Approval Utility - HRUTAU
The Human Resources (HR) Approval Utility (HRUTAU) page is used to globally update approval codes based on selection criteria. Based on the value you select from the page drop-down list, the utility will update approval codes for Employee Master/Employee Pay/Alternate Pay/Benefits/CDH Assignment/Tax/TSA/Direct Deposit Information. The records to be updated are filtered based on the criteria specified in the Global Selection Criteria section, which applies to all the functions. Function-specific filtering has to be entered in the section specific to the page. The processed records are logged and can be viewed on the Approval List (HRUTAL) page.
The Approval Utility can run in test and update mode. In test mode, function-specific records are not updated; they are just logged in the approval list table. In update mode, records are updated in the database and logged in the approval list table.
This utility will run only when the Test checkbox is blank.
Entity: Entity for which the utility is to be run. The field defaults to the entity associated with the logged in user on HRRQUS, if a record exists. Code values are restricted to those defined in the HR Entity Codes (HRRQEN) page.
Screen: Screen selection specifies for which function the approval code is to be updated. Code values are restricted to those defined in static codes. Valid options include:
ADDLTAX - Additional Taxes
ALT-PAY - Alternate Pay Assignments
BENEFITS - Benefit Assignments
EFT - Direct Deposit Assignments
EMP-DEM- Employee Master
MISC-CDH - Misc. CDH Assignments
PAY - Pay Assignments
TAXES - Mandatory Assignments
TSA - TSA Assignments
New Approval Code: New Approval code that is assigned during the update. Code values are restricted to those defined in the HR Entity Specific (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific tab, where the Code ID equals APPROVAL_CODE.
Test: Select to specify that the utility is to be run in test mode. No data is updated.
Notes: Indicates any associated notes.
Global Selection Criteria
Old Approval Code: The current approval code that is used for selection criteria by the utility. Code values are restricted to those defined on the HR Entity Specific (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific tab, where the Code ID equals APPROVAL_CODE.
Employee ID: Employee ID that is used in the selection criteria. Code values are restricted to those defined in the HR Employee Master.
SSN: Social Security Number that is used in selection criteria. Code values are restricted to those listed on records in the HR Employee Master.
Action: Action code that is used in the selection criteria. Code values are restricted to those defined on the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page where the Code ID equals ACTION_CODE.
Effective Dates: Effective Begin and End dates that are used in the selection criteria.
Effective As of Date: Effective As-of date that is used in the selection criteria.
Employee Master Selection Criteria
Type: HR employee type that is used in the selection criteria. It is used to group or categorize employees (for example: classified, certified, full-time, part-time). Code values are restricted to those defined on the HR Entity Specific (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific tab, where the Code ID equals EMPLOYEE_TYPE.
Bargaining Unit: Bargaining unit, associated with the HR Employee Master record, that is used in the selection criteria. Code values are restricted to those defined on the HR Entity Specific (HRTBCE) page, Bargaining Unit Codes tab.
Pay Cycle: Employee pay cycle that is used in the selection criteria. The pay cycle refers to when the employee receives a paycheck (for example: bi-weekly, monthly). Code values are restricted to those defined on the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page where the Code ID equals PAY_CYCLE.
Calendar: Employee calendar that is used in the selection criteria. Each employee is associated with a calendar. Code values are restricted to those defined on the PY Calendar Definitions (PYUPCA) page.
PY Status: Employee Payroll (PY) status that is used in the selection criteria. The status code is specific to Payroll and may differ from the Human Resources (HR) status code. Code values are restricted to those defined on the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page where the Code ID equals PY_EMPLOYEE_STAT.
Pay Assignment Selection Criteria
PCN: PCN code, associated with pay assignments, that is used in the selection criteria. The position control number is the number used throughout the system for position control checking. Code values are defined on the HR PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page.
Position: Position code, associated with pay assignments, that is used in the selection criteria. Indicates the position number associated with the selected PCN. Code values are defined on the HR PCN/Position Code Definitions (HRTBPC) page.
Pay Class: Payment class, associated with pay assignments, that is used in the selection criteria. Code values are defined on the PY Pay Class Definitions (PYUPPY) page.
Calendar: Calendar, associated with pay assignments, that is used in the selection criteria. Code values are restricted to those defined on the PY Calendar Definitions (PYUPCA) page.
Bargaining Unit: Bargaining unit, associated with pay assignments, that is used in the selection criteria. Code values are restricted to those defined on the HR Entity Specific (HRTBCE) page, Bargaining Unit Codes tab.
Department: Department, associated with pay assignments, that is used in the selection criteria. Code values are restricted to those defined on the HR Entity Specific (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab, where the Code ID equals DEPARTMENT_CODE.
Division: Division, associated with pay assignments, that is used in the selection criteria. Code values are restricted to those defined on the HR Entity Specific (HRTBCE) page, Entity Specific Codes tab, page where the Code ID equals DIVISION_CODE.
Status: Status, associated with pay assignments, that is used in selection criteria. Code values are defined on the HR Non-Entity Specific Codes (HRTBHR) page under the Code ID of CONT/DEDUC_STAT.
Pay/Calc Effec Dates: Pay assignment calculates begin and end dates that are used in the selection criteria.
Pay/Calc As of Date: Pay assignment Pay/Calc As of Date that is used in the selection criteria.
Date Type: Pay assignment date type that is used in the selection criteria. Code values are restricted to those defined in static codes. Valid options include:
GL Key: Pay assignment distribution GL Key that is used in the selection criteria.
GL Object: Pay assignment distribution GL Object that is used in the selection criteria.
JL Key: Pay assignment distribution JL Key that is used in the selection criteria.
JL Object: Pay assignment distribution JL Object that is used in the selection criteria.
Taxes/TSA/EFT/Misc CDH Selection Criteria
CDH: CDH assignment number that is used in the selection criteria.
Benefits Only
Benefit Plan: Benefit plan that is used in the selection criteria.
Contribution: Benefit contribution number that is used in the selection criteria.
Contribution/Deduction: Benefit contribution or deduction number that is used in the selection criteria.
Additional Selection Criteria SQL
Additional Selection Criteria SQL: Custom SQL statement that is appended to the selection criteria.
Run Information
Run By: The user who runs the utility.
Run Date: The date and time the utility was run.