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Employee Online


Employee Online (EO) is a Web-based system that enables employees to access their employment records. In many instances, employees are granted permission to modify their records. The interactive nature of EO enables employees to have better access to, and greater input into, their employment records.


  • Read and/or write access to various employment records
  • Benefit enrollment
  • Download forms
  • Print checks, W-2, and ACA information
  • EO administration


To protect confidential information, EO requires users to log in using a valid Employee ID and password. The administrator establishes initial passwords. The login page can be set to request a password change when users first log in. Login permissions are designed to provide multiple levels of access: normal EO user, EO Administrator, EO Power user and EO Super user.

See the Administrative Access to EO for additional information.

Accessing Employee Online

Employee Online is accessed in a browser using the following syntax: https://<server_name>/BusinessPlus/EmployeeOnline/EOHomePage

Add this link to a dashboard Links component to grant EO access to users with an employee security association.

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

  • DMZ/Stand Alone Server
  • SSL

Software Requirements

  • BusinessPlus 7.10 and up
  • BusinessPlus Human Resource Module installed
  • BusinessPlus Documents Online installed

Supported Web Browsers

  • Firefox & Chrome: Current release plus four prior versions as of GA Date
  • Safari (Mac): Current release plus one prior version
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