, it will be reported only in the Covered all 12 mos. column on part II of the 1095-C form.
Month Overridden: Check mark the box for any month that has been manually overridden. If the covered individual is re-imported via the import from PY/HR (PYACUTIP) then that month's covered flag will be left as is.
Covered Individual Overridden: Check mark the box to flag this entire covered individual entry to be overridden. If the covered individual is re-imported via the import from PY/HR (PYACUTIP), all information for the covered individual will be left as is.
Part I Tab
Name and address of employee reported on Part I of the 1095-C form.
First, Middle, Last Names: First, Middle, and Last name of the employee.
Suffix: Suffix, if any, in the name of the employee.
Note: The electronic file sent to the IRS separates the name into individual columns as shown above.
Address 1: Address line one of the employee.
Address 2: Address line two of the employee.
City, State, Zip: City, State, and Zip of the employee. This is where the form will be mailed.
Employee IDs Tab
All Employee IDs for a single SSN are listed for selection purposes. When importing from a flat file, the Employee ID will be populated if there is payroll data for the associated SSN. Since information can be imported from a file, it is possible to have information in the 1095-C that is not in payroll and therefore does not have an associated Employee ID.