Administrative Access
All Employee Online user accounts are maintained in the BusinessPlus Nucleus subsystem, which provides a central location for maintaining user accounts throughout the BusinessPlus and Dashboard applications. User accounts are stored in the us_usno_mstr table. An employee administrator has several tools available to maintain users, as well as assist users in certain EO functions.
An intermediary page exists for employees to access EO. Based on the HREMEN, Termination tab, Term Date field, the employee is determined to be a current or former employee. The employee can select from the following:
Current employee: Click here to login with SSO (Current Employee)
Terminated employee: Click here to login without SSO (Former Employee)
Nucleus Associations
Access to Employee Online is granted through the existence of an Association named EMPLOYEE (common code NUAS/EMPLOYEE) with the value being the Employee ID.
Administrative access is granted using associations named EOADMIN (NUAS/EOADMIN), EOPOWER (NUAS/EOPOWER) and EOSUPER (NUAS/EOSUPER), all with a value of the Employee ID. It is recommended that a user have only one of these additional associations as combining these may cause system confusion and cancellation of privileges.
EOADMIN: Association (with a value of the Employee ID) allows an EO Administrator to perform a variety of password and security maintenance tasks like force password change, reset password, lock account and can be activated from the status field. Additionally, access is granted to EO Settings and Impersonate User menu links. Impersonate User access is for viewing purposes only. Can see EO Dates if EO Settings, Global, Show System Dates = Admin Only.
EOPOWER: Association (with a value of the Employee ID) grants Power User access. It allows access to Impersonate User but NOT to EO Settings. Impersonate User access is for viewing purposes only. Can see EO Dates if EO Settings, Global, Show System Dates = Admin Only.
EOSUPER: Association (with a value of the Employee ID) grants Super User access, which is designed to be one level above EOPOWER. It allows access to all Administrative settings including Impersonate User with the ability to update benefit data only. Can see EO Dates if EO Settings, Global, Show System Dates = Admin Only.
Additional Password Restriction
Password complexity requirements, password re-use limits, and maximum failed login attempts are configured in Administrative Console, 7i Server Admin, Configure Local Server, under the Miscellaneous Settings tab.
EO Settings
The Employee Online Settings page can be used by the EO Administrator to set global and page-specific settings. Employees with administrative access of EOADMIN and EOSUPER are able to access EO Settings in Employee Online.
For more information on Global Settings, see the Global Settings section in Employee Online Page and Settings. Page settings are discussed by individual page.
Impersonate User
Employee Online administrators (EOADMIN, EOPOWER, EOSUPER) are able to search for an employee and assume their identity temporarily, for troubleshooting purposes.
Select Impersonate and then Impersonate User.
In the Employee to Impersonate field, search for an employee using any combination of their partial or full Employee ID, First Name, or Last Name. You must enter at least three characters.
To stop impersonating a user, select Un-Impersonate.
The Impersonate feature is useful when trying to track down problems experienced by a particular user. The EOSUPER security association allows you to update benefit information while the other administrative associations (EOADMIN and EOPOWER) only allow display.
Access Restricted
If Access Restricted appears during login, it generally means the employee does not have the correct security settings.