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Activate EFT Utility - HRUTAE

Use HRUTAE to Activate EFT utility Updates. This utility updates the Test EFT flag to N for qualifying Direct Deposit records once the PY pre-note process has been approved.

Run utility in (T)rial or (C)ommit mode?:  The Activate EFT utility can be executed in two modes:

  • Trial Mode: Allows the user to view the qualifying records (default).

  • Commit Mode: Updates qualifying records.

Qualifying employee records include Direct Deposit records for the designated Entity where the Direct Deposit status ( equals Active or Override, the Test EFT equals Y, and Approval Code equals SEND. Additionally, the employee must also have an associated PY Deduction Assignment (PYUPED). The Deduction Number, Begin and End Dates must equal those found on the employee's Direct Deposit record, and the Check/Sav field (pyd_cdh_dtl.pyd_misc_s) must contain a P.

When the Activate EFT utility is run in Commit mode, the HR Direct Deposit Test EFT flag will be set to N, the Updated field will be updated to the current date and time, and the associated PY Deduction Assignment Check/Sav field will be updated to (C)hecking or (S)avings. 

Entity:  The Entity ID to process needs to be entered. If nothing is selected, ROOT (the default) is used.

Note that before running HRUTAE, payroll must already be paid. Also refer to common code PYFG/PY604C, Associated Code 1 = UNSETTEMPTEST.

Upon completion of the job, a tail sheet is generated that contains the job details and output from the EFT process.

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